Change of plans: Pitches to open next Wednesday and club fixtures allowed resume on July 17
June 20, 2020

The GAA speed up their Return To Play roadmap.
The GAA have outlined significant changes to their Return To Play roadmap in a statement this afternoon, with pitches set to open for adult training from next Wednesday, June 24 and club fixtures will be allowed to resume on Friday, July 17, two weeks earlier than originally planned.
Training will only be allowed to return on a non-contact basis from next week (minor and underage training from next Saturday, June 27), with full contact training not permitted until June 29 (including challenge matches). All participants must have completed the eLearning module and follow guidelines including health questionnaire.
The decision to bring the resumption date for club fixtures forward from July 31 will be welcomed by counties as this allows them an extra two weeks to play club competitions before the inter-county season which stays the same (September 14 for training and competitions to start on October 17).
The GAA are awaiting clarification on Close Contact as against a Casual Contact and guidance from the Northern Ireland Executive on issues relating to the six counties such as the return of non-contact training.
The following changes have been endorsed by the GAA, the Camogie Association and the LGFA following recommendations made by the Covid-19 Advisory Committee this morning:
This week:
- Pitches set to open for adult training from next Wednesday, June 24
- Pitches set to open for minor and and underage training from Saturday, June 27
- Both of the above on a non-contact basis and on the understanding that all participants have completed the eLearning module and are following guidelines including health questionnaire
- On the basis of a maximum of 15 players in a designated area of the field (26 counties) and 10 players in a designated area of the field (six counties)
- Coaching numbers for underage teams to be consistent with Code of Behaviour
From June 29:
- Allow contact training and challenge games for all teams from Monday, June 29 (26 counties)
- Await guidance from the NI Executive in relation to six counties returning to non-contact training in the numbers outlined above in the interim
- Await clarification on what will constitute a close contact versus a casual contact
- Restriction on participants only attending training sessions to be relaxed from June 29 - subject to government specified maximum of 200 people in the ground
- Allow club fixtures from Friday, July 17
- No change to inter-county dates - September 14 for training and competitions to start on October 17
- All control measures for players, coaches and other team personnel (completion of health questionnaire, eLearning education etc) is to remain in place until advised otherwise; dressing rooms to remain closed until July 20
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