'It's never-ending injuries'

June 04, 2024

Galway manager Pádraic Joyce with Cathal Sweeney. ©INPHO/James Crombie.

Galway’s injury problems show no sign of abating ahead of their final All-Ireland SFC group match against Armagh.

Manager Padraic Joyce revealed after last Sunday’s four-point win over Westmeath that captain Sean Kelly and Damien Comer have little or no chance of recovering from muscle injuries in time for the fixture, the winners of which will qualify directly for the All-Ireland SFC quarter-finals.

Rob Finnerty also missed the game in Mullingar with a knee injury, but Joyce is hopeful that he will be back to face the Orchard County. The 'neutral' venues for the All-Ireland SFC Round 3 ties will be announced later today.

“They (Kelly and Comer) are injured and they are out. They missed this game and they will probably miss the next game as well unless they make a miraculous recovery,” Joyce told reporters.

“They are working hard with the S&C lads and Yvonne, the physio. It is just unfortunate. All we can do is move on and work with the lads we have.

“It is never-ending injuries, unfortunately. We are not alone in that. Everyone is picking up injuries, every county. The problem is if you get a niggle now, you are missing two games.”

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