National Forum

Dublin v Mayo - All Ireland Football Final 2016

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Replying To jimbodub:  "Yeah that is fair enough

Def have many excellent fans that deserve a win

But for me regardless if they were playing Dublin or not I'd shout for the other team

The diving incident and then claiming it wasn't a dive, and then Andy Moran backing up that nonsense...

Not for me and that sort of carry on will hopefully not be rewarded"
Yeah down with that sort of thing. Just hope for some healthy eye gouging in the final and may the best team win.

Llaw_Gyffes (Mayo) - Posts: 1113 - 05/09/2016 22:16:19    1910450


Replying To Llaw_Gyffes:  "Yeah down with that sort of thing. Just hope for some healthy eye gouging in the final and may the best team win."
is the bump up option be in offered to mayo fans wrong, the clubs are asked to raise 2000 euro in order to get 40 more tickets which in turn makes the tickets 50 euro above face price

xxr (Mayo) - Posts: 47 - 05/09/2016 22:35:15    1910464


I was sitting in my rocking chair a while ago contemplating the meaning of life, when I thought of another advantage the Dubs have over us, namely the weather. I was watching the weather forecast on RTE the other evening when this little girl came on, short sleeves showing off a tan like Antonio Banwhatsisname. I told you, says she, that we'd have sunshine. 25 Degrees in The Phoenix Park, says she, without batting an eyelid. I kid you not it had been raining in Mayo for 12 hours solid. We haven't seen the sun since last feckin May. It's the same on All Ireland day. We leave the house at half six in the morning, complete with raincoats, umbrellas, pull ups and waterproof sandwiches. It rains solid until about Frenchpark but by the time we reach Strokestown it's down to a steady drizzle. There's an odd break in the clouds at Longford and from Mullingar onwards it's clear blue skies and unbroken sunshine. Our lads don't know what hit them. They run on to the pitch with long shorts covering their pasty legs to be met with the sight of 15 feckin George O Connors in blue jerseys. They're five points down before they start. By the time the second wave of Dub supporters come in most of our lads are turning a scaldy coloured pink. Come to think of it we were blaming poor Enda and the lads for the lack of employment in Mayo. We blamed the s***e roads, the poor infrastructure and the non existent broadband when all along it was the feckin weather. I bet them Apple lads, when they heard about the lovely scenery in Mayo, came down for a sneak look. They'd have hightailed it back to Dublin fairly lively, saying if they wanted monsoons they'd have located in India. Remember the League game earlier in the year in Castlebar. A light shower, the locals called it, as the Dubs were frantically looking round for the Ark. Mind you a lot of them made do with the bar in An Sportlann, but we'll say no more. Steven was five minutes in the job, didn't know half the lads names, couldn't tell one O Shea from the other and still we nearly beat them. So I'm off to Knock, weather permitting, to light one of their very expensive candles in the hope that we get rain in Croker on the 18th. I'm not asking for much just the heavy downpours we're used to here. At this stage I'll take any advantage.

Llaw_Gyffes (Mayo) - Posts: 1113 - 07/09/2016 20:28:48    1911514


Replying To Llaw_Gyffes:  "I was sitting in my rocking chair a while ago contemplating the meaning of life, when I thought of another advantage the Dubs have over us, namely the weather. I was watching the weather forecast on RTE the other evening when this little girl came on, short sleeves showing off a tan like Antonio Banwhatsisname. I told you, says she, that we'd have sunshine. 25 Degrees in The Phoenix Park, says she, without batting an eyelid. I kid you not it had been raining in Mayo for 12 hours solid. We haven't seen the sun since last feckin May. It's the same on All Ireland day. We leave the house at half six in the morning, complete with raincoats, umbrellas, pull ups and waterproof sandwiches. It rains solid until about Frenchpark but by the time we reach Strokestown it's down to a steady drizzle. There's an odd break in the clouds at Longford and from Mullingar onwards it's clear blue skies and unbroken sunshine. Our lads don't know what hit them. They run on to the pitch with long shorts covering their pasty legs to be met with the sight of 15 feckin George O Connors in blue jerseys. They're five points down before they start. By the time the second wave of Dub supporters come in most of our lads are turning a scaldy coloured pink. Come to think of it we were blaming poor Enda and the lads for the lack of employment in Mayo. We blamed the s***e roads, the poor infrastructure and the non existent broadband when all along it was the feckin weather. I bet them Apple lads, when they heard about the lovely scenery in Mayo, came down for a sneak look. They'd have hightailed it back to Dublin fairly lively, saying if they wanted monsoons they'd have located in India. Remember the League game earlier in the year in Castlebar. A light shower, the locals called it, as the Dubs were frantically looking round for the Ark. Mind you a lot of them made do with the bar in An Sportlann, but we'll say no more. Steven was five minutes in the job, didn't know half the lads names, couldn't tell one O Shea from the other and still we nearly beat them. So I'm off to Knock, weather permitting, to light one of their very expensive candles in the hope that we get rain in Croker on the 18th. I'm not asking for much just the heavy downpours we're used to here. At this stage I'll take any advantage."
According to my sources on the inside it will be 29C and Sunny on the 18th. But I'm not sure weather that will make any impression on the obvious hunger that Mayo must have at this juncture, I wouldn't say it's their last chance saloon but it's a defeat they can ill afford, hard to keep lads under that pressure down so the Dubs will have to be at their best!

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8667 - 07/09/2016 21:09:26    1911526


Replying To Llaw_Gyffes:  "I was sitting in my rocking chair a while ago contemplating the meaning of life, when I thought of another advantage the Dubs have over us, namely the weather. I was watching the weather forecast on RTE the other evening when this little girl came on, short sleeves showing off a tan like Antonio Banwhatsisname. I told you, says she, that we'd have sunshine. 25 Degrees in The Phoenix Park, says she, without batting an eyelid. I kid you not it had been raining in Mayo for 12 hours solid. We haven't seen the sun since last feckin May. It's the same on All Ireland day. We leave the house at half six in the morning, complete with raincoats, umbrellas, pull ups and waterproof sandwiches. It rains solid until about Frenchpark but by the time we reach Strokestown it's down to a steady drizzle. There's an odd break in the clouds at Longford and from Mullingar onwards it's clear blue skies and unbroken sunshine. Our lads don't know what hit them. They run on to the pitch with long shorts covering their pasty legs to be met with the sight of 15 feckin George O Connors in blue jerseys. They're five points down before they start. By the time the second wave of Dub supporters come in most of our lads are turning a scaldy coloured pink. Come to think of it we were blaming poor Enda and the lads for the lack of employment in Mayo. We blamed the s***e roads, the poor infrastructure and the non existent broadband when all along it was the feckin weather. I bet them Apple lads, when they heard about the lovely scenery in Mayo, came down for a sneak look. They'd have hightailed it back to Dublin fairly lively, saying if they wanted monsoons they'd have located in India. Remember the League game earlier in the year in Castlebar. A light shower, the locals called it, as the Dubs were frantically looking round for the Ark. Mind you a lot of them made do with the bar in An Sportlann, but we'll say no more. Steven was five minutes in the job, didn't know half the lads names, couldn't tell one O Shea from the other and still we nearly beat them. So I'm off to Knock, weather permitting, to light one of their very expensive candles in the hope that we get rain in Croker on the 18th. I'm not asking for much just the heavy downpours we're used to here. At this stage I'll take any advantage."
Seriously wide roads in Strokestown.

Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4329 - 07/09/2016 22:00:00    1911552


Replying To Llaw_Gyffes:  "I was sitting in my rocking chair a while ago contemplating the meaning of life, when I thought of another advantage the Dubs have over us, namely the weather. I was watching the weather forecast on RTE the other evening when this little girl came on, short sleeves showing off a tan like Antonio Banwhatsisname. I told you, says she, that we'd have sunshine. 25 Degrees in The Phoenix Park, says she, without batting an eyelid. I kid you not it had been raining in Mayo for 12 hours solid. We haven't seen the sun since last feckin May. It's the same on All Ireland day. We leave the house at half six in the morning, complete with raincoats, umbrellas, pull ups and waterproof sandwiches. It rains solid until about Frenchpark but by the time we reach Strokestown it's down to a steady drizzle. There's an odd break in the clouds at Longford and from Mullingar onwards it's clear blue skies and unbroken sunshine. Our lads don't know what hit them. They run on to the pitch with long shorts covering their pasty legs to be met with the sight of 15 feckin George O Connors in blue jerseys. They're five points down before they start. By the time the second wave of Dub supporters come in most of our lads are turning a scaldy coloured pink. Come to think of it we were blaming poor Enda and the lads for the lack of employment in Mayo. We blamed the s***e roads, the poor infrastructure and the non existent broadband when all along it was the feckin weather. I bet them Apple lads, when they heard about the lovely scenery in Mayo, came down for a sneak look. They'd have hightailed it back to Dublin fairly lively, saying if they wanted monsoons they'd have located in India. Remember the League game earlier in the year in Castlebar. A light shower, the locals called it, as the Dubs were frantically looking round for the Ark. Mind you a lot of them made do with the bar in An Sportlann, but we'll say no more. Steven was five minutes in the job, didn't know half the lads names, couldn't tell one O Shea from the other and still we nearly beat them. So I'm off to Knock, weather permitting, to light one of their very expensive candles in the hope that we get rain in Croker on the 18th. I'm not asking for much just the heavy downpours we're used to here. At this stage I'll take any advantage."
Also who's this weather girl? Is she the real reason why mediaman is glued to the 6.01?

Whammo86 (Antrim) - Posts: 4329 - 07/09/2016 22:07:43    1911561


Look at the record of the last ten years between dublin and mayo.
Played 5 : 2 wins each and a draw and all the other games were very close.
Having said that, they say mayo dont fear dublin, i think there has to be some doubt in the mayo head regarding dublin.
They know we're playing well enough and they are certainly not. If they're not 100% on their best game they have no chance but they could well produce that type of performance as they have the personnel.

KerryKillers (Dublin) - Posts: 711 - 09/09/2016 00:34:29    1912088


Replying To realdub:  "According to my sources on the inside it will be 29C and Sunny on the 18th. But I'm not sure weather that will make any impression on the obvious hunger that Mayo must have at this juncture, I wouldn't say it's their last chance saloon but it's a defeat they can ill afford, hard to keep lads under that pressure down so the Dubs will have to be at their best!"
I read its going to 16 and cloudy
Perfect for football

Scarabin (Dublin) - Posts: 116 - 09/09/2016 16:25:42    1912330


Replying To Scarabin:  "
Replying To realdub:  "According to my sources on the inside it will be 29C and Sunny on the 18th. But I'm not sure weather that will make any impression on the obvious hunger that Mayo must have at this juncture, I wouldn't say it's their last chance saloon but it's a defeat they can ill afford, hard to keep lads under that pressure down so the Dubs will have to be at their best!"
I read its going to 16 and cloudy
Perfect for football"

30% chance of rain. 19 degrees C.

In other words - Ireland.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5117 - 09/09/2016 16:36:04    1912334


I was joking about the weather lads

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8667 - 09/09/2016 17:35:37    1912370


1951 Tipperary won Hurling Final!!
1951 Mayo won Football Final!!

Can history be repeated!!

WildPundit (Tipperary) - Posts: 1709 - 09/09/2016 22:27:07    1912446


Replying To realdub:  "I was joking about the weather lads"
I'll get my coat!

Spoddgy (Mayo) - Posts: 660 - 10/09/2016 06:46:19    1912485


Replying To WildPundit:  "1951 Tipperary won Hurling Final!!
1951 Mayo won Football Final!!

Can history be repeated!!"
It can but Tipp also won the hurling Final in 58,61,62,64,65,71,89,91,2001 and 2010 and that didn't do anything for Mayo who lost the final in one of those years 1989.

endgame (Roscommon) - Posts: 2288 - 10/09/2016 09:23:58    1912498


Replying To endgame:  "It can but Tipp also won the hurling Final in 58,61,62,64,65,71,89,91,2001 and 2010 and that didn't do anything for Mayo who lost the final in one of those years 1989."
You can add 2016 to that list.

theduke66 (Dublin) - Posts: 335 - 10/09/2016 09:28:34    1912500


Replying To endgame:  "It can but Tipp also won the hurling Final in 58,61,62,64,65,71,89,91,2001 and 2010 and that didn't do anything for Mayo who lost the final in one of those years 1989."
Yeah but Mars and Jupiter weren't aligned in those years and there wasn't an Argentinian Pope!

Llaw_Gyffes (Mayo) - Posts: 1113 - 10/09/2016 11:43:11    1912520


1 week to go now can't wait, the 2 best teams in the country it can go either way will be very close like last year i would say with some great match ups, up the dubs

mightydubs (Dublin) - Posts: 48 - 11/09/2016 11:56:32    1912705


This time next week...will it be overjoyed emotion or devastation yet again? The build up begins now

yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11375 - 11/09/2016 17:31:26    1912794


Replying To yew_tree:  "This time next week...will it be overjoyed emotion or devastation yet again? The build up begins now"
I just hope you guys give us a game to watch and after that it's a bonus. Would like to see Moran and Higgins get All Ireland's - but they have to earn them.

IrishGael3 (USA) - Posts: 1092 - 11/09/2016 18:15:53    1912807


In 7 days from now Mayo will be All Ireland champions.

culmore (None) - Posts: 1398 - 11/09/2016 18:50:33    1912827


Replying To culmore:  "In 7 days from now Mayo will be All Ireland champions."
Any idea what the lotto numbers will be 6 days from now?

Jackeen (Dublin) - Posts: 4097 - 11/09/2016 19:09:39    1912839
