Following the hosting of our AGM see below Boardsmill GAA Executive Committee Officers elected for 2024.
Many thanks to those who attended our AGM held Saturday January 13th.
Best Wishes to the Newly Appointed Officers and a massive thank you to all outgoing officers.
Elected Officers
Presidents: Patsy Brady, Eamon Cosgrove, Nora Dixon, James Carney and Gabriel Cribbin.
Trustees: Patsy Brady, Eamon Cosgrove, TJ Reilly, James Reilly, Michael Delaney.
Chairperson: TJ Reilly
Assistant Chairperson: Cian Royston
Secretary: Ray Hatton
Assistant Secretary: Cian Royston
Treasurer: John Flood
Assistant Treasurer: Keith Hamilton
Registrar: Caroline Loughran, Joe Cotter and Liam O’ Brien
P.R.O.: Jim Bird
Healthy Club Officer: Sarah Cribbin
Coaching Officer: Keith Hamilton
Safety Officer: Gabriel Cribbin
County Board Delegate: TJ Reilly
Development Officer: Cathal Healy
Children’s Officer: Anne Fitzsimons
Other Committee members: Lisa Cloak, Alex Yourell, Fintan McEvoy, Eric Cribbin, Eamon Cosgrove, John Cribbin, Tadhg Cotter and Thelma Byrne. ”