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Kids told to remove GAA gear

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Patrique Didnt know you listened to everything the Shinners say? The protestant working class are worst well of in the history of "NI"? Patrique you might like selling these stoop political stories to the south however i think you make it out that everything is now rosey in the north far from it, our culture is not being endorsed - SF could not get the irish language act passed which they where elected on the basis of, the same can be said for the conflict transformation centre at the kesh something to embrace the two cultures or policing and justice powers. Now this falls down to the Irish culture in the north constantly being harrassed and discriminated against by its state police, government members and a massive section of the other side of the community. This needs put to a halt and your take on this that its just a few morons is painting the a false picture.

North Side Gael (None) - Posts: 1076 - 01/05/2009 14:17:26    273234


In relation to the sectarian supermarket, it has to be realised that it is a British store. They at best will only give token acknowledgement to Irish Culture and sports. What money do they put into GAA sponsership for example? I use Dunnes(Irish), Asda(American) for the majority of my shopping. I will aim to avoid Tesco from this point forward. I know I am still a 2nd class citizen in Northern ireland but there is no reason why I should pay my wages to organisations which are happy to maintain that status quo.

John Boss (Tyrone) - Posts: 865 - 01/05/2009 16:18:13    273393


North Side Gael
County: All
Posts: 727


Didnt know you listened to everything the Shinners say? The protestant working class are worst well of in the history of "NI"?

Just a note, I didn't mention the Shinners. I said republicans.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 01/05/2009 16:31:22    273406


Patrique has given a good idea of what Antrim town is like. People from the country used to stop there on the way to Belfast back in the days when there was no motorway and Halls Hotel was a favourite stopover. It is a huge town with lots of estates all round it but a very small town centre. A lot of people moved into it from Belfast during the troubles and brought their troubles with them. Generally nowadays it isnt a place that you would visit unless you had to.

BIG SACKS (Tyrone) - Posts: 1681 - 01/05/2009 16:56:24    273433


Just wondering.....

Has Tesco responded yet?

Why has the southern media ignored this whole issue?

BIG SACKS (Tyrone) - Posts: 1681 - 01/05/2009 16:57:45    273437


Dear all, I complained directly to Adrian Watson and got the response below. Seems somebody got their wires crossed. Fair play to him for his response. Hi All I apologise for responding to "All" but I have received quite a few emails, which I hope after you read my response you will find have been unfair. Firstly, last Sunday I was in Newcastle, Co Down waiting on my daughter completing her Duke of Edinburgh Award in Mourne Mountains. Which definitely means that I was at no stage in Antrim during Sunday Afternoon and was NOT the Public Representative who complained about young children from St Comgalls GAA Bag Packing at the Store. The first I knew of this incident was on 4pm on Monday when "2 gentlemen" came into my constituency office to complain. My advice to them was to not go and confront Tesco Management but to go home and to calm down and I would seek further information on what had taken place. I must stress that even after this discussion I did not make a complaint to either Tesco's, The Sports Club or anyone else. Indeed as I write this email I have still not made a complaint to any of the above or DO NOT INTEND TO DO SO. Unfortunately the 2 constituents who I spoke to contacted the BBC and given that Tesco confirmed that a Public representative had made a complaint on Sunday, a BBC researcher put two and two together to suggest that I was present on Sunday and complained. Quite frankly I am disgusted that this event has got the press coverage that it has. I have spoken to the Secretary of St Comgalls to express my total disgust that the clubs young children have had to endure this nonsense when they were only collecting for their club. I have issued a Press Statement and Tesco are also willing to confirm to anyone, that I was NOT the Public Representative that complained. I would also like to make it clear that I have worked with St Comgalls GAA Club in the past and will be working with them in the future on a substantial expansion project. I know many of the parents and certainly would not want to offend them. I must add that I am disappointed by some emails and their description of myself; I would urge anyone to contact me directly and would be happy to talk them through the actual events as sometimes you cannot believe all the press you read. I also await an apology from BBC on this matter

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 01/05/2009 18:02:46    273499


Response from Tesco UK below: Thank you for your email. I was concerned to learn that you were unhappy about the way in which the issue about the collection for the Gaelic Athletic Association was handled in the Antrim store. We often facilitate local charities, community organisations and sporting groups by permitting them to collect money through bag packing at our stores. It is our policy to ask that the groups wear their uniforms and clearly display the name of their organisation on the collecting tins, so that customers will know for whom they are collecting. Volunteer bag packers are then allocated a number of checkouts, so that customers have the option to go to another checkout if they do not wish to support this particular organisation. Due to a number of vociferous complaints about the wearing of the GAA shirts while the group were collecting, our Duty Manager at Antrim store deviated from Tesco policy and asked that those packing should do so in plain T-shirts. Subsequently, we have had several complaints to the store both from those opposed to the GAA shirts being worn and those opposed to the Duty Manager asking them to wear plain T-shirts instead. We have now reviewed our bag packing policy and have decided that sporting organisations can continue to raise money in this way, but in future those collecting will be asked not to wear their sports kit as it appears that, regardless of the nature or allegiance of the club, it is possible to offend someone. We shall, however, continue to ensure that the group is clearly identified on their collecting tins so that customers can make an informed choice about whether or not they wish to make a donation. We would be deeply disappointed if we had to discontinue this practice as many organisations depend on this facility to raise funds. It is never our intention to cause offence, so we rely on the co-operation and tolerance of our customers, in order to provide what is a very valuable service for a large number of organisations. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Kind Regards Jodie HunterCustomer Service ManagerTesco Customer Service

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 01/05/2009 18:06:23    273501


response from Adrian watson below. Patrique he reckons that he has been in touch with you? Hi All I apologise for responding to "All" but I have received quite a few emails, which I hope after you read my response you will find have been unfair. Firstly, last Sunday I was in Newcastle, Co Down waiting on my daughter completing her Duke of Edinburgh Award in Mourne Mountains. Which definitely means that I was at no stage in Antrim during Sunday Afternoon and was NOT the Public Representative who complained about young children from St Comgalls GAA Bag Packing at the Store. The first I knew of this incident was on 4pm on Monday when "2 gentlemen" came into my constituency office to complain. My advice to them was to not go and confront Tesco Management but to go home and to calm down and I would seek further information on what had taken place. I must stress that even after this discussion I did not make a complaint to either Tesco's, The Sports Club or anyone else. Indeed as I write this email I have still not made a complaint to any of the above or DO NOT INTEND TO DO SO. Unfortunately the 2 constituents who I spoke to contacted the BBC and given that Tesco confirmed that a Public representative had made a complaint on Sunday, a BBC researcher put two and two together to suggest that I was present on Sunday and complained. Quite frankly I am disgusted that this event has got the press coverage that it has. I have spoken to the Secretary of St Comgalls to express my total disgust that the clubs young children have had to endure this nonsense when they were only collecting for their club. I have issued a Press Statement and Tesco are also willing to confirm to anyone, that I was NOT the Public Representative that complained. I would also like to make it clear that I have worked with St Comgalls GAA Club in the past and will be working with them in the future on a substantial expansion project. I know many of the parents and certainly would not want to offend them. I must add that I am disappointed by some emails and their description of myself; I would urge anyone to contact me directly and would be happy to talk them through the actual events as sometimes you cannot believe all the press you read. I also await an apology from BBC on this matter. what the update Patrique?

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 01/05/2009 18:24:39    273517


Agree with most who say that this was a total disgrace. Kids trying to fundraise, my god. The GAA and nationalists in all of Ireland need to stand firm on this one. I am writing to the store also. Our SPORTING organisation is being ridiculed as something political and offensive to certain unionists. A bit like saying someone in a Rugby or soccer top should be removed from a shop. You would think that sport transcends political differences, but these people are trying to muddy the great name of the GAA because they have run out of insults to throw the nationalist way. I told my flatmate this morning who is a staunch Rangers supporter, and he simply couldn't believe it. And he is fairly well in tow with affairs in the north of Ireland. The people who made these ridiculous complaints are on another planet. And yes, our national broadcaster RTE has done a fine job highlighting this crazy situation, looking through the website i see that it has got no mention. PC gone mad, we wouldn't want to carry a story where certain unionist actions were portrayed in a negative light now would we. Apparently it doesn't happen now anymore. RTE should be ASHAMED.

Donegal_abroad (Donegal) - Posts: 1379 - 01/05/2009 18:34:18    273522


RLF. our secretary is female. I am the PRO. Adrian converses with me on occasion but personally I haven't seen him this week. I stated in an earlier post that it was another politican who caused the trouble. In response to some other posters I already boycott Asda because it is Wall Mart, who spend billions of pounds to ensure it is not unionised. I was going to boycott Tesco tonight but unfortunately I cannot get there as there is a parade by Orange bands. I suspect this is being held around a memorial erected to a man who was killed in the town. The estate where the memorial is sited did not want it put up, neither did the man's family. I was intrigued by Tesco reply to RLF. Doesn't seem to address the problem. Hopefully their reply to us will offer more hope. To change the policy now would not send the right message as they would be in effect giving in to the complaints. Otherwise I will be travelling miles to shop.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 01/05/2009 20:53:39    273589


Don't why people are surprised at the Dublin 4 media. It is what we come to expect from them............Nothing

TheGlensman (Antrim) - Posts: 123 - 01/05/2009 21:13:34    273608


Why has someone from the Antrim board, Ulster Council or Croke Park not made a statement on this yet? It is NO surprise that the Southern media have buried their heads. If it isn't hammering Republicans or Northern Nationalists they don't want to know and their cowardice & revisionism have been a stain on the South over the past 40 years; it has been nothing short of shameful. The Southern media is more preoccupied with NOT annoying Unionists that it has long abandoned any truth and facts on the North. You only have to pick up a daily or Sunday paper in Dublin to know that.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 01/05/2009 22:45:54    273669


Ulsterman - or anyone else - please define the 'Southern Media' - or any other media for that matter. There is no such thing as the 'Southern media'. Most of the 'SM' is internationally owned. They write (and are told to write) things that they think/hope will sell. People who don't know any better and have lost the ability to think for themselves buy, and believe these writings as Gospel.

Always remember that the paper you buy and the article you read is possibly written by someone who has had a max two years in college. They may not yet be 20. Wake up and smell the coffee people. This website is media by the way.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 02/05/2009 02:14:08    273757


01/05/2009 20:53:39
County: Antrim
Posts: 3192

273589 RLF. our secretary is female. I am the PRO.

Yes and "you" meaning your club. Has he actually been in touch? What did your secretary say?

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 02/05/2009 11:51:54    273818


02/05/2009 02:14:08
County: Dublin
Posts: 597

273757 Ulsterman - or anyone else - please define the 'Southern Media' - or any other media for that matter. There is no such thing as the 'Southern media'. Most of the 'SM' is internationally owned.

I would imagine the definition is nespapers, radio and TV based in the 26 counties?? Should we define 26 counties also? BTW some 'southern media' actually owns part of the northern media too.

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 02/05/2009 11:54:53    273821


02/05/2009 11:51:54
Real Louth fan
County: Louth
Posts: 1497

273818 01/05/2009 20:53:39
County: Antrim
Posts: 3192

273589 RLF. our secretary is female. I am the PRO.

Yes and "you" meaning your club. Has he actually been in touch? What did your secretary say?

Any word from the secretary yet?

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 03/05/2009 22:41:30    274365


Support continues to roll in. Below is a letter from a local junior soccer club.

Hi Roisin,

The Chairman, Committee, Coaches and players of Antrim Rovers would like
express their disappointment, disbelief and, indeed, disgust, at how
management have treated St. Comgall's GAC during their fundraiser last

We have undertaken a few bag packing days with Tesco where we, at their
request, wore our Rovers tracksuits/sweatshirts to identify ourselves to
the public. It's a sad reflection on how some people continue to live
the past but we sincerely hope that you have been encouraged by words of
support from other clubs such as ourselves.

On another note, our Soccer Academy are planning a fun day in June and
would enquire if St. Comgall's have a 6-7 year old age group who would
to join us for the day and perhaps have all the children take part in
both sports.

To date, Tesco haven't done anything except tell ALL clubs that in future no regalia is allowed.

So everyone now suffers. Great isn't it.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 05/05/2009 22:07:04    275668


Amazing though all the positive publicity they got today for lowering prices in border counties! Pity they didn't vox pop a few people who were boycotting the store.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 05/05/2009 22:52:11    275730


The really annoying thing about this is that the local radio station for Louth/Meath LMFM were telling us all this morning that there were big ques outside the tesco stores in both Dundalk and Drogheda this morning apparently this was due to the stores announcement of up to 1/5 reduction on many goods in border area stores much for a boycott.

squidword (Louth) - Posts: 2897 - 05/05/2009 23:15:35    275759


The club in question's only response seems to be to bombard a message forum of a website unfrequented by the mass public. Then there can be no wonder why people continue to flock to Tesco in that light. Little or nobody outside the GAA community read this forum and indeed a large proportion of the GAA community don't read this forum either.

Nobody knows and therefore nobody really cares. If St Comgalls had an active campaign against the actions of Tesco instead of licking its wounds in private things may be different but sadly it does not nor anything like it.

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 05/05/2009 23:32:21    275782
