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Casement Park

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I think the anti development campaign was led by one particular councilor if I am correct? Can't see what the basis of objections would be, although having been to Casement on a lot of occasions over the years for Dublin hurling matches with crowds no bigger than 1/2,000 - I always found it a hard place to get in and out of traffic wise. So I would imagine that a big match day would be nightmare with people all most likely coming from West Ulster. Have to say too that it is probably the most unfriendly place I have visited in all my years being in every county in Ireland for a match other than Sligo! (As in I was never in Sligo at a match not that Sligo is unfriendly!). And lest this be seen as anti Antrim, I always loved going to the Glens :-)

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 15/12/2014 13:05:20    1678571


total and utter nonsense hurlingdub
there is no build up of traffic especially at one of the many hurling matches you have attended - in general the traffic is cleared 20 mins after a game - a lot quicker than many grounds
which particular councillor are you actually talking about ? no need to be shy about it as your obviously not shy venting your opinion
unfriendly place ? explain please - is this the people or the actual ground or the general west belfast and south antrim people that you would see whilst sitting in traffic for a long time to get home from the many antrim v dublin hurling games that have been played at casement park .

redmick (Antrim) - Posts: 92 - 15/12/2014 13:31:55    1678576


I'm happy for Clones and I have to agree, Casement area has never been the most welcoming or warm.

If there is to be a new stadium in the six counties, Andersonstown was never a good option. I've never really enjoyed matches there.

supermon (Monaghan) - Posts: 1073 - 15/12/2014 13:38:46    1678578


15/12/2014 13:31:55
County: Antrim
Posts: 76

total and utter nonsense hurlingdub
there is no build up of traffic especially at one of the many hurling matches you have attended - in general the traffic is cleared 20 mins after a game - a lot quicker than many grounds
which particular councillor are you actually talking about ? no need to be shy about it as your obviously not shy venting your opinion
unfriendly place ? explain please - is this the people or the actual ground or the general west belfast and south antrim people that you would see whilst sitting in traffic for a long time to get home from the many antrim v dublin hurling games that have been played at casement park .

redmick, I have to agree with Hurlingdub, Casement park area is devoid of atmosphere and friendliness. Going on the look of some of the local establishments from the outside, venturing in for a post match pint just isn't an option, the only thing i ever feel like doing is getting to the car and hitting the M1 asap.

Fermanagh street in Clones on Ulster Final day is the polar opposite, with a carnival atmosphere. I now where I would prefer to be.

supermon (Monaghan) - Posts: 1073 - 15/12/2014 13:42:40    1678580


Casement is a nightmare to get out of and the ability to deal with the volume of supporters was one of the reason the judge blocked the planning permission. 20 minutes after a game would ya dry up. it took me an hour and half to get out of a car park in and around casement alone. To their credit the psni always do a wonderful job directing traffic at match day.

shaggylegend (Monaghan) - Posts: 1937 - 15/12/2014 13:48:49    1678583


Redmick the issue re Casement being unfriendly is usually associated with the stewards and general feeling that within the ground those in authority do love to show how important they are on big match days.
This is not an Antrim thing as the stewards when you go to matches in Ballycastle are the opposite so it may be a West Belfast/ Casement thing but thats for others to decide.
As for local hosteleries Ive never felt uneasy other than they dont seem to have much interest in gaelic games, indeed I ve been to a few big matches and in the bars its premiership or Celtic matches on the screens but thats hardly unusual today in fairness.

Tim_Burr (Down) - Posts: 460 - 15/12/2014 14:23:18    1678597


Lads, I don't know what way you are trying to get away from Casement but I have never had any of these issues of hour/hour and a half delays. And thats even parking up a wee side street within a stones throw of the gates in to it. As I have said on here previously, my relations in Cavan always said they could be home from a match in Casement quicker than they could be from Clones and given they were from near Swanlinbar that kinda tells you all you need to know.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 15/12/2014 14:31:50    1678601


My god if there from swanlinbar they should get home in an hour less, obviously going the wrong roads they could go three way other than going the main cavan road.

shaggylegend (Monaghan) - Posts: 1937 - 15/12/2014 14:42:18    1678602


Redmick, I have been going to Casement, as well as to Ballycastle and a few other venues north of the city since the 1970s. Dublin and Antrim were nearly always in the same division of the hurling league. Last visit to Casement was two years ago for league match. Was glad to see that last year Antrim have switched back to Ballycastle :-)

And yes, the local bars are not friendly in my experience. Local councillor is a member of People before Profit as far as I know.

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 15/12/2014 14:56:43    1678606


Thats my point shaggylegend - they lived about 30 miles from Clones and still were home from Belfast quicker. Can well believe it as have sat in the car going to and coming from Clones all too many times to care to remember. Remember in the late 80s heading down and the more seasoned travellers knew that you didn't stop for the flask of tea and sandwiches until you reached the queue to get in to Clones (was about Armagh) as you were going to have plenty of time to get them in you. Was actually a scene to behold the amount of cars with the boots open in convoy with all but the driver standing outside/walking behind the car and munching away.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 15/12/2014 15:18:48    1678613


On ulster final day in 2008 i got from Clones to my house in 40 minutes and its a 40 minute drive, its about knowing the roads, I don't know the roads around casement so it takes me ages to leave the area. I have tried road previous out of pot luck and just ended up driving down roads with colourful footpaths and flags. It might not be much of an issue for a lot of people but with a southern reg it can be quite intimidating. As the judge said today the environment study showed that they were catering for a capacity of 32,500 which was flawed. I love Clones its a unique place in GAA circles the road network might let it down but the atmosphere is unique.

shaggylegend (Monaghan) - Posts: 1937 - 15/12/2014 15:50:29    1678621


I still think Armagh would be the best place for an upgrade, but hey, this was ultimately a political decision and that money will not be made available anywhere apart from W Belfast.

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 15/12/2014 16:00:34    1678626


Apparently some of the locals in Andersonstown have 2 heads and 4 arms and the local bars make them leave their knives and guns at the door.

None of them own cars as they just hijack and steal them from unsuspecting strangers.

Public transport is almost non-existent.

Please also refrain from engaging with the locals as they only ever watch soccer,particularly celtic and any GAA speak will have them foaming at the mouth.

And would you believe when the stadium is either half empty or almost empty there is just no atmosphere unlike croke park on st Patricks day!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 15/12/2014 16:12:31    1678628


lads it just simple dont go near west belfast at all as there are no gaa people at all and there are no other pubs /gaa clubs within 5/10 mins from casement only those celtic loving bars less than 1 minute away from casement
hurling dub has been there at least 7 times since 1970 and he knows the score.

redmick (Antrim) - Posts: 92 - 15/12/2014 17:06:27    1678643


Hopefully this will be sorted later this week and the stadium will go ahead. The country's second city requires a fit for purpose stadium which will also help the overall promotion of our games. If we were to base development decisions on premiership or Celtic games being shown in local bars there wouldn't be much done in any urban areas. Unfortunately that part of this discussion is tarring people with the same brush as unfriendly, EPL loving, car thieves etc. If there were to be a development on Jones Rd today there would probably be the same thing said by some people.

RoverTin (Derry) - Posts: 226 - 15/12/2014 17:16:44    1678645


Its dead in the water. Whoever environment minister is they need their head examined. Casement was never going to work. Move on.
If there is any spare funds, navan would be ideal plus not one local would object.:)

royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 15/12/2014 17:28:20    1678650


Some people are being a bit harsh on Casement and West Belfast in general. There are good GAA people who have sustained the association there through some difficult times, that people in some other areas thankfully have never had to experience. The place was well deserving of a helping hand and the building project and spin offs the stadium would have created would have been a welcome boost to the area. Could you ever imagine the people of Clones complaining about matches coming to their town? They know the value of it to the town and will be delighted to hear that the Casement residents have stopped this development.
It was people from the local community who have pulled the rug out from under the rest. These arguments about the pros and cons of Casement are irrelevant now anyway, as there will no longer be any big games there. They can use it for silage bales now every year. The show will go on ...somewhere else.

johnboy7 (Tyrone) - Posts: 79 - 15/12/2014 17:31:10    1678652


Apologies Redmick if I could not provide a better report of west Belfast! Anyway, it is unlikely we will have to visit again any time soon so I will not be providing any more updates :-)

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 15/12/2014 17:39:16    1678656


So what now what are the options. Surely Building a smaller Stadium wouldn't be much use as this was meant to be the Main Stadium to hold Ulster Finals and All-Ireland Quarter Finals. Is there any way they could big down or did I read somewhere that there was a problem with the underground water levels. If something isn't sorted this will be a complete disaster for Ulster GAA. Will be interesting to hear plan B that is if there is a plan B.

TyroneUltra (Tyrone) - Posts: 307 - 15/12/2014 18:16:26    1678666


Now they can use the casementpark money on the m50 stadium ;-)

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 15/12/2014 18:29:42    1678674
