SFC Group A: Donaghmore Ashbourne back in business

August 26, 2024

Donaghmore Ashbourne's Darragh McGovern

Domhnach Mór Cill Dhéagláin 2-15 Baile Na Breacaighe 1-06

Having lost their first-round matches both teams identified this match as a very important fixture. Win and you are set up for a third-round thriller. Lose and you are under serious pressure.

The match started with Ballinabrackey holding possession for three straight minutes before they made some space for a one-on-one opportunity in front of Andy Colgan. Goal for Ballinabrackey and a dream start for them. Donaghmore did not panic and started their own version of the possession game. Moving the ball from one side of the D to the other the ball was expertly put over the bar by Jamie Browne. This was followed up with two Thomas McGovern points and a point from Michael O’Sullivan. Leaving cert results for Michael this morning, then a Senior Championship match in Páirc Tailteann and then off to his debs after the match tonight! What a day.

Ballinabrackey had two opportunities from frees but only put the ball over the bar once. That was to be the last score from Ballinabrackey in the first half. Donaghmore were strong in pressurising the goal kicks and winning the ball. Shane Melia and James Redmond were instrumental in the build up to Donaghmore’s next two points, scored by Darragh and Thomas McGovern. At this point our backs were receiving the ball on the overlap, checking back and passing the ball to a reliable scorer – Jamie Browne – who put over another two points. 

Ballinabrackey had a chance with a high ball into the six-yard box but Andy Colgan got the first touch on the ball and directed it into the safe hands of Evan Quinn. The ball moved to midfield and eventually to Jamie Browne wide on the left-hand side. Jamie ran at the defenders, past one, past two and then put the ball high and over for the last point of the first half. Jamie’s reward for the hours of practice he puts in on his own time.

Half Time Score: Domhnach Mór Cill Dhéagláin 0-10 Baile Na Breacaighe 1-01

Ballinabrackey started strong in the second half with two good scores, one from a free and one from play, just inside the 45. It could have been a third point for Ballinabrackey only for a fine interception from the alert Aaron McLoughlin. The ball moved to James Crumlish who outpaced his marker and kicked the ball to Michael O’Sullivan who called a mark and put the ball over the bar. 

Andrew Tormey was introduced for Dylan Brady and instantly made an impact. Good hand passing between Tormey and Shane Melia ended up in the hands of James Redmond who made no mistake in putting the ball over the bar. Tormey followed this up with a goal for himself when he found some space in front of the goal and gave the goal keeper no chance. A second Donaghmore goal came by way of a penalty after James Crumlish was fouled inside the box. Thomas McGovern duly converted the penalty. 

Stephen Carton and Dillon O’Brien were introduced for James Redmond and the injured Andrew Tormey. Jamie Browne was involved again when he jumped high to win a kick out, palming it down to Cillian Hegarty. The ball was laid off to Bryan Menton who, after a quick one – two with Stephen Carton, put the ball high and over the bar. Ballinabrackey scored another point but this was met with two more Donaghmore scores from Dillon O’Brien and Thomas McGovern. Dylan Brady came back on for Michael O’Sullivan.

At this stage of the game, it was all about game management, controlling the ball and ensuring the win. The experience of Sean Curran and Bryan Menton made sure that we kept possession and saw out the remainder of the game.

Donaghmore Ashbourne - Andy Colgan; Aaron McLoughlin, James Redmond (0-1), Conor Carton; Evan Quinn, Shane Melia, Cillian Hegarty; Sean Curran, Jamie Browne (0-4); Bryan Menton (0-1), Darragh McGovern (1-5 1-0 penalty, 0-3 frees), Thomas McGovern (0-1); James Crumlish, Dylan Brady, Michael O'Sullivan (0-2 marks).

Subs - Andy Tormey (1-0) for Brady 39m, Steven Carton for Redmond 48m, Dillon O'Brien (0-1 free) for Tormey 49m, Brady for O'Sullivan 56m.

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