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Sky Sports' GAA - I love it!!

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County: Dublin
Posts: 7640


What are you in about man
They only announced one analyst per sport
So tell me how that makes them better then tv3 considering both of them previously worked for tv3

hill16no1man if you're going to pontificate about something please do the research and you might have an iota of an idea of what you're talking about.
I will say this only one more time: Sky announced the mainstay pundits and will have more pundits as the season goes on. They will have a backroom team that's in a different stratosphere to TV3s resources.
To say that Skys presentation will be identical TV3s.....well I reckon you're just acting the maggot.

Floops (Dublin) - Posts: 1623 - 24/05/2014 15:07:19    1592767



you yet again are assuming becuase they will dedicate the technology and money they invest in soccer or rugby
they will automatcially do the same to a sport they are only dipping their toes into and which will be aniche sport for them nothing more.wouldnt make great sense to come to croke park and have a press confrence and only announce one analyst per sport if you had others lined up considering they are new to the sport and aiming to gain supporters you would imagine they would have wanted to really catch the eye if they are looking to get people to splash out 39 euro a month to watch their coverage

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 24/05/2014 15:18:23    1592769


I'm not assuming anything. I'm going by what I've read/heard from the horses mouth.
Of course they are going to build a team of different pundits.

I'm not imagining anything. You're telling me how their programmes will be presented, & I'm telling you that I've heard different.

Floops (Dublin) - Posts: 1623 - 24/05/2014 15:35:40    1592778


23/05/2014 20:11:39 hill16no1man
Ormond Talk about being hypocritical Haha
You say I cannot state its going to be tv3 on pay per view
On the basis that they have yet to show a match but then turn around say that we should all assume they will have excellent coverage because of other sports coverage they have Hahahaha
Its common sense to say if the vast vast majority of Skys coverage is excellent to good then their coverage of hurling/gaelic will at that standard.
23/05/2014 20:19:32 hill16no1man
Htaem Yes I did refer to the other posters who stated that
Also that's fine that your excited but its also expected for viewers to be disappointed in their coverage to date considering they are charging you 39 euro more a month then tv3 you do expect more then a reduced version of what you were getting is that not fair .
If they do change their ways and appoint more analyst's I will give a revised opinion but surely at your press conference you would be looking to catch the eye and increase their subscriptions so you would imagine if they had more analysts then that was the outing to showcase them
But the €39 charge will also give you innumerous other sports coverage.
23/05/2014 20:29:18 hill16no1man
No ormond your completely wrong. I am not assuming anything that's the thing
I don't know how sky will do when they show live matches And neither does anybody else
The point is the other posters proclaimed that sky would bring Gaa to anew level regarding analysis and slated tv3 for their analysis and I pointed out at the time that sky would only get guys from tv3 or other stations already covering Gaa
And that is exactly what happened.
Sky announced only one analyst per sport which is a reduction of two compared to tv3 so I commented in that and finally u compared their advertisements to rte
These are all we can go on so far from sky and so far it has not been very good in my opinion
How am I completely wrong?
They have several new people who are head analysts/commentators and who knows the guys they've got from other stations may be much better on Sky. Just like any number of panellists In any number of sports who are much better following a change in station.
Sky have announced some presenters. No reason why they wont announce more over summer

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 24/05/2014 15:47:32    1592787


im only telling you what they stated at their press conference

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 24/05/2014 15:47:38    1592788


Sure we'll find out over the summer. Let me know cause I haven't got Sky meself!

Floops (Dublin) - Posts: 1623 - 24/05/2014 16:11:08    1592795


You say €39 like it's nothing more than pocket money you'd give a child , I lot of people young and old that live near me wouldn't have €39 after paying all their bills and buying a bit of grub, but sure once the rich are happy that's all that matters I suppose. Shame on the GAA . Bunch of Sell outs.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 24/05/2014 16:53:52    1592809


Careful Now
When Sky do start their coverage they may well be biased in favour of Ulster teams (well some anyway). So don't try and take on too much too soon Good luck!

mhunicean_abu (Monaghan) - Posts: 1050 - 24/05/2014 19:45:45    1592862


24/05/2014 16:53:52
Ormomdbannerman You say €39 like it's nothing more than pocket money you'd give a child , I lot of people young and old that live near me wouldn't have €39 after paying all their bills and buying a bit of grub, but sure once the rich are happy that's all that matters I suppose. Shame on the GAA . Bunch of Sell outs.
GAA are not sell outs. Ridiculous to say anything like that.
€39 is not that significant amount(if it was €60+ it may be an issue) and isn't even a night out for one..
Im in no way rich but €39 is not that significantly large amount...
24/05/2014 19:45:45
Careful Now
When Sky do start their coverage they may well be biased in favour of Ulster teams (well some anyway). So don't try and take on too much too soon Good luck!
hahahahahaha under what reasoning would they be biased....

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 24/05/2014 20:16:07    1592872


Tell ould lads on a state pension that €39 isn't a lot of money, but it's not just €39 that's just the sports it's another €30 for sky it's self ,hardly any1 down my side of the country have sky, so that's €70 a month , we are not aloud to cut turf anymore so we have to buy coal which is nearly €20 a bag so if you ask a poor person do they want sky or heating it will have to be heat I'd say. So like I said €39 might not be a lot to you but it's a lot of money when you are poor.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 24/05/2014 21:23:08    1592899


Ah kingdomboy would you ever give it a rest.

There are games on RTE all summer for everyone to watch, rich & poor alike.

There is also the Sunday Game & live radio coverage which I enjoyed this evening.

Everyone can't have everything, it's the way of the world.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 24/05/2014 21:38:13    1592905


24/05/2014 21:23:08
Ormomdbannerman Tell ould lads on a state pension that €39 isn't a lot of money, but it's not just €39 that's just the sports it's another €30 for sky it's self ,hardly any1 down my side of the country have sky, so that's €70 a month , we are not aloud to cut turf anymore so we have to buy coal which is nearly €20 a bag so if you ask a poor person do they want sky or heating it will have to be heat I'd say. So like I said €39 might not be a lot to you but it's a lot of money when you are poor.
.... Vast vast majority of games are still on rte. What you are describing is ridiculous..
So hardly anyone down in Kerry has Sky. Pull the other one... not allowed(sic) pull turf (rightly so...)
24/05/2014 21:38:13 MuckrossHead
Ah kingdomboy would you ever give it a rest.
There are games on RTE all summer for everyone to watch, rich & poor alike.
There is also the Sunday Game & live radio coverage which I enjoyed this evening.
Everyone can't have everything, it's the way of the world.

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 24/05/2014 21:52:54    1592913


County: Dublin
Posts: 7651

im only telling you what they stated at their press conference

They also said at the same press conference that there'd be a host of special guest appearing over the course of their championship coverage. You didn't see that??? The eyes only see what the mind wants them to see!

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 24/05/2014 21:59:57    1592915


So your saying you have no sympathy for poor people who have given so much of there time to the GAA with no financial reward only for the GAA to go and kick them in the guts now while we are in the worst resession in years? Well that says a lot about you and any other posters who think selling out to sky is a good idea, I mean they could have given the 20 games to sky for the people abroad and still given rte all the games as well, and don't tell me that sky wouldn't have gone for it because the GAA held all the cards ( I mean it's not in financial trouble, it had just paid off croke park) the GAA held all the aces and TV3 were supposed to be offering more money from what I read so it doesn't make any financial since either. And ya I'm saying hardly one in my area have sky by the way, a load of people have free to air boxes.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 25/05/2014 09:42:15    1592925



Special guests yeah which means players on their weekend off hardly appointed analyst

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 25/05/2014 10:58:22    1592943


Really? And how do you know this? And what would be wrong with that?

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 25/05/2014 12:36:31    1592975



"I mean they could have given the 20 games to sky for the people abroad and still given rte all the games as well, and don't tell me that sky wouldn't have gone for it because the GAA held all the cards ( I mean it's not in financial trouble, it had just paid off croke park) the GAA held all the aces."

Are you deluded? One of the main reasons for Sky wanting this deal is to hold onto their existing IRISH customers over the summer months.

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 25/05/2014 12:41:50    1592979


Why am I deluded? Did the GAA not hold all the cards in the negotiations? Has the association not flurished in the 130 years before sky? There was nothing wrong with the way things were, it's just GAA snobbery and bigness IMO , step on the poor men and women .

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 25/05/2014 14:22:11    1593032


Anybody see Ian Wrights review on last weekends GAA for the sun? I thought it was a joke when I heard about it first but he did quite well, much better pronunciation than Jim White.

CaisleanCnucha (Dublin) - Posts: 1379 - 25/05/2014 14:38:31    1593040



You have your opinion & I have mine.

keeper7 (Longford) - Posts: 4088 - 25/05/2014 15:46:23    1593094
