Dooher hails unlikely scoring hero Devlin

June 03, 2024

Killian Lavelle of Monaghan and Niall Devlin of Tyrone during the Allianz Football League Division 1 at O'Neill's Healy Park, Omagh

Brian Dooher heaped praise on Niall Devlin after the corner back scored 2-2 in Tyrone’s 3-15 to 0-10 All-Ireland SFC Round 2 victory over Clare.

"In the first half, Niall was exceptional. He carried that through to the second half; he was exceptional,” the winning manager told RTÉ.

"He was knitting things together. [He was] putting out fires at the back and getting forward and scoring. You couldn't ask any more of a corner back than that."

Despite winning comfortably in the end, Dooher insists the Red Hands have plenty of room for improvement.

"It was edgy enough all through the first half," he continued.

"A very nervous performance. We started the second half similarly, but then got a few scores and got that bit of breathing space.

"They got playing more football and expressed themselves a bit more. The sending off in the last 10 minutes made a big difference as well.

"We'd like to have had more of a cushion going in at half time but it wasn't to be. To be fair to the lads they dug deep in the second half. Their backs were to the wall and they came out well."

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