National Forum

Kids told to remove GAA gear

(Oldest Posts First) - Go To The Latest Post Well aren't some people just lovely! Glad the councillor who did the complaining was named, hope he is proud of himself. How could the kids be possibly causing offence? It's sad that this type of stuff still goes on.

irlande (Fermanagh) - Posts: 535 - 29/04/2009 14:14:40    271201


what a joke.. the kids are under 12, what harm are they doing anyone? their gaa clubs crest doesnt even have anything polictical on them

budlight (Tyrone) - Posts: 540 - 29/04/2009 14:26:08    271211


How could kids wearing GAA jerseys cause offence to anyone?

The people complaining are propbably the same people who beat their drums through nationalist areas claiming that they are not offending anyone.

Dr.Shephard (Leitrim) - Posts: 2187 - 29/04/2009 14:29:21    271215


And they want change or poeple want it .How can we when this happens.

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 14:36:40    271225


I find this disgusting that this type of bigotry goes on. I hope these men are proud of themselves. They should be ashamed to go home to their children.

The_Bookmaker (Tyrone) - Posts: 82 - 29/04/2009 14:44:09    271234


The biggest problem is Tesco's spinelessness. They should have stuck up for the kids, but it seems like they just realised that disappointed the kids was easier than annoying a couple of people

wingwonder (UK) - Posts: 535 - 29/04/2009 14:47:13    271239


Total disgrace by the public...ever listen to the Nolan show on BBc radio there is always a Unionist complaining about something. I remember one person was complaining about the bunton going up during the All-Ireland Final. Although you dont hear us doing much complaining around the 12th of July.

I dont think our sports minister doesnt help things either after all the All-Ireland final was an "international" event. I think its about time the Unionist stopped complaining and let us get on with what we do after all most of us dont take any action of their marching

shane_mck (Tyrone) - Posts: 159 - 29/04/2009 14:50:36    271245


What a sad individual that Cllr is. It has been clearly stated that "Nearly every weekend there's a club bag-packing there - Scouts, basketball, football and rugby teams... and they're always in their club regalia."

Is it the done thing up there to terrorise school kids in the name of some warped politics?? Is it now a case that pipe bombs can't be thrown at them they terrorise them in another fashion. The GAA and elected representeatives need to speak up about this. No point moaning here!

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 29/04/2009 15:03:31    271259


Time for the sports minister to resign and his buddies and time to shut croker to foreign sport.

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 15:04:05    271260


*..............still waiting for Paddyogall to post.......................*

3inarow08 (Kerry) - Posts: 2455 - 29/04/2009 15:06:53    271265


dont even get me started

gaelic_life (Down) - Posts: 286 - 29/04/2009 15:08:12    271267


Just a bunch of nordies having a whinge again. Just get on with it.

Serioulsy what a disgrace towards children fund raising from someone who is elected. Then again not surprising.

RoverTin (Derry) - Posts: 226 - 29/04/2009 15:23:03    271281


Absolutely pathetic

bluboy (Dublin) - Posts: 318 - 29/04/2009 15:34:51    271291


Ah well, wearing their GAA shirts was a bad idea from the start. Think of it from the protestant's point of view. Surely, white t-shirts would have been a more sensible and appropriate option

whiterbannnas (Mayo) - Posts: 2441 - 29/04/2009 15:37:27    271293


This is truly amazing and one of the saddest things I have ever read. I am afraid Tesco buckled here when they should have held their nerve and insisted on leaving the kids as they were. They have caved in to wanton sectarianism and bigotry and ultimately (if unintentionally) colluded with the purveyors of this shocking narrow mindedness. I feel they have also left themselves open to scrutiny and reprimand over their apparent role as decision makers over what children can or cannot wear. In effect they have ruled that a GAA jersey is an offensive item of clothing. The next time I am in such a store and see anyone wearing a Manchester United top I am going to kick up one helluva fuss - as a Leeds supporter. If I see a Munster top I will cry blue murder - as a Connaught supporter. They have now rewritten their dress code as I see it. Absolutely no sporting paraphenalia may be worn in their stores - end of story. I would urge all poster to complain if they see any sporting regalia in these stores. Let's be consistent. To those who complained - remember bigotry is the weapon of the cowardly, the weak and the shameless and is rendered useless by courage, strength and dignity. To comment much further on these people is to give them oxygen and recognition when all they should have shown to them is withering contempt. Don't stoop to the level of such people or you may be able to look them in the eye. To those who say close Croke Park to foreign sports - bravo! You have just matched our protesting friends in their narrow mindedness. Ps Patrique - I thing you may be involved or know this club well - your views would be interesting.

Carl Jung (Leitrim) - Posts: 69 - 29/04/2009 15:38:38    271296


Wonder is it policy in tesco in the 26 counties.....

Hope someone asks the question? Would it be offensive if it was a group of Muslim, sheik or arab kids in their sports gear?

Can of worms opened here i feel

Chester1970 (Armagh) - Posts: 509 - 29/04/2009 15:40:11    271297


This is the kind of guy your dealing with here lads Best thing the Nationalist Community could do as a peaceful protest would be just stop going to that store and shop in Dunnes/Asda etc. Would you really want to line the pockets of an organisation like that. I personally hate it when i see "charity bag packers" ...would you like some help with get your hands off my Jaffa cakes!!! But it has nothing to do with the team, and it shouldnt! Pathetic. Unionists are there own worst enemies at times. This guy sounds more DUP than UUP doesnt he

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 29/04/2009 15:40:47    271298


What a disgrace. Another loud-mouth unionist picking on kids and is supported by a local business. Bigotry and ignorance are still alive and well.

RAM85 (Westmeath) - Posts: 978 - 29/04/2009 15:43:31    271302


GAA fans in that area should boycott Tesco. As tesco is a business I for one I don't expect Tesco to stand up for anybody if their business is hurt by so doing. However, the flip side is that consumers should not stick up for Tesco and buy their products if they allow young children to be bullied.

It's a consumer choice out there at present and the GAA puiblic in the area should make that felt on Tesco.

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 29/04/2009 15:44:21    271304


Surely, white t-shirts would have been a more sensible and appropriate option
whiterbannnas , 29/04/2009 at 15:37

White t-shirts are part of the official uniform of the North Dublin Teddy Boys Club. As a member of the North Dublin Rockers Club I would be totally insulted to have my bags packed (so to speak!) by someone in the inflammatory garb of a white tee shirt.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 29/04/2009 15:46:04    271311
