Meath Forum

Juvenile players moving to Dublin clubs

(Oldest Posts First)

I've noticed there has been a few underage transfers from Meath clubs to Dublin which would mean that Meath could be missing out on future stars..

What are your opinions on this??

greenarmy12 (Meath) - Posts: 4 - 01/02/2012 18:54:33    1103838


What kind of transfer as in rom what clubs to what clubs?

ziggy32001 (Meath) - Posts: 8354 - 01/02/2012 19:31:40    1103859


I here there have been a few players to transfer out of Ratoath in the last few years and then there is Deegan in Ashbourne who plays Club for Ashbourne and County for Dublin.

BigJoe14 (Meath) - Posts: 987 - 01/02/2012 21:39:43    1103967


presumably there must be a basis for this e.g. returning to dublin etc. They just can transfer to dublin on a whim (or can they ?)

seasiderblues (Meath) - Posts: 349 - 02/02/2012 08:02:34    1103989


Maybe they are just interested in playing more games, after all isn't that what kids want to do. Look at the underage schedule this year in both hurling and football in this county and then ask yourself why? Compare then with the Dublin setup. Oops can't say the big D word. What works for them won't work for Meath.....

3feetoftimber (Meath) - Posts: 113 - 02/02/2012 08:33:16    1103997


2 of the Starting 15 in Ratoath College's Junior Leinster final team last week are former Ratoath players now playing with Na Fianna and Ballyboden unfortunately.

rath_togh (Meath) - Posts: 740 - 02/02/2012 10:28:05    1104057


Maybe they are just interested in playing more games, after all isn't that what kids want to do. Look at the underage schedule this year in both hurling and football in this county and then ask yourself why? Compare then with the Dublin setup. Oops can't say the big D word. What works for them won't work for Meath.....

Fair point. but if structure was problem exodus to dublin would not be mainly ratoath u16s who lost 3rd player to st brigids plus those who slipped to dublin on the quiet . all club need to be on the ball or a problem could rot an entire age groip on them.

clashash (Meath) - Posts: 6 - 02/02/2012 13:38:08    1104224


I haven't heard too much of this but I would imagine that it would be the parents driving this. If kids grow up in an area and are allowed integrate then they will play / support the same club / county as their friends, but if their parents tell them who to support / play for then that is what they will do and in my opinion it is not a great situation.

matrixroyal (Meath) - Posts: 96 - 02/02/2012 15:20:27    1104324


I agree with almost all that has been said. May I also add - or warn as the case may be - based on said U16 team, that it can become somewhat of an epidemic within a certain age/peer group. That particular bunch of players are the only one's at the moment where this has become an issue. If one (a talented popular one) does it, others may follow suit given the sway of peer forces at this age.

Might I also point out that this is not like other cases, in where lads are walking across the border to play for another team. No part of Ratoath is bordering Dublin and the closest teams Fingalians, Garristown, St. Margarets, St. Perigrines have never claimed any players. These young lads have gone to Brigids, Na Fianna and Ballyboden. Dublin SFC heavyweights who have massive underage structures already.

When these young lads become adults to be left high by 'boden, Brigids and Na Fianna going to the Culchie Hiring Fair to backbone their SFC teams, maybe they'll return. It disappoints me, but they're kids and I wish them well.

rath_togh (Meath) - Posts: 740 - 02/02/2012 15:33:13    1104343


this is a shocking development. It makes me despair. I'm not opening up the parish rule issue again. However - the rules are clear. Therefore if I were the clubs affected they should raise it to Leisnter Council. These children (yes children) are playing illegally and crucially are NOT insured. Shame on the "super clubs". I tend to agree that it is the parents at issue here. This whole Sky Sports nonsense again - transfers etc. If we lose the "parish rule" we will lose what goes tot he heart of our association - COMMUNITY.

seasiderblues (Meath) - Posts: 349 - 03/02/2012 08:12:49    1104635


Seasider Completely agree with you. This only happens in south meath. No coincidence

seamusmac (Meath) - Posts: 379 - 12/02/2012 14:00:09    1109838


Before opening up a can of worms, I would be interested to understand why they have moved. A number of Dubs have moved out to Ratoath and commuter belt clubs in the past 15 years. Similiarly, I am temporarily (5 years or so) based in Drumcondra but will return to Meath in due course. I'd like to think my kids (in due course) would be able to play for my home club. If that is the case, I have no problem with those kids playing for their families' clubs. If its a case of the senior clubs going on a recruitment drive, they should be sanctioned.

DowdtoFoleyGoal (Meath) - Posts: 292 - 12/02/2012 14:46:35    1109877
