Meath Forum

New Club "Eastern Gaels"

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Replying To royal11:  "It's fairly embarrassing that they couldn't field a team and are now excluded from the rest of the league. With the numbers in that part of the county, the county board should have said they can create a new club if they start up underage for all 4 codes. Starting with a senior team first has put the cart before the horse and now the horse is nowhere to be seen. Reflects badly on the new club and the county board for letting this go ahead."
I don't think a club can exist if it does not compete at adult level as per the following extract from the Official Guide.

3.9 Loss of Rights of Club
A Club which does not take part in a Junior, Intermediate
or Senior Championship, either as an individual Unit, or as part of a Group Senior or Intermediate team allowed under Rule 3.19(m), shall lose representation on County and other Committees, and shall not be entitled to make nominations, table motions, or participate at the Annual Convention, subject to any deviation allowed under Rule 3.1.

This would indicate that they could not start off as an under age club and then progress to form an adult team as the youth progressed.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1093 - 08/04/2023 11:41:09    2469527


Replying To bdbuddah:  "For me I think it would be a great thing if more new clubs were set up in the areas where there has been huge population growth, it would mean far more players having a chance to play with a first team for a club, ultimately would probably mean more people playing.
Hopefully likes of Ashbourne and Ratoath can get new clubs. Kerry is the best football county in the country. Historically their county board have not been afraid to do things a bit differently down there for the overall good. Up to 1927 Tralee had 1 club until the county board decreed that in line with the towns large population of the club would be split into 3 clubs. (They also do things differently in allowing amalgamated intermediate/ junior clubs from a region play in the senior championship)."
You are 100% correct BUT the problem is that it will take years and probably even decades for the message to sink in here. Every obstacle possible will be put in the way of amalgamated Intermediate and Junior clubs participating in the Senior Championship.

MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1093 - 08/04/2023 13:37:27    2469538


Meath needs less clubs not more. More new clubs will just mean that you have the same player pool spread out over more clubs meaning you weaken the quality overall. Every county needs strong senior clubs and therefore a strong senior championship in which players can develop and be ready for the county team.

11jm11 (Kildare) - Posts: 367 - 10/04/2023 11:36:46    2469979


Replying To 11jm11:  "Meath needs less clubs not more. More new clubs will just mean that you have the same player pool spread out over more clubs meaning you weaken the quality overall. Every county needs strong senior clubs and therefore a strong senior championship in which players can develop and be ready for the county team."
I think a new club in an area of growth is exactly what the GAA is about. COMMUNITY. I live in a very small village where the GAA is crucial. 1/3 of our population are paid up members of the club. We have 4 adult men teams, 2 adult ladies teams. 14 Juvenile teams. The population of Meath is growing, we need more clubs,not less!

TownJohnT (Meath) - Posts: 86 - 11/04/2023 10:03:02    2470145


Replying To TownJohnT:  "I think a new club in an area of growth is exactly what the GAA is about. COMMUNITY. I live in a very small village where the GAA is crucial. 1/3 of our population are paid up members of the club. We have 4 adult men teams, 2 adult ladies teams. 14 Juvenile teams. The population of Meath is growing, we need more clubs,not less!"
Maybe in high population zones… but the county board have set a precedent with this new entity so big clubs like Ashbourne, Ratoath etc will looking over their shoulder.
Seems that Eastern Gaels don't have the numbers for a men's adult as cannot fulfil any fixtures… embarrassing for the club and it's founding members and the CB.

Royalman11 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 11/04/2023 10:52:41    2470164


Replying To Royalman11:  "Maybe in high population zones… but the county board have set a precedent with this new entity so big clubs like Ashbourne, Ratoath etc will looking over their shoulder.
Seems that Eastern Gaels don't have the numbers for a men's adult as cannot fulfil any fixtures… embarrassing for the club and it's founding members and the CB."
Why would anyone be embarrassed?
The club was only formed at the start of the year and getting new players together and registered takes time.
I am sure they will be ready to go next year.

I see St Colmcilles have 5 adult mens teams at the moment and the population is only growing there so it did make sense to form a new team.

Maestro (Meath) - Posts: 585 - 11/04/2023 15:01:22    2470283


Replying To Maestro:  "Why would anyone be embarrassed?
The club was only formed at the start of the year and getting new players together and registered takes time.
I am sure they will be ready to go next year.

I see St Colmcilles have 5 adult mens teams at the moment and the population is only growing there so it did make sense to form a new team."
Surely when forming the club, the intention was to compete at adult this year. There should have been more work done and if not ready, the club should have waited to apply to create a new club later in the year with the intention to take part next year. There is now unnecessary cancelling of fixtures which have impacted other clubs. All this should be sorted out in the Autumn/Winter of a year and not making it up as the year goes on while fixtures are being organised and then call celled.

winatallcost (Meath) - Posts: 608 - 11/04/2023 15:22:16    2470299


Replying To Maestro:  "Why would anyone be embarrassed?
The club was only formed at the start of the year and getting new players together and registered takes time.
I am sure they will be ready to go next year.

I see St Colmcilles have 5 adult mens teams at the moment and the population is only growing there so it did make sense to form a new team."
They needed to name 15 players in their application to the CB to form a new club and now they are nowhere to be seen…. I'm sure they will progress over time with new players etc and start playing matches but they are more Eastern Fails now than Eastern Gaels :))

Royalman11 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 11/04/2023 15:24:50    2470302


I heard they're waiting on some transfers for players that haven't played in years. Seamingly lads that only played underage football.

royaljackeen (Meath) - Posts: 37 - 11/04/2023 16:11:02    2470325


Replying To Maestro:  "Why would anyone be embarrassed?
The club was only formed at the start of the year and getting new players together and registered takes time.
I am sure they will be ready to go next year.

I see St Colmcilles have 5 adult mens teams at the moment and the population is only growing there so it did make sense to form a new team."

Seem to be plenty on here pouring scorn on these peoples' efforts for whatever reason. St Pauls look to have also pulled out of the league this year and there is no mention of them (I have the height of respect for the people trying to keep things going in Pauls btw).

I hope this new club can get up and running next year and wish them all the best.

Greenfield (Meath) - Posts: 524 - 11/04/2023 19:37:08    2470378


St. Colmcilles from what I know were an amalgamation of previous clubs. Who were the previous clubs? (did Laytown and Bettystown have their own clubs?)
With the new club in place will the 2 clubs catchment area be similar to those of the previous clubs?

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1412 - 11/04/2023 20:26:15    2470382


Replying To bdbuddah:  "St. Colmcilles from what I know were an amalgamation of previous clubs. Who were the previous clubs? (did Laytown and Bettystown have their own clubs?)
With the new club in place will the 2 clubs catchment area be similar to those of the previous clubs?"
From what I gather , yes the old club pulled from Bettystown/ Laytown area , called Stars of the Sea along with a club on the St Mary's Parish side called Shallon . Eastern Gaels appear to be commencing their academy from this Sunday 23rd of April, on their new home along the River Boyne in Mornigton according to their social media platforms.Best wishes to them on their venture.

Oldsam (Meath) - Posts: 33 - 20/04/2023 21:49:49    2472054


Anyone know if the transfers for their adult mens team are sorted ? Will they play championship this year if so ?

It's a great achievement if they get team playing this year.

royaljackeen (Meath) - Posts: 37 - 21/04/2023 18:33:40    2472271


Will there be a new hurling club too or will this new club solely cater for football, thank you in advance

preddan (Kildare) - Posts: 778 - 05/05/2023 13:48:24    2475913


Replying To preddan:  "Will there be a new hurling club too or will this new club solely cater for football, thank you in advance"
As far as I know it's just football for the minute.Cilles have a hurling academy but players play for St Pat's (neighbouring club)in Stamullen.

Proudroyal (Meath) - Posts: 313 - 06/05/2023 09:22:33    2476020


Replying To Proudroyal:  "As far as I know it's just football for the minute.Cilles have a hurling academy but players play for St Pat's (neighbouring club)in Stamullen."
Yep Cilles have a hurling academy with huge numbers attending. They have been amalgamating with St Pats the last couple of years to play competitive underage hurling… independent team known as "The Saints"
Be fairly sure that Eastern Gaels will have hurling as part of their academy if they get the numbers… early days !!

Royalman11 (Meath) - Posts: 29 - 07/05/2023 00:12:39    2476254


Have been in Ashbourne twice to see underage hurling teams playing. People amazed each time to see a set of jerseys with numbers into the 40's.
The first time was for go games and Ashbourne had 4 separate 'teams' which played in the 4 quarters of the match. I'm not sure if Ashbourne had other groups for go games along with this group.
This was a hurling go games, their numbers for football are probably much higher.
Seeing this makes me think the club here is covering a far too big catchment area and at least 1 new extra club is needed here. Extra clubs would here would nearly inevitably lead to more playing the games.

bdbuddah (Meath) - Posts: 1412 - 09/05/2023 10:21:02    2476939
