FL Div 2: Strong second half earns another win for Michaels

June 07, 2024

St. Michaels Cathal Walsh heads for the Syddan goal during the Division 2 FL clash against Syddan at Carlanstown

St. Michaels 2-13, Syddan 1-06

St. Michaels continued their winning ways in ideal playing conditions in Carlanstown on Thursday evening. This was truly a game of two halves which saw Syddan play all their football in the opening half kicking some fine scores to lead by three at the break, 1-3 to 0-3. Conor Gilsenan, Gearóid O'Malley and Shane McDonnell pointed for the home side. 

St. Michaels came to life in the second half and played attacking football of the highest standard, scoring 2-10 with their defence set up excellently making sure Syddan found it difficult to construct clear shooting opportunities and were unable to get their second half scoring off the mark until the 46th minute by which time Matthew Halpin, Davy Lynch, O'Malley and Gilsenan had all posted minors.
Then on the 48th minute Cathal Walsh got on the end of high ball on the 13 meter line and he applied a brilliant finish to the back of the Syddan net. Points followed from O'Malley and McFadden before Shane McDonnell sealed the points with a second major after a one-two with Cian McFadden. 

The St. Michaels lads finished off a good nights work with two excellent minors from top marksman on the night Gearóid O'Malley.  

St. Michaels team and scorers: Conor Gilsenan (0-2); Brian O' Reilly, Ciaran O'Reilly, Robert Briody; Daniel Murphy, Matthew Halpin (0-2), David Lynch (0-1); Paddy Fitzsimons, Harry Dunne; Ronan Lynch, Kuba Bidzinski, Cathal Walsh (1-0); Cian McFadden (0-1), Shane McDonnell (1-1), Gearóid O'Malley (0-6).                                                                    

Subs used: Mark Stafford for Fitzsimons, Conor Bates for Walsh, Jack Dunne for D. Lynch, Paddy Finnegan for Murphy.                                                                                

Referee: Patrick Clarke

Match report and photo: Pascal Reilly PRO.                                                                           



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