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Any Good GAA Books?

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Replying To galwayford:  "Am reading it at the moment. It is ok. A bit boring. No real scandals tbh. Interesting to see how close he was to choosing Rugby as a career. He was apparently waiting for the call to play AIL rugby, but no club in Limerick wanted him. So he stuck with hurling. I make the point on here that Rugby is a huge threat to GAA. It is not their friend. This book confirms it."
No wonder players get annoyed with idle gossip that is made up.

What you have said is absolute fiction compared to what was said in book.

He went to one Connacht trial as a teen found it drawn out and didn't grab his attention and never went back.

Bar stool talk with college friends in limerick was a far as it went after that

If you go off Joe word in book rugby was never close to comparing to hurling

jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1339 - 14/01/2025 12:49:25    2585838
