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Well done Ireland

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Replying To hill16no1man:  "sick bucket please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Come on Hill FFS. Ireland Beat "a second string" Italian team who were made up of players who play in the top leagues in Europe. Some for the Top Teams like Juventus, PSG, Dortmund and a few others. Give credit where its due, great performance and great result. If this isn't something that you think worthy of celebrating and been happy about i feel very sorry for you. Sports people across the Country who have never kicked a "soccer" ball were over the moon so why are you different?? What are you so Bitter about?

chriscart580 (Meath) - Posts: 376 - 23/06/2016 14:25:41    1871209


Replying To Frederick:  "Yes I agree, not great to portray to kids.
I would not say they went on the tear like I'd say they had 1-2 cans, prob recovery and video session this morning so I wouldn't see the harm in it tbh."
It's the fact the paper's and media outlets are hailing them while showing these images is not sending the right message.
we have a massive alcohol problem existing in this country and changing the mindset of people to understand it causes serious problems is hard enough as it is and also trying to get a change that it's not the only way to celebrate or enjoy something

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/06/2016 14:33:50    1871213


Look lads for those who want to enjoy it, go right ahead, a vice versa, I will agree on one thing, Italy looked disinterested to say the least, but that does not change the picture, which is, last 16 V host nation, I can enjoy both. (preference being Dublin having said that)

realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8621 - 23/06/2016 14:36:40    1871214


Replying To hill16no1man:  "When you have a match in a couple of days time you should be looking after the body not drinking alcohol.
not great images to be portraying to kids you at least have to agree with that."

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 23/06/2016 14:36:43    1871215


Replying To jimbodub:  "Seriously lads pull your head out of *****...

It was a great night but you cannot just ignore how utterly abysmal Italy were....

They couldn't given two s***s and it was a shockingly poor performance from them


Booooooooooo (:

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 23/06/2016 14:37:41    1871217


Replying To hill16no1man:  "It's the fact the paper's and media outlets are hailing them while showing these images is not sending the right message.
we have a massive alcohol problem existing in this country and changing the mindset of people to understand it causes serious problems is hard enough as it is and also trying to get a change that it's not the only way to celebrate or enjoy something"
Start drinking hill will ya,your an insufferable pioneer (:

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 23/06/2016 14:45:29    1871224


Replying To chriscart580:  "Come on Hill FFS. Ireland Beat "a second string" Italian team who were made up of players who play in the top leagues in Europe. Some for the Top Teams like Juventus, PSG, Dortmund and a few others. Give credit where its due, great performance and great result. If this isn't something that you think worthy of celebrating and been happy about i feel very sorry for you. Sports people across the Country who have never kicked a "soccer" ball were over the moon so why are you different?? What are you so Bitter about?"
Look I don't think its a great achievement to beat as you say a second strong team who remember had nothing to play for at all as Italy place as group winners was secure. Secondly they looked like a bunch of lads strung together, the way they played had no cohesion they were not interested in the result. If the game had of ment something to Italy and Ireland beat them I would say fair dues but I think people get caught up in the fan fair and like to gloss over the facts. I don't support the national team in soccer, I have never agreed with the process of selection and the overlooking of players based on what club they belong to. sad thing is a lot of them players were playing in the league of Ireland and never got a look in until they changed does nothing to promote the game at grass roots level in this country. John Delaney and the FAI would rather have nothing to do with the league of Ireland and send any decent player here at underage level abroad. Its just something I cannot releate to in terms of supporting

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/06/2016 14:46:12    1871225


Replying To cuederocket:  "Start drinking hill will ya,your an insufferable pioneer (:"
No need my man u enjoy myself more than anyone on the stuff

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/06/2016 14:49:41    1871229


Replying To cuederocket:  "Booooooooooo (:"
Could it not have been that Ireland didn't allow them to play well? The hassled and harassed them at every moment so they had no time on the ball. These are Professional footballers who want to get into the starting 11 for the next game for their country so to say they weren't interested is really putting the boot into them. Everyone has an opinion and a right to their opinion but some people on hear complain, moan and begrudge every chance they get. Be happy, be positive and maybe life will be more enjoyable for you. God knows my day today has had a massive lift because of last nights performance and victory and for that i'm thankful to all those lads who bust a gut last night to keep the flag flying in France. Roll on Sunday for a great day for Sport

chriscart580 (Meath) - Posts: 376 - 23/06/2016 14:50:28    1871230


Our best performance to date has come against Sweden...

A combination of that performance and the battling pressing game we played last night

I'd give us a good chance of causing the French a load of trouble

Just no more long ball rubbish to Long... Start Hollahan, McGeady, McClean.. and don't touch the backs.. if Walters is closer to fitness.. get him in there!

jimbodub (Dublin) - Posts: 20616 - 23/06/2016 14:51:21    1871231


Just got an email in work from Croke Park confirming the following:

'The turnstiles will now open early to allow patrons to enjoy the second half of the Ireland v France game which will be shown throughout the stadium.'. Turnstiles are opening at 2:45.

Would have been great if they showed the full match, would save people wanting to go to both games having to bring kids in to crowded pubs close to Croke Park. Better than not showing it at all though.

CroiGorm (Dublin) - Posts: 1547 - 23/06/2016 15:02:10    1871239


Replying To hill16no1man:  "No need my man u enjoy myself more than anyone on the stuff"
Only messin hill,fair play to ya,i respect anyone that choosed not to drink.

cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 23/06/2016 15:05:53    1871241


Ah jaysis he doesn't even drink , I'd say your great craic Hill being Dublin's number 1 supporter and all that and no drink on board a barrel of laughs I'd say.

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 23/06/2016 15:08:41    1871242


Replying To hill16no1man: "It's the fact the paper's and media outlets are hailing them while showing these images is not sending the right message.
we have a massive alcohol problem existing in this country and changing the mindset of people to understand it causes serious problems is hard enough as it is and also trying to get a change that it's not the only way to celebrate or enjoy something"

Why? There a shortage or something???

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5054 - 23/06/2016 15:14:57    1871245



cuederocket (Dublin) - Posts: 5084 - 23/06/2016 15:21:34    1871247


Replying To clondalkindub:  "Ah jaysis he doesn't even drink , I'd say your great craic Hill being Dublin's number 1 supporter and all that and no drink on board a barrel of laughs I'd say."
I always enjoy myself to the max
Says more about you man if you need alcohol to enjoy yourself or come out of your shell.

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/06/2016 15:21:43    1871248


Replying To cuederocket:  "Only messin hill,fair play to ya,i respect anyone that choosed not to drink."
Cheers mate

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/06/2016 15:27:22    1871250


I'm out of my shell every night pal just ask my mot

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 23/06/2016 15:31:03    1871251


Cavanman hahaha brilliant.

clondalkindub (Dublin) - Posts: 9926 - 23/06/2016 15:33:04    1871252


Great result for the country last night. Only France next, England probably in the quarter final, Germany/Spain in the semis and we are in the final. Almost as much as a minefield as the ulster championship.

Interesting few weeks ahead -)

KY4SAM2015 (Kerry) - Posts: 898 - 23/06/2016 15:51:49    1871258
