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Sky Sports' GAA - I love it!!

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Was that the English or Irish sun newspaper

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 25/05/2014 15:57:08    1593106



Why am I deluded? Did the GAA not hold all the cards in the negotiations? Has the association not flurished in the 130 years before sky? There was nothing wrong with the way things were, it's just GAA snobbery and bigness IMO , step on the poor men and women .

Bit of a persecution complex going on there KingdomBoy, the Gaa did/does hold the cards and therefore had every right to make the decision they made, so what are you going to do about it? It's incredibly easy to moan but if you really care then do something about it, the poor little people can and have successfully rebelled many times in history.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 25/05/2014 15:57:52    1593109


Not sure Hill, it's up on the irish and english sun websites. Have a look there anyway.

CaisleanCnucha (Dublin) - Posts: 1379 - 25/05/2014 16:01:01    1593112


Why didn't the GAA bring it before congress and we all could have had our say? It seems to me that they bring every other issue before congress why not this one? They knew it would have been shot Down in it's current format and rightly so , and we are being persecuted or can't ye see it? Or are ye being blinded by the bright lights of sky sports? I for 1 hope it flops as does a lot of others down here.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 25/05/2014 16:20:26    1593127



We've been through this 100 times, in & out, up & down. Let's see what happens, eh?

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 25/05/2014 16:29:38    1593137



Haha, ye I'm blinded by the light alright, listen if you hope that the Gaa flops in it's new venture then all I'll say is best of luck to you in your bitterness, I hope it serves you well throughout your life.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 25/05/2014 16:29:46    1593138


Its going to be strange, the vast majority of us who don't have Sky (noir ever will) won't be able to agree/disagree with the few who have Sky. This will make for one-sided discussions around here, may be the Sky mutual appreciation society can have their own forum? With as small fee, since they love parting with money so much. Really silly at this stage.

arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4937 - 25/05/2014 17:46:43    1593224


People will criticise Sky for pronunciating names wrong but today on RTE we had to listen to Odhrán Mac Niallais being referred to the whole game as Odrin McNicholas!

benjyyy (Donegal) - Posts: 1427 - 25/05/2014 17:47:50    1593228


Hi lads it must be great to live a world where money is no object. And it's easy to be bitter when along with all the new charges we have to pay like household, water, septic tank then the GAA put the boot in as if we haven't given enough already .

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 25/05/2014 19:53:43    1593292


County: Kerry
Posts: 2030

Hi lads it must be great to live a world where money is no object. And it's easy to be bitter when along with all the new charges we have to pay like household, water, septic tank then the GAA put the boot in as if we haven't given enough already .

Nobody is asking you to give anything if you don't want to. Going by your logic we should all get into games for free because not everyone can afford to go. That is nonsense. Not everyone gets everything, never did, never will. It's the way of the world.

There are loads of games on RTE, & there is the Sunday Game & radio. As for there being no Sky boxes in Kerry that's nonsense. I work in Kerry on occasion & there are as many Sky boxes here as anywhere else.
Anyway if memory serves me right there are no Munster Championship games on Sky anyway so all those poor small farmers on the reeks can rest easy.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 25/05/2014 20:11:58    1593300


Nobody is answering my question, why wasn't something as important as this brought before congress, when we opened up croke park to foreign games that was taken before congress and this was as important if not more important than that, and muck of coure there is sky boxes in Kerry don't be silly man ,I never said there wasn't ,there just isn't a lot around where I'm from.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 25/05/2014 21:24:00    1593347


People will criticise Sky for pronunciating names wrong but today on RTE we had to listen to Odhrán Mac Niallais being referred to the whole game as Odrin McNicholas!

I have been saying this from the start. We are sniggering at sky not knowing the irish names, when every year rte are getting them wrong also.

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 26/05/2014 09:51:18    1593402


I asked the same question, "why wasn't something as important as this brought before congress" ?, instead it was bulldozed through with a touch of political correctness.

A couple of short years ago didn't sky news set up shop here with a venture called "sky new's Ireland" hosted by our very own Grainne but sky pulled the plug on that venture and walked away, who's to say they wont do the same with this venture, with that in mind, wouldn't Grainne be more than an ideal choice to front this sky/gaa venture, after all, she's an ex employee of sky, she's home grown, and more importantly she's a fluent Irish speaker, no problems with the correct pronouncation of names etc,etc.

Mr O'Neill and Mr Duffy are very well aware that there are a lot of disgruntled patrons/supporters who are not out celebrating this sky deal thing.

If the powers that be were to give a financial dig out (in advance) to the weaker counties and/or indeed to any county with minimum sponsor ship to soften the blow and as a good will gesture it would go some way towards putting things back on track.

Where will the gaa get the money you may ask , well ,from replays like the Tyrone and Down, and Waterford and Cork games.

They could of course make a small contribution from the 20 million they are going to take in from the sky deal, it's a suggestion and only that.

Separately, there are quiet a lot of people here in Ireland with Saor View only, and some with no view at all - spare a thought.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2982 - 26/05/2014 10:20:35    1593415


KingdomBoy1, was it taken before congress when it went to tv3, tg4 or setanta? Why are you treating sky differently? Not because they happen to be English by any chance?

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 26/05/2014 10:22:39    1593417



haha at least he wants to come to croker to see the dubs

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 26/05/2014 11:23:10    1593448


County: Dublin
Posts: 12549

County: Mayo
Posts: 11084

I think brolly is the root cause jimbo.

You're not far off the mark...

In full agreement.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 26/05/2014 11:33:57    1593457


I don't really understand those giving out about the sky deal. Its not like they have replaced RTE, they are still showing as many games as the last few years and many many more then they used to over a decade ago.

At the end of the day GAA is product we all consume, and pay to be entertained. If it was any other way then we wouldn't have an admission charge into the games.

JP91 (Armagh) - Posts: 316 - 26/05/2014 12:02:46    1593478


"Its not like they have replaced RTE"

They have replaced TV3.

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 26/05/2014 12:43:32    1593495



"I asked the same question, "why wasn't something as important as this brought before congress" ?, instead it was bulldozed through with a touch of political correctness.

A couple of short years ago didn't sky news set up shop here with a venture called "sky new's Ireland" hosted by our very own Grainne but sky pulled the plug on that venture and walked away, who's to say they wont do the same with this venture"

At the time, I gave the example of a board of directors making a business decision - they don't ballot their shareholders or no decision would ever be reached. In terms of Congress, a proposal like this has to be a two-thirds majority. As you correctly point out, this IS a venture. Either party can walk away after 3 years. Let's see what happens in the mean time.

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 26/05/2014 12:50:30    1593505


County: Armagh
Posts: 77

I don't really understand those giving out about the sky deal. Its not like they have replaced RTE, they are still showing as many games as the last few years and many many more then they used to over a decade ago.

At the end of the day GAA is product we all consume, and pay to be entertained. If it was any other way then we wouldn't have an admission charge into the games.

I don't like it being referred to a "a product" even though it has been referred to as just that by the president of the gaa. it is an organisation, a way of life, a tradition, a community, a volunteer-led organisation. It belongs to the people. We should not be bought and sold to the highest bidder. I hate SKY and always have done, along with FOX news, The Sun, the NOTW, and all Rupert Murdoch's disgusting empire.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 26/05/2014 13:01:32    1593511
