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Sky Sports' GAA - I love it!!

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Now I'm not saying for definite that it will be an improvement but given this information its crazy to dismiss them before they have even broadcast a single game!

Spot on, when someone is staunchly critical of something before even seeing it, it's as obvious as a kick in the sack that they'll never accept it, it's a lost cause.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 22/05/2014 17:44:12    1592022


Truth is nobody has a bloody clue how good or bad Skys format will be, judging it on little cameos been shown so far is pointless. Lets wait and see its another option for people and personally ill be very interested to see how it works out.

AthCliath (Dublin) - Posts: 4347 - 22/05/2014 21:51:30    1592149


Skysports Beginners Guide to Gaelic Games.... :o)

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3941 - 23/05/2014 15:15:07    1592419



Where have I ever said I speak for anybody other then myself? Also I cab state that their analysis is a reduced but more expensive version tv3 as they have the same people but less of them for a lit more of a price tag

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 18:40:35    1592555



So basically you view success of the Gaa being down to the fact it will be now shown in households across the pond
We don't need the English peoples approval to know how good Gaa is you do realsie that.
Just because they have good analysis in other sports does not mean there Gaa had to be better despite using the same people tv3 already used but were regarded as poor pundits

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 18:43:33    1592557



What are you in about man
They only announced one analyst per sport
So tell me how that makes them better then tv3 considering both of them previously worked for tv3

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 18:46:31    1592559


Tgr master

Why is it that all of a sudden you must be wrong about tv3
Us it simply the attitude of because sky sports signed them they obviously have to be good

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 18:48:50    1592560



If first row sports show the Gaa matches sky sports have live
And I watch them on there and there coverage is very good I will have no problem coming on here saying it was very good
The problem has been the assumption of so many here that simply because sky sports come aboard it means they will improve things and the refusal of those same people to admit that they stated their analyst's would be way above what we had yet the fact is they are the same people.
I never had a problem with tv3 at all that's the thing these people did.

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 18:58:16    1592567



The problem has been the assumption of so many here that simply because sky sports come aboard it means they will improve things and the refusal of those same people to admit that they stated their analyst's would be way above what we had yet the fact is they are the same people.

Ok but I presume (without specifically knowing) that a few people probably said that Sky's coverage would be far better than TV3's, that being a more general term than specifically their analysis. If I said that Sky's analysis would be better than TV3's (and I have no recollection of saying that) then no it won't, it'll be much the same.

But to honest I think you're getting a bit too hung on this hill, a lot of people were probably just excited by Sky getting a Gaa package deal, they are after all a massive tv network and their sports coverage is very extensive whether people like them or not. So anyway on the back of that excitement a few people probably went a bit over board, but they're only human, so what can you do.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 23/05/2014 19:21:45    1592572


That was the debate that was being had and that is all I said about it until I have got bombarded with different posters trying to state I'm the anti Santa to sky sports Haha
If you have a debate over something and fight your corner and later its proved you were exactly right should you not state that when you see the same posters being hypocritical about the guys they had slated only a month or so ago for not being good enough as analyst's

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 19:30:37    1592574



Listen you know at least a bit about me at this stage, so you know I'm not overly bother by analysts, so I presume you're referring to other posters when you say they were wrong about Sky improving the quality of analysis.

I'm excited about the Sky deal because of the vast new exposure it affords the Gaa, but I'm not saying and haven't said that the Gaa would actually take off elsewhere on the back of this extra exposure. Also Sky are only really interested in the Gaa because apparently their summer subscriptions in Ireland plummet, but either way as a by-product of their desire to hold on to Irish customers the Gaa now has the potential to be seen by many more new viewers and I'm personally excited by that prospect.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 23/05/2014 19:42:58    1592578


23/05/2014 18:40:35 hill16no1man
Ormond Where have I ever said I speak for anybody other then myself? Also I cab state that their analysis is a reduced but more expensive version tv3 as they have the same people but less of them for a lit more of a price tag
you cant state that its anything of the sort when they are yet to show a game so unless you are a prophecy we can only assume that it will be similar to most of their other live sports coverage
23/05/2014 18:43:33 hill16no1man
Ormond So basically you view success of the Gaa being down to the fact it will be now shown in households across the pond
We don't need the English peoples approval to know how good Gaa is you do realsie that.
Just because they have good analysis in other sports does not mean there Gaa had to be better despite using the same people tv3 already used but were regarded as poor pundits
that isn't what I said and English peoples approval isn't needed... they will have several differences to tv3 even if they use some of the same commentators/analysts. different station = different approach

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 23/05/2014 20:02:06    1592583


23/05/2014 18:46:31 hill16no1man
Floops What are you in about man
They only announced one analyst per sport
So tell me how that makes them better then tv3 considering both of them previously worked for tv3
They announced one but that doesn't mean they mightn't have another or two.

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 23/05/2014 20:03:34    1592584


23/05/2014 18:58:16 hill16no1man
Htaem If first row sports show the Gaa matches sky sports have live
And I watch them on there and there coverage is very good I will have no problem coming on here saying it was very good
The problem has been the assumption of so many here that simply because sky sports come aboard it means they will improve things and the refusal of those same people to admit that they stated their analyst's would be way above what we had yet the fact is they are the same people.
I never had a problem with tv3 at all that's the thing these people did.
Basis of people talking about improvements with Sky is based on their coverage of other sports and experience. You cant criticise people for assuming sky will be good when you by your posts are assuming they will be poor. Don't be a hypocrite
23/05/2014 19:21:45 Htaem
hill16no1man The problem has been the assumption of so many here that simply because sky sports come aboard it means they will improve things and the refusal of those same people to admit that they stated their analyst's would be way above what we had yet the fact is they are the same people.
Ok but I presume (without specifically knowing) that a few people probably said that Sky's coverage would be far better than TV3's, that being a more general term than specifically their analysis. If I said that Sky's analysis would be better than TV3's (and I have no recollection of saying that) then no it won't, it'll be much the same.
But to honest I think you're getting a bit too hung on this hill, a lot of people were probably just excited by Sky getting a Gaa package deal, they are after all a massive tv network and their sports coverage is very extensive whether people like them or not. So anyway on the back of that excitement a few people probably went a bit over board, but they're only human, so what can you do.

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 23/05/2014 20:06:54    1592585



Talk about being hypocritical Haha
You say I cannot state its going to be tv3 on pay per view
On the basis that they have yet to show a match but then turn around say that we should all assume they will have excellent coverage because of other sports coverage they have Hahahaha

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 20:11:39    1592588



Yes I did refer to the other posters who stated that
Also that's fine that your excited but its also expected for viewers to be disappointed in their coverage to date considering they are charging you 39 euro more a month then tv3 you do expect more then a reduced version of what you were getting is that not fair .
If they do change their ways and appoint more analyst's I will give a revised opinion but surely at your press conference you would be looking to catch the eye and increase their subscriptions so you would imagine if they had more analysts then that was the outing to showcase them

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 20:19:32    1592593


No ormond your completely wrong
I am not assuming anything that's the thing
I don't know how sky will do when they show live matches
And neither does anybody else
The point is the other posters proclaimed that sky would bring Gaa to anew level regarding analysis and slated tv3 for their analysis and I pointed out at the time that sky would only get guys from tv3 or other stations already covering Gaa
And that is exactly what happened .
Sky announced only one analyst per sport which is a reduction of two compared to tv3 so I commented in that and finally u compared their advertisements to rte
These are all we can go on so far from sky and so far it has not been very good in my opinion

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 20:29:18    1592597



Yes I did refer to the other posters who stated that
Also that's fine that your excited but its also expected for viewers to be disappointed in their coverage to date considering

Well they haven't even covered a game yet so I'll reserve judgement until they do, none of us can really know how this is going to turn out until we see them in action, but I doubt they're going to do anything spectacular.

Htaem (Meath) - Posts: 8657 - 23/05/2014 21:02:39    1592612


Exactly htaem
Not worth splashing out 39 euro a month which is what they are asking yiy to do to watch it haha

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 23/05/2014 21:30:41    1592626


kerryluck (Kerry) - Posts: 2517 - 24/05/2014 14:20:55    1592744
