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Casement Park

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even though the original planning for such an expensive and well funded project was deeply flawed and amateurish

Jaysus Gary I was trying to be nice but hey ho enough of that carry on. If you read through my response to you back in December I outlined exactly what part of the process was not to the satisfaction of the Judge in relation to planning processes. The whole process was not 'deeply flawed' - this part was. But to re-iterate, the most of what went in front of the Judge that day passed without any problem by him, including the stadium plans etc. In fact, the information which was contained within a report on the traffic management, emergency evacuation had been collected and show that the timings are dead on in comparison with similar stadiums in simlar types of locations. The Court wasn't happy that it addressed all concerns and therefore deemed the process irreversibly flawed - which in lay mans terms means, I can see you have the information supporting this, you have made a bit of a boo-boo in not presenting this, take it away, put it back together and put it in front of me again. But sure lets not the facts get in the way and lets throw out terms like deeply flawed process etc etc.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 24/04/2015 15:03:21    1717148


They got a few bob courtesy of Caral to finish the project offside.

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 24/04/2015 15:07:46    1717152


Ive a feeling Gary has his tongue planted in his cheek at this stage offside.

If not he's our version of Seamy Bryson!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 24/04/2015 15:12:28    1717153


Gary, for your own state of mind you should just accept that Casement is going to happen in some shape or form. The Ulster Council and Croke Park have decided thus and don't worry your tractors will be OK on the Andytown Road. We will look after them....for a small fee of course... LOL.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 26/04/2015 15:01:09    1717552


County: Antrim
Posts: 7224

1717552 Gary, for your own state of mind you should just accept that Casement is going to happen in some shape or form. The Ulster Council and Croke Park have decided thus and don't worry your tractors will be OK on the Andytown Road. We will look after them....for a small fee of course... LOL.

Considering I have only heard Antrim posters from Ulster on here spouting this for the past couple of years, and that the Ulster Council and Croke Park don't grant planning, I don't think this has enough support to go ahead.

It's time to let go of your parochial dream, and think of the wider Province of Ulster. This bribe-ridden bid is not likely to succeed, but they will chase It for another while. Having a few Antim posters comment on each of my posts, doesn't make you right or show you represent the views of the majority of Ulster people. It highlights that only Antrim fans really want this Stadium in West Belfast, and a quick review of the "Casement Park" thread will show this to be fact.

Now in saying that, I am the clearly the poster who is most opposed to this project. I'm not opposed to Casement getting a facelift or Antrim getting a quality stadium in Belfast, just the Provincial Stadium being located in Belfast. Locating Derry's Intercounty ground in the middle of Derry City was a mistake in my opinion, and a mistake the GAA want to make again in Belfast. However the Belfast mistake will be a much bigger mistake, as it will be done on a Provincial scale.

Provincial GAA Stadium needs to cater to all Provincial Fans, this should be the primary goal when locating a Stadium we would have been all forced to use on a regular basis.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 27/04/2015 13:35:15    1717961


More backhanders needed I fear,


The Ulster Council has strongly rejected claims that it "pressured or bullied any individual or organisation in any way".

The provincial body was forced to issue a statement after the allegation was made during a Stormont Committee meeting yesterday. Paul Scott of the Safety and Technical Group (STG) told the North's Departure of Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee that the Ulster Council had put "undue" pressure on him over his views of the Casement Park redevelopment plan.

He said that he had issued a complaint of bullying and harassment with the chief executive of Sport Northern Ireland.

"We have an impeccable safety record within our stadia throughout Ulster and Ireland," the Ulster Council statement read.

"The GAA is appalled at being brought into a live and ongoing HR grievance matter within Sport NI. We are also concerned that today's events could prejudice our forthcoming planning application for a provincial stadium project at Casement Park."

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 01/05/2015 15:50:42    1719532


Hopefully common sense will prevail and a scaled down version will be agreed with all parties. That way Antrim GAA will get a state of the art stadium to help their development and the Ulster final will continue to be played at Clones until such time as all 9 counties can have a say on where THEY would like to have Ulsters premier GAA stadium developed? Everyones a winner!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 01/05/2015 16:34:39    1719549


Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 25/05/2016 12:43:15    1858456


Replying To bumpernut:  "Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!"
Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!

Maybe that is representative of the local residents, I don't know, but I do know that it is folly and potentially dangerous to be putting a 37K capacity stadium into a place where no one can get out of safely!!

bricktop (Down) - Posts: 2503 - 25/05/2016 14:11:02    1858505


Replying To bumpernut:  "Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!"
I thought it was a very biased , almost sensationalist programme too . I mean they show people an outdated aborted plan where houses will be demolished purely just to get a reaction . Then straight after they clarify with GAA Statement that no houses will be demolished . Awful reporting .

Finsceal (None) - Posts: 559 - 25/05/2016 14:27:02    1858516


Replying To bumpernut: "Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!"
Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!

Maybe that is representative of the local residents, I don't know, but I do know that it is folly and potentially dangerous to be putting a 37K capacity stadium into a place where no one can get out of safely!!

bricktop (Down) - Posts:1394 - 25/05/2016 14:11:02

Or maybe that suited their agenda!

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 25/05/2016 15:20:25    1858546


Replying To bricktop:  "Some good oul auntie ni impartial reporting by Spotlight last night.

They interview one resident who is in favour and about 6/7 against!

Maybe that is representative of the local residents, I don't know, but I do know that it is folly and potentially dangerous to be putting a 37K capacity stadium into a place where no one can get out of safely!!"
Safety is one key issue, but there are many other issues with this project. Just read my previous posts to see precisely why.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 25/05/2016 16:02:57    1858566


Casement Park was built out in the country, surrounded by green fields. I am sure they didn't ask Antrim GAA were they happy for houses to be built around the periphery of the stadium as the city grew nor do I believe Antrim GAA complained. Those who chose to build or buy houses right next to a stadium then take a risk of development as is now happening. Thems the breaks I am afraid.

Anyway, a 40,000 capacity stadium will be the envy of all other sporting organisations when built so let's not start all this pie in the sky again about the floating stadium in Lough Neagh which could be towed to a spot equidistant to the two Counties playing or the likes.

Offside_Rule (Antrim) - Posts: 4058 - 25/05/2016 19:48:16    1858629


First of all Gary and Brend, settle yourselves. The new stadium for Ulster WILL be in Belfast and most certainly at Casement Park. It's only a matter of scale and time. Unfortunately if compulsory purchase orders are required for half a dozen houses or so to make way for improved access and safety then so be it. It happens every day of the week and those affected should be compensated for it. Spotlight did raise genuine concerns over the exits and work will have to be done on this.
However there is an element within the Ulster GAA who are very hostile to Belfast FULL STOP and don't want the city being the hub of Gaelic Games in the province; they are petty, resentful, bitter and hypocrites of the highest order. They have NO problem coming into their well paid Civil Service jobs in Belfast and their offspring going to Queens and UUJ, and causing subsequent bother in the Holylands, but how dare the city get a new GAA stadium. Well suck it up and dry your eyes because it's like a glacier cutting through a mountain, unstoppable.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 25/05/2016 20:53:56    1858649


Replying To Ulsterman:  "First of all Gary and Brend, settle yourselves. The new stadium for Ulster WILL be in Belfast and most certainly at Casement Park. It's only a matter of scale and time. Unfortunately if compulsory purchase orders are required for half a dozen houses or so to make way for improved access and safety then so be it. It happens every day of the week and those affected should be compensated for it. Spotlight did raise genuine concerns over the exits and work will have to be done on this.
However there is an element within the Ulster GAA who are very hostile to Belfast FULL STOP and don't want the city being the hub of Gaelic Games in the province; they are petty, resentful, bitter and hypocrites of the highest order. They have NO problem coming into their well paid Civil Service jobs in Belfast and their offspring going to Queens and UUJ, and causing subsequent bother in the Holylands, but how dare the city get a new GAA stadium. Well suck it up and dry your eyes because it's like a glacier cutting through a mountain, unstoppable."
This has probably been asked before but can they not dig down like they did at Barcelona. Digging down would let them still build a 30K + Stadium but keep the height of the stadium at a height that should keep the residents happy without impeding there sun light.

TyroneUltra (Tyrone) - Posts: 307 - 25/05/2016 21:37:44    1858685


Gary is like many Derry GAA people. That long 30 to 45 minute journey to Derry City to Celtic Pk prevents many from going and others to complain about it all the time. They want everything handy to them but probably wouldn't go if it was next door to them anyway. This parochial look after myself approach is seen in the north Derry, south Derry, city split and one of the reasons why Derry football is in the state it's in. Their notion of games development and more people playing and supporting our games doesn't go beyond their wee patch. By this type of logic there would be no Croke Pk, Pearse Stadium etc as most are not central locations for the counties or provinces.
Belfast, Antrim and Ulster needs this stadium and Casement Pk is the place for it. The Stadium development like a lot of infrastructure and other plans in the north are caught up in politics as much as they are safety or other concerns.

RoverTin (Derry) - Posts: 226 - 26/05/2016 10:06:56    1858735


Replying To TyroneUltra:  "This has probably been asked before but can they not dig down like they did at Barcelona. Digging down would let them still build a 30K + Stadium but keep the height of the stadium at a height that should keep the residents happy without impeding there sun light."
this group of residents are only a minority. I know several people that this stadium may effect and they are all in favour of new development. but you have a few handout merchants who will always find fault in whatever proposal is made and the question is. how long is a multimillion pound project that will rejuvenate the entire area gona be held up by a few people who where we'll aware of the stadium and potentials changes when they moved there?

SaffronDon (Antrim) - Posts: 2490 - 26/05/2016 10:16:38    1858741


Ive another question, when does a local resident not become a local resident and vice versa?

I was born and reared around a mile from the pitch, however, from a bbc perspective it seems the opinion of those like me is irrelevant!

I also heard they interviewed quite a few other people including members of the social club but the editors seem to have cut those for some strange reason

bumpernut (Antrim) - Posts: 1852 - 26/05/2016 10:42:25    1858758


Replying To RoverTin:  "Gary is like many Derry GAA people. That long 30 to 45 minute journey to Derry City to Celtic Pk prevents many from going and others to complain about it all the time. They want everything handy to them but probably wouldn't go if it was next door to them anyway. This parochial look after myself approach is seen in the north Derry, south Derry, city split and one of the reasons why Derry football is in the state it's in. Their notion of games development and more people playing and supporting our games doesn't go beyond their wee patch. By this type of logic there would be no Croke Pk, Pearse Stadium etc as most are not central locations for the counties or provinces.
Belfast, Antrim and Ulster needs this stadium and Casement Pk is the place for it. The Stadium development like a lot of infrastructure and other plans in the north are caught up in politics as much as they are safety or other concerns."
RoverTin that's a pretty low dig at your fellow County Man. The GAA by is very being is Parochial, that's what gives us our local rivalry at club level and county level. If you played or coach within the GAA you realize what the GAA is all about, it lights a passion for our games and with that comes the parochial rivalry. Yes we are all part of the GAA family but 'Our Own Wee Patch' is what we care about most. It's a bit like the old saying about your neighbors family; Yes we congratulate them when the do well at school or work, But ultimately we want our own to do better. Good competitive rivalry is what pushes us on to be the best we can be.
Every county has divides North/South East/West, different kinds of people with different ideas and aspirations. The divide in Derry basically stems from the fact that Derry City itself is (mostly) a Soccer Hotbed with a Senior (Professional) team Derry City. That's not saying that GAA isn't alive in the City, just that the strong GAA hotbed lies in rural South Derry. You try to imply that the distance to the city is a big thing for those Gaels in South Derry, the reality is the Location not the distance. Same thing applies to Casement Park, but as mentioned before the difference with Casement is it will be used to be the new Ulster GAA HQ. Of course Antrim GAA (like every other county in Ireland) deserve to have their home ground developed to meet the 21st centaury standards, but as for becoming the 'proposed' new home of Ulster GAA, many Ulster Gaels would have serious issues with. Again is the 'Location' and not the distance that is the problem. Yes we all head to Croke Park which is a (Close to) inner City location, difference is there isn't a Unionist/Loyalist heartland within 1 mile of the stadium when we head into Dublin. Many Gaels big fear would be that when big GAA games start becoming a regular occurrence at Casement, then our not so friendly Unionist/Loyalist neighbors will do everything they can do to disrupt or make us Gaels (From the rest of Ulster and beyond) feel totally unwelcome/intimidated/unsafe. Like it or not Belfast is not on par with Dublin, Ulster GAA needs to meet the needs of 'ALL' its Gaels North & South, not just go with the big funding cheque and be told where, when and how we have build/develop our new ground . The feedback I often get when speaking to other Gaels about this whole issue could be resolved a whole lot easier "If the Ulster GAA pumped the 17 million into the (further) redevelopment of Clones and used some of the money to buy a few of the fields, make some proper car parks and then build/redevelop some decent road for access"
Sounds simplistic, but think about it
It Makes sense......................

IrelandUnited (Tyrone) - Posts: 77 - 26/05/2016 11:11:34    1858788


IrelandUnited that reminds me of a conversation I had with some fine chaps from the South whose opposition to a United Ireland centred around what the Loyalist mob would do. Are you telling me seriously that coming to Casement park would lead you to grave concerns about Jamie Bryson and his ilk making it near impossible for you to get to and from the game safely? Come on man, as Ulsterman pointed out no problem for folk coming to Belfast on a daily basis to work, study etc but the idea of one or two Sundays a year becomes like some sort of mission to get behind enemy lines? And look if you come along the motorway (yes motorway), you can swing off it either along Kennedy Way or towards Boucher (where park and ride facilities are rumoured) and you will probably not even have to see a Loyalist dog or cat let alone someone who will do you harm.

Naysayer (Antrim) - Posts: 2071 - 26/05/2016 11:56:48    1858814
