Bhulf Ton 1-13 St Pats 3-11 in Stamullen
Bhí Bhulf Tón cúig chúiliní chun tosaigh ag leath am ach lig siad isteach tri chuiI i ndiaidh a chéile go luath sa dara leath, scóranna a d’athraigh an chluiche go mór.
Bhulf Ton travelled to Stamullen for Round 2 on a crisp dry night and after a positive opening periodled by 1-8 to 0-6 at half time. However three goals in a row conceded early in the second half put
paid to hopes of victory.
Bhulf Tón: Kyle Moran, Oisin O Hare, Conor Mc Keever, Corbin Jenkinson, Evan Curley (0 01), Conor Sheppard, Sean O Hare, Thomas O Connor, Eoin Donegan (0 01), David O Connell, Gearoid O Brien, Sean Mc Keon (0 04), Alex Timmons Sheehy, Eanna Harrington (0 07), Oriol Hally (1 00). Fir ionaid:Alex mc Keever, Jack Shalvey, Jamie Meehan, John Lee