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Karl Lacey - Footballer of the Year - Spat on??

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It never ceases to amaze me how soon some GAA fans take the moral high ground for themselves and their counties supporters. Every county is as bad as another lads! Get over yourselves.

*PS It should go without saying that I don't condone this incident or other similar incidents, be they spitting, punching, wooden spoons, water bottles whatever...

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12139 - 04/03/2013 13:06:23    1342362


Does 'footballer of the year' really have to be in the title? It shouldn't have happened but he's a big boy, i'm sure he'll get over it when he looks at that player of the year award on his mantlepiece given to him out of sentiment last October.

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1596 - 04/03/2013 13:14:50    1342372


County: Galway
Posts: 676

Does 'footballer of the year' really have to be in the title? It shouldn't have happened but he's a big boy, i'm sure he'll get over it when he looks at that player of the year award on his mantlepiece given to him out of sentiment last October.

What makes you think it was given out of sentiment?

MuckrossHead (Donegal) - Posts: 5028 - 04/03/2013 13:26:29    1342385


Without doubt the spitting incident was absolutely disgusting and I don't see any Tyrone supporter trying to condone this. As was previously stated the culprit is known within Tyrone GAA circles and was challenged about his actions. Any investigation should if it proves the case provide swift and very punitive action.

Regards the booing of Murphy, I did find it slightly over the top. I think that his sending off was correct however his misdemeanour did not warrant such an outburst. However, the measure of the man was to be seen after the game when he stood for 10-15 minutes signing autographs and getting pictures taken with Tyrone supporters. I also had the pleasure of being in the main hall whilst the Donegal lads were having something to eat after the game and as usual they were absolute gentlemen, talkative and very friendly. The McGee lads try my patience on the pitch but off-field they are first class.

The game was highly charged even though it was only a league game. Almost 10000 people is some crowd for a league game and although the game in itself was not that relevant in terms of the rest of the year, Donegal were effectively the team that knocked Tyrone off their perch as kings of Ulster. The fact that they had won our previous 3 meetings and are the All Ireland champions added more spice to the game from a Tyrone perspective. This doesn't condone some of the abuse that was dished out however it may explain the higher intensity from within the Tyrone support.

On the game itself, Tyrone I thought were more up for the game without doubt probably for the reasons stated above however Donegal were very very physical and Tyrone stood up to it very well. There were some excellent scores and some decent passages of play and before he was sent off Murphy was superb.

omaghredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 3656 - 04/03/2013 13:30:34    1342389


Lockjaw: For once I agree with you. Shame to see a player with the ability of Niall Morgan act like that...

junk (Donegal) - Posts: 197 - 04/03/2013 13:38:37    1342401


Shocking behaviour. Culprit should be banned for life if it's proven to be true.

pdempsey (Mayo) - Posts: 1313 - 04/03/2013 13:38:58    1342403


County: Cavan
Posts: 8004

It never ceases to amaze me how soon some GAA fans take the moral high ground for themselves and their counties supporters. Every county is as bad as another lads! Get over yourselves.

*PS It should go without saying that I don't condone this incident or other similar incidents, be they spitting, punching, wooden spoons, water bottles whatever...

That was clearly in self-defence.

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13757 - 04/03/2013 13:43:40    1342408


Breffni, if that post was aimed at myself then I have to point out that at no point was I giving my own county the moral high ground, and this was qualified in the actual post. As regards every county having a bad element, well that is true, but it wasnt really what I was referring to. It is more of an attitude that has been adopted by one set of fans more than others, and I raised a question as to why that might be. There is nothing unreasonable in that.

TheMaster (Mayo) - Posts: 16187 - 04/03/2013 14:09:00    1342433


Breffni you're right of course.
Not surprised at the usual myopic suspects except that it took them so long to join the party. One of them now is a source of much merriment for me.

Samsforthehills....The first part of my post was directed at you the second part was a more general point to some Donegal fans who are disappointed with the defeat and decided to have a whinge about all manner of nonsense.
You're not trying to start anything yet you say "the level of abuse witnessed continually from a sizeable portion of Tyrone supporters….FACT"..."They don't like each other" ..."They've no manners"..."Persecution complex".

My opinion (Not fact just as your view isn't) is that if Tyrone supporters had no manners or were continually badly behaved in sizeable numbers - I wouldn't support them. I wouldn't travel the last 25 years the length and breadth of the country and bring my nephews if they are going to be exposed to anything approaching the slander you spout.
This is a fact - I've been to more Tyrone games than you, by some distance. I am therefore better placed to make pronouncements on the quality or otherwise our support.
This is also a fact, when you try to equivocate between mindless thugs in your own county and those in others and make the comment "A couple of loo-las from out in the sticks full drunk" - that's hardly respectful to your own county men, disparaging them because of where they live. They might be from the hills that you refer to in your moniker.

Some "Facts" from yesterday's game. There were 13 bookings - 9 for Donegal. There were 2 sendings off both for Donegal. There were 53 fouls - 31 to Donegal. Donegal were beaten fairly, deal with it, just I will if Donegal beat Tyrone in May.

Tyronetim (Tyrone) - Posts: 1254 - 04/03/2013 14:09:09    1342434


County: Donegal
Posts: 576

What makes you think it was given out of sentiment?

He wasn't the best footballer in the country in 2012, not by a long shot, but he'd been knocking about for awhile and he was on the All Ireland winning team so it made perfect sense to all involved.

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1596 - 04/03/2013 14:20:53    1342439


04/03/2013 14:09:09
County: Tyrone
Posts: 1047

Breffni you're right of course.
Not surprised at the usual myopic suspects except that it took them so long to join the party. One of them now is a source of much merriment for me.

Samsforthehills....The first part of my post was directed at you the second part was a more general point to some Donegal fans who are disappointed with the defeat and decided to have a whinge about all manner of nonsense.
You're not trying to start anything yet you say "the level of abuse witnessed continually from a sizeable portion of Tyrone supporters….FACT"..."They don't like each other" ..."They've no manners"..."Persecution complex".

My opinion (Not fact just as your view isn't) is that if Tyrone supporters had no manners or were continually badly behaved in sizeable numbers - I wouldn't support them. I wouldn't travel the last 25 years the length and breadth of the country and bring my nephews if they are going to be exposed to anything approaching the slander you spout.
This is a fact - I've been to more Tyrone games than you, by some distance. I am therefore better placed to make pronouncements on the quality or otherwise our support.
This is also a fact, when you try to equivocate between mindless thugs in your own county and those in others and make the comment "A couple of loo-las from out in the sticks full drunk" - that's hardly respectful to your own county men, disparaging them because of where they live. They might be from the hills that you refer to in your moniker.

Some "Facts" from yesterday's game. There were 13 bookings - 9 for Donegal. There were 2 sendings off both for Donegal. There were 53 fouls - 31 to Donegal. Donegal were beaten fairly, deal with it, just I will if Donegal beat Tyrone in May.

Of course they were beaten fairly, the better team won yesterday. Who has said anything different? Unless you are now trying to insinuate that the disappointment from Donegal is down to the result and not the carry on in the stands. Which isn't the case at all.

You've been to more Tyrone games than me- fair enough. I've been to enough games in which Tyrone were playing the likes of Fermanagh, Armagh and ourselves to make my own mind up. You talk about your nephew, well I've had my own wean abused on the way out in Healy park before. My godson is (for his sins) a Fermanagh man he's been abused along with my brother-in-law in Clones. I've seen Tyrone men fighting amongst each other in a game between Tyrone and Fermanagh and another time nearly coming to blows in the Gerry Arthurs against Armagh. I've had a Tyrone woman in front of me and my gang sitting with her own children children howling embarrassing abuse at Niall McCready after he got his marching orders in 2004.

That's not the carry on you expect from others and as such I'm well placed in my observation that compared to alot of other teams Tyrone off the pitch leave alot to be desired.

And as for the laughable assertion that I'm trying to justify mindless thugs in my own county, that's not the case at all. I made the loo-la point about the wild men coming down from the hills, having a good drink, a good sing,a good day out and not causing a bit of trouble. Not an ounce of maliciousness in any of them,therein lies the difference.

And it's hardly disparaging, they've a ruggedness and a wildness about them. I'm from the hills myself. Most of us will tell you we're all abit loo-la up here. Must be the altitude.

Samsforthehills (Donegal) - Posts: 1073 - 04/03/2013 14:43:00    1342463


This is ridiculous. Every county has their "minority" of supporters who tend to let themselves and their county down but the whole county shouldn't be tarred by the same brush.

Its sad to see it happening but football matches aren't played outside the bubble of society. You still have your mix of the rough and smooth. Thats no way excusing the behaviour because I'm all for the persecution of these individuals. But as I said, it happens.

RoyalClass (Meath) - Posts: 789 - 04/03/2013 14:58:45    1342477


County: Galway
Posts: 681

Who was the best player in 2012 then?

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9264 - 04/03/2013 15:03:18    1342485


It is evident in most club matches in Tyrone. It happens in most club games around the COUNTRY but it is particularly venomous in Tyrone. (i.eerrigal v omagh championship 2012). Once some supporters get in a group they turn into HALLIONS!! If its done at club games it is then magnified in county games!! Hallions sometimes cant see the line!! they go that much over the line, they end up doing something like spit on another person!! the dirtiest of dirty acts!! Sirt out the slabbers and Hallions in club games and this might have a knock on effect on the way people support their senior county team... or maybe there is no sorting Hallions.... Hallions shall be hallions!!!!!

keepherlow (Tyrone) - Posts: 127 - 04/03/2013 15:04:27    1342489


Only Lacey can tell if he was spat on

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 04/03/2013 15:25:01    1342508


You've been to more Tyrone games than me- fair enough. I've been to enough games in which Tyrone were playing the likes of Fermanagh, Armagh and ourselves to make my own mind up. You talk about your nephew, well I've had my own wean abused on the way out in Healy park before. My godson is (for his sins) a Fermanagh man he's been abused along with my brother-in-law in Clones. I've seen Tyrone men fighting amongst each other in a game between Tyrone and Fermanagh and another time nearly coming to blows in the Gerry Arthurs against Armagh. I've had a Tyrone woman in front of me and my gang sitting with her own children children howling embarrassing abuse at Niall McCready after he got his marching orders in 2004.

Funnily enough Samforthehills, like Tyronetim I too have travelled far and wide to support my county before I ended up in exile, and strange as it may be I have never witnessed anything resembling any of the incidents you have painstakingly catalogued among the Tyrone support, be it home or away. How is that?

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 04/03/2013 15:33:36    1342516


County: Tyrone
Posts: 14582

Only Lacey can tell if he was spat on

Why was no one else there at the time?

Tom1916 (Armagh) - Posts: 2001 - 04/03/2013 15:39:05    1342523


There are none so blind........

Samsforthehills (Donegal) - Posts: 1073 - 04/03/2013 15:40:16    1342528


County: Donegal
Posts: 474

There are none so blind........
And there are those who go looking for something thats not there.

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 04/03/2013 16:05:41    1342556


I hate this sort of behaviour wherever it comes from and I am not singling out Tyrone. The accusation of being anti-Tyrone cannot be thrown at me and some fans seem a bit over sensitive about ANY criticism of their own county. I despise it because there are many families who attend games now and kids can get frightened at aggressive adults cursing and swearing all around them. I have asked questions of the Antrim county board and stewarding about the horrible (minority) blue bag brigade that attaches itself to Antrim come Championship time. There should be ZERO tolerance of drunken behaviour inside the grounds though others may say that there are many corporate drinkers who shout and swear too. I know it's another topic and yes it brings a lot of income in but I just don't like the strong link between the GAA and the drinks companies as it sets the wrong example.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9728 - 04/03/2013 16:19:15    1342568
