National Forum

Karl Lacey - Footballer of the Year - Spat on??

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All guys that spit on players should be suspended for life from all gaa

Number 1 (None) - Posts: 18 - 05/03/2013 11:45:54    1343102


County: Dublin
Posts: 1240

Yes there definitely is a thuggish element to the Tyrone support, I think we can all agree on that.

I think "thuggish" is too strong a word. I have never felt physically intimidated in Healy Park but I certainly wouldn't bring my children into the stand.
There in an element in the Tyrone crowd which is very vocal & tribal in their support. They tend to congregate in the same area & at times the verbal abuse that goes on steps way over the line into boorishness. They are a poor advert for the vast majority of decent Tyrone people but as I said I have never seen actual physical violence from them.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 05/03/2013 12:05:03    1343121


Your man is a ********, but the Tír Eoghain are generally wile sound alltogether.

Sure remember DnaG boys beat up Spillane. We're worse by that measure, but you can't judge crowds on individuals.

AnRaibh (Donegal) - Posts: 134 - 05/03/2013 12:11:40    1343128


Some people on here using this thread as an excuse to get some cheap shots in at my county and thats more disappointing than anything that went on in Healy park IMO.

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 05/03/2013 12:56:46    1343189


County: Tyrone
Posts: 6677

1343189 Some people on here using this thread as an excuse to get some cheap shots in at my county and thats more disappointing than anything that went on in Healy park IMO.

Apologies Brend. It's gone completely off course

I think it's time to shut down this thread Admin

There's a lot of rubbish being thrown around... the Tyrone posters have condemned this incident and there's been Donegal posters that have thanked them for it.

I think that's that... no?

Beelzedub (Dublin) - Posts: 480 - 05/03/2013 13:04:22    1343198


Brend, dont let a few braindead idiots annoy you. Tyrone are a proud footballing county and real GAA people know this. Rise above them i say Brend.

kerry74 (Kerry) - Posts: 1354 - 05/03/2013 13:14:29    1343207


The HS hypocrisy is alive and well, judging some of the comments on this thread!
Some of the comments coming from certain Donegal supporters are quite frankly,

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 05/03/2013 13:28:03    1343216


County: Tyrone
Posts: 6677

Some people on here using this thread as an excuse to get some cheap shots in at my county and thats more disappointing than anything that went on in Healy park IMO.

It's hardly surprising though is it? The fact that it's almost expected and seen as acceptable is the worst part.

if_in_doubt (Kildare) - Posts: 3685 - 05/03/2013 13:37:27    1343221


I agree that this thread should be closed. All that needs to be said on the subject has been said.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 05/03/2013 13:43:40    1343226


The point has been many times - I doubt there was a single Tyrone poster didn't roundly condemn this. That leaves me thinking what else do people want?
The county board and Tyrone management reacted swiftly and correctly.

Some details have emerged today - Karl Lacey was not a specific target. The moron spat at the donegal players heading down the tunnel. Is that better, possibly in that Karl can feel he wasn't specifically targetted.
Some clown stated nothing will happen - I've no doubt it will and in fact believe from accounts that something already has.

For those Donegal fans who still want thier pound of flesh - Go back and read the Thread on your embarrassment after the Spillane attack and read what the vast majority wrote then - many from Tyrone.
"Judge not lest ye be judged" well we certainly have some holy posters here.

ConnollyDub - "Yes there definitely is a thuggish element we can all agree on that" - NO WE CAN'T.
Do you really think people can't take cheap shots at your support?

Tyronetim (Tyrone) - Posts: 1254 - 05/03/2013 14:05:26    1343249


You've certainly said enough muckross!!

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 05/03/2013 14:08:08    1343251


I was in the main stand in Healy Park last Sunday, and had no issues at all. There was good bit of banter and craic among the fans of both teams, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Granted almost all the Tyrone fans booed when Michael Murphy was sent off, which was a bit silly. But in fairness that reaction showed how big of threat Donegal and in particular Michael Murphy pose to Tyrone.
Had Tyrone been playing a team of lesser importance or lesser threat, then I don't think we would have witnessed such a hostile reaction from the Tyrone fans to a sending off.

GaryMc82 (Derry) - Posts: 3017 - 05/03/2013 14:17:53    1343261


County: Tyrone
Posts: 1339

You've certainly said enough muckross!!

Unlike yourself GateKeeper whose carefully chosen words of calm, reason & wisdom are always worth listening to!!

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 05/03/2013 15:23:41    1343329


Indeed if anyone has said too much and stirred it up it has been you gatekeeper.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9728 - 05/03/2013 15:46:51    1343348


i just want to say one thing
For so many years now we (Dublin fans) have been listening to fans from all over the country say we are the ONLY ones who boo/hiss etc etc
Its not right, its never right, but have a read of this thread and dont ever ever again let me hear this bull from ye that its ONLY the Dubs that are at this lark!
Its clearly not!!

Liamwalkinstown (Dublin) - Posts: 8166 - 05/03/2013 16:14:27    1343372


Indeed if anyone has said too much and stirred it up it has been you gatekeeper. ulsterman

Another typically hypocritical statement from you ulsterman! LOL

TheGateKeeper (Tyrone) - Posts: 2843 - 05/03/2013 17:09:05    1343439


This thread still open , typical anti Tyrone thread set up again and posters latch on to it

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 05/03/2013 17:58:32    1343496


County: Dublin
Posts: 4131

i just want to say one thing
For so many years now we (Dublin fans) have been listening to fans from all over the country say we are the ONLY ones who boo/hiss etc etc
Its not right, its never right, but have a read of this thread and dont ever ever again let me hear this bull from ye that its ONLY the Dubs that are at this lark!
Its clearly not!!

It isn't only the Dubs or Tyrone for that matter. We have our own crowd of ill mannered tramps who deserve a good hard slap. Indeed I can't ever remember being at a championship match where I didn't hear it.

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 05/03/2013 18:00:01    1343498


I really enjoyed the game on Sunday I watched it on TG4. I thought it was a good battle throughout. On the spitting issue i think it's very harsh to put the boot in on Tyrone as a county over this. I agree 100% that it was a disgraceful act and I trust that the relevant action will be taken on the culprit. Every county in Irelan has a minority of clowns like this including my own... The question is how can we as an organisation fully stamp this out????

croker16 (Louth) - Posts: 349 - 05/03/2013 18:49:14    1343538


It was a very distasteful incident and the person responsible should be reprimanded severely for it.The comments on this thread are as equally distasteful.

seanie_boy (Tyrone) - Posts: 4235 - 05/03/2013 20:27:28    1343605
