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Sky Sports' GAA - I love it!!

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Sweet strike
That's a great team , hard to argue with it in fairness although would pascal McConnell be the better keeper ? I mean clux is deadly with the last 3-4 years but McConnell was emence for the 6 before that.

KingdomBoy1 (Kerry) - Posts: 14092 - 31/05/2014 17:42:18    1596042


County: Meath
Posts: 168

Sweetstrike. Thoughts? Ill give you one.
Anyone who does not include graham geraghty in a team from 02 to present knows nothing about football.

Really? He was a great player but 02 onwards weren't exactly the best years of his career.

uibhfhaili1986 (Offaly) - Posts: 1296 - 01/06/2014 12:42:20    1596186


I would be dubious of any team that has Francie Bellew ahead of Seamus Moynihan, even though I would have great respect for Francie. Ciaran MacDonald was a phenomenal footballer and were he from any of the Ulster counties, Dublin or Kerry he would be considered one of the greats - while Dooher was effective he comes nowhere near the class of MacDonald. All these things are a matter of opinion though of course.

Soma (UK) - Posts: 2630 - 01/06/2014 13:00:42    1596192


Re Ormond
May 19th and on to now is the equivalent of September 1st-21st in the Hurling and Gaelic season. This is not the middle of the rugby season but is when all the competitions are coming to a close so will dominate.
Your whole look through is kind of sad(and ridiculous) that you despise coverage of virtually completely irish sides competing with the best in their sport..
Most mentions of hurling/gaelic were most certainly not negative. If you have such an issue with RTE coverage of GAA and that GAA is not being treated in an equal manner then complain...

Pity you had to resort to name calling, I refuse stoop to that level. You make general unsupported statements re RTE coverage ( will get previews of the games this weekend tonight/Friday/Saturday).... I give you the facts. No RTE dont preview the games this weekend on Thurs Fri or Sat) In the last 2 weeks there was one preview of one GAA match/ So the facts dont support your viewpoint deal with it. On your other assertion re "despising virtually completely (whatever that might mean) Irish sides" that is a straw man argument.
When did I ever say that? I have absolutely nothing against the rugby game. However I do object to a minority sport getting the lions share of coverage on the national --licence payer funded -- broadcaster. It is in my opinion frankly corrupt behaviour. I will continue to hold this opinion until proved otherwise. There are too many areas in Irish public life where an elite promote their own cause at the expense of the ordinary citizen.

mod (Mayo) - Posts: 859 - 01/06/2014 19:12:05    1596378


Re Ormond
May 19th and on to now is the equivalent of September 1st-21st in the Hurling and Gaelic season. This is not the middle of the rugby season but is when all the competitions are coming to a close so will dominate.
Your whole look through is kind of sad(and ridiculous) that you despise coverage of virtually completely irish sides competing with the best in their sport..
Most mentions of hurling/gaelic were most certainly not negative. If you have such an issue with RTE coverage of GAA and that GAA is not being treated in an equal manner then complain...
01/06/2014 19:12:05 mod
Pity you had to resort to name calling, I refuse stoop to that level. You make general unsupported statements re RTE coverage ( will get previews of the games this weekend tonight/Friday/Saturday).... I give you the facts. No RTE dont preview the games this weekend on Thurs Fri or Sat) In the last 2 weeks there was one preview of one GAA match/ So the facts dont support your viewpoint deal with it. On your other assertion re "despising virtually completely (whatever that might mean) Irish sides" that is a straw man argument.
When did I ever say that? I have absolutely nothing against the rugby game. However I do object to a minority sport getting the lions share of coverage on the national --licence payer funded -- broadcaster. It is in my opinion frankly corrupt behaviour. I will continue to hold this opinion until proved otherwise. There are too many areas in Irish public life where an elite promote their own cause at the expense of the ordinary citizen.
There was previews and or updates of games in days preceeding today on the main news programmes.
There was preview on mainstream news websites.
My argument on you despising irish rugby sides is based on past posts of yours on rugby(where you tried criticise rugby on loads of bulls... reasons)
Rugby isn't a minority sport in Ireland as its one of the biggest overall and it doesn't get the Lions share of coverage on RTE.
There is nothing corrupt about coverage rugby receives and if you truly believe that it is then make complaints about it but you wont as it isn't corrupt and totally legal and fair.

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 01/06/2014 20:47:19    1596462


Once again support your answer. Where have I critized the rugby game, you cant because I haven't. Prove me wrong! It is as I have said a straw man argument.
Re minority sport
This is the latest stat I can find (I will admit it is not current but it is the best I can do) "Gaelic football is the most popular with 34% of total sports attendances at events in Ireland and abroad, followed by hurling at 23%, soccer at 16% and rugby at 8% and the All-Ireland Football Final is the most watched event in the sporting calendar"
Looks like a minority sport to me.
I notice you are now saying "There was previews and or updates of games in days preceeding today on the main news programmes" Eh no there wasn,t. Look up RTE player. or follow @rtewatch on Twitter as I do.
Here is another fact Total rte coverage of games from Jan 30th to now is running at Rugby about 100 hours GAA hurling and Football about 30hours
And another fact: Sports Council Grants ... Gaelic Football and Hurling together €2.4m Rugby €2.36m
Just saying something is so doesnt make it so. Support your arguments with facts.

mod (Mayo) - Posts: 859 - 01/06/2014 21:33:02    1596488


Bring on Sky.

Tuned in to Sunday Game last night to watch the highlights of this
weekend's action.

They managed to squeeze in another 3 replays of Sean Cavanaghs tackle from last year. In a week when Tyrone weren't even playing.

That was preceded by so called analysis which said Antrim Fermanagh was a great game BUT couldn't possibly leave it at that...Ulster matches are usually dour, negative, defensive, lets call a spade a spade, if it quacks like a duck then it is a duck...

tyroneed (Tyrone) - Posts: 753 - 02/06/2014 08:50:21    1596512


tyroned I know you're probably sick of all the stick you get but a lot of us down south respect Ulster for what it is. The second best provincial championship after the munster hurling.

When the eventual shift to a champions league type format comes the likes of the Ulster and Munster provincials should still be held but as a separate competition.

Jack_Goff (Meath) - Posts: 2920 - 02/06/2014 10:35:59    1596572


RTE and their miniscule coverage of the weaker counties is a downright disgrace.

salvador (Roscommon) - Posts: 439 - 02/06/2014 12:18:07    1596661


01/06/2014 21:33:02 mod
Once again support your answer. Where have I critized the rugby game, you cant because I haven't. Prove me wrong! It is as I have said a straw man argument.Re minority sport
This is the latest stat I can find (I will admit it is not current but it is the best I can do) "Gaelic football is the most popular with 34% of total sports attendances at events in Ireland and abroad, followed by hurling at 23%, soccer at 16% and rugby at 8% and the All-Ireland Football Final is the most watched event in the sporting calendar"
Looks like a minority sport to me.
I notice you are now saying "There was previews and or updates of games in days preceeding today on the main news programmes" Eh no there wasn,t. Look up RTE player. or follow @rtewatch on Twitter as I do.
Here is another fact Total rte coverage of games from Jan 30th to now is running at Rugby about 100 hours GAA hurling and Football about 30hours
And another fact: Sports Council Grants ... Gaelic Football and Hurling together €2.4m Rugby €2.36m
Just saying something is so doesnt make it so. Support your arguments with facts.
Rugby isn't a minority sport. Its in top 4 male team sports in the country so nothing but a minority sport and still growing in major way across country.
8% is about 1 in 10 which is most certainly not a minority sport. Triathlon(though growing rapidly), baseball, cricket etc are minority sports. Rugby is nthing but a minority sport.
rte across all media were previewing GAA. From January 30th to now is main part of rugby season. For next 3 months there will be no live games of rugby on RTE and next season the pro12 is not on RTE so next live rugby on RTE will be next November.
GAA clubs get grants from multitude of other areas that rugby don't. Those 2.4 and 2.36 figures will vary each year and Rugby got 250'000+ especially for womens team who are preparing for this 2014 womens world cup

02/06/2014 12:18:07
RTE and their miniscule coverage of the weaker counties is a downright disgrace.
No it isn't and all channels would be the same. Bigger/better teams will get most coverage

ormondbannerman (Clare) - Posts: 13473 - 02/06/2014 13:55:51    1596743


For a sport that only gets 1 in 13 (8%) of the spectators every year and is dwarfed by the football and hurling even on their own it's disgraceful the ratio of the coverage of Rugby vs Football and Rugby vs Hurling.

I'm not saying RTE shouldn't cover Rugby as they do but if they are going to, then they need to up the GAA coverage big time to reflect the countries interests.

TG4 the other day were showing some Rugby Sevens crap in a third full twickenham while there were some decent hurling and football matches going televised. Now the GAA might be holding some of these back but what is the point of having 5 GAA championship matches in one day and only 1 of them live.

TG4 and RTE should be pushing a lot harder for these and now that they're losing the Rabo they've zero excuse. BBC have also put in a very weak bid for the GAA and some of their TD's are very unhappy with the coverage BBC will be giving the GAA this year.

Jack_Goff (Meath) - Posts: 2920 - 02/06/2014 14:44:49    1596790


Hope you all noticed no mention of Gaelic Football or Hurling tonight on Six One News but the Rugby U20 tournament from New Zealand was mentioned along with some game footage.

mod (Mayo) - Posts: 859 - 02/06/2014 21:21:16    1597059


Ah come on Ormond, how can you say it isn't in the minority with the figures that mod just provided? Rhyming off some half-baked stat about male teams sports isn't a substitute. 8% is a minority, and a small one.

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 03/06/2014 09:45:18    1597102


more sky sports mistakes as kilkenny face offaly in the connacht football championship
with black cards introduced for this game to hurling

hill16no1man (Dublin) - Posts: 12665 - 05/06/2014 13:47:50    1598587


Ah come on hill16. Look at the big picture. Isn't the positivity of the coverage a welcome change from the RTE naysayers? Kudos to Hogan Stand for the SKY vid previewing Kilkenny v Offaly. The presenter did say on that clip that the Black Cards applied to football only. I would love to see the how SKY will deal with the match. Unfortunately the actual fixture they are given could be very one sided.

mod (Mayo) - Posts: 859 - 05/06/2014 18:08:11    1598772


Very positive piece for the GAA on sky sports news. Funny how it takes an English broadcaster to really positively promote our games. Great to see. And the only comment under the video on YouTube is an English man saying his Irish friend introduced him to hurling. He's very impressed.

Long may the GAA/SKY love in continue. Happy to pay the subscription as a sports fan before this year but this is the icing on the cake and I'll be keeping it over the summer months from now on.

Jack_Goff (Meath) - Posts: 2920 - 05/06/2014 18:08:30    1598773


Kilkenny for Sam.

Miler (Mayo) - Posts: 1015 - 05/06/2014 18:16:16    1598778


Credit to Carney, his recommendation of hurling put a smile on my face. What brilliant enthusiasm. He also focused on the positive aspects of the black card as opposed to the usual withering negativity. I like Carney and I think he will do our games proud.

Treaty_Exile (Limerick) - Posts: 386 - 05/06/2014 18:37:16    1598783


Sky have made a few teething problems early on, No big deal.

RTE have been covering Soccer for years and they still make a balls of stuff now and then, GAA has never been on sky so everyone in the company will still be learning.

I can see already though that they are so much better in how they talk and even promote the games in the build up. Love how Sky are really getting into it and promoting it.

Carney was brilliant in that video. Deadly..

waynoI (Dublin) - Posts: 13654 - 05/06/2014 18:44:14    1598786


Sure didn't the Irish Times send out a tweet a few weeks saying back that Roscommon had set up a semi final against Mayo after seeing off Longford.

And just yesterday Bernard Flynn's preview of this weekend's games tipped Dan Flynn to be a real handful against Louth. Dan Flynn plays for Port Adeliade these days.

But still, there's no reason to have a go at them or RTE or the likes for the countless mistakes they've made over the years.

Ah yeah, of course only big evil Sky are the only ones that deserve to be pulled.

if_in_doubt (Kildare) - Posts: 3685 - 05/06/2014 18:45:01    1598789
