IFC Group B: Encouraging performance from Longwood

September 09, 2024

Longwood's Sean Sheridan

Longwood 1-8 Castletown 0-14

Longwood’s final group game in the Intermediate Championship ended in defeat to Castletown.

Ultimately the result had little impact, indeed even a Longwood victory would’ve been irrelevant thanks to Duleek Bellewstown’s win over Ballivor in the other Group B game.

The game was played in perfect conditions under the lights in Cortown. Longwood exploded from the blocks and led by 1-4 to 0-0 after fifteen minutes.  This opening blitz was built on savage intensity and clinical finishing.  A pointed 45 from Billy Hogan was the catalyst and this was quickly followed by a signature Ryan Moore point and a well taken goal from Anthony Healy, the full forward calmly rounding the keeper before dispatching the ball to the net. 

Not to be outdone, the Longwood defence decided to get in on the act, and two marauding runs from Conor Dixon and Tomás O’Brien both ended with excellent points from distance. The first quarter could not have gone any better.

But Castletown are an excellent team, and they remained calm, knowing their own purple patch would arrive.  And arrive it did. They kicked six successive points over the next nine minutes and suddenly there was just a point between the teams. 

Longwood maintained their composure and points from Ryan Moore and Mickey Burke ensured they took a three-point lead to the half-time break.

Half-time:  Longwood 1-6 Castletown 0-6

The second half saw a role reversal of the opening period. This time it was Castletown who hit the ground running, scoring the opening three points to bring the sides level. Ryan Moore defiantly kicked a fine free to edge Longwood back in front with fifteen minutes to play. 

The final quarter saw Castletown push for home and they added five more points, Longwood responding with just a solitary over from Mickey Burke. However they will rue several wides which could have given the final scoreline an altogether different complexion.

Final Score:  Longwood 1-8 Castletown 0-14

A disappointing result but an encouraging performance from Longwood.  They were ultra-competitive throughout, fighting for every ball with their trademark grit and determination. The abject performance against Ballivor in the previous round was well and truly flushed out of the system.

Playing without the injured Sean Coloe was always going to make things difficult but the players who took to the field gave it their all.  Young midfielder Brian Stagg ran himself to a standstill and greatly curtailed the influence of Rian McConnell. The defence worked tirelessly with Ross Kerrigan, Joey Stenson and Tomás O’Brien prominent throughout.  Further up the field, Ryan Moore was firing on all cylinders, ably supported by Ciaran Sheridan and Anthony Healy.

While they would not have desired another trip to the relegation play-offs, that is the nature of championship football in Meath. The management team and players can only look forward to the next challenge – a relegation quarter final against Blackhall Gaels – and attack it with the required level of zeal and enthusiasm.

Longwood: Billy Hogan (0-1), Ross Kerrigan, Tomás O’Brien (0-1), Conor Dixon (0-1), Bob Maguire, Sean Sheridan, Mickey Burke (0-2), Damien Healy, Brian Stagg, Gavin Griffith, Ryan Moore (0-3), Ciaran Sheridan, Anthony Healy (1-0), Niall Mulvey, Joey Stenson. Subs: Adam O’Brien for Gavin Griffith, Adrian Maguire for Niall Mulvey, Kevin Maguire, Adam Leacy, David Coloe, Jason Kerrigan,

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