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Kids told to remove GAA gear

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Having listened to that interview Im even more enraged now! The lady who spoke about the poppies had a fair point, but the unionist rep had absolutely no comeback to the argument being put to him - he kept trying to defer from the point. I really feel for the decent people up there having to put up with that kind of dung.

Spuddy (Mayo) - Posts: 345 - 30/04/2009 12:04:03    272178


0.1% minimum and 2 public representatives and tesco management.

thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 30/04/2009 12:08:06    272185


Patrique you wrote
Tesco alas enjoy a monopoly in the town. In the last two weeks I have been in the store wearing Antrim/Galway/Mayo and Dublin jerseys (the trendy Dubs one) Munster Rugby shirt, Australia Rugby league jersey, Indian one day cricket shirt, Ulster Rugby Jersey, and soccer shirts such as Man City, Roma, Barcelona and Parma. Not to forget the Cameroon away strip, or the Mayo goalie jersey I also wear.

Do you actually change shirts while in the shop, and what do you wear on a Sunday???????

Maybe you should veto tesco, you must spend a fortune in it lol.......

Chester1970 (Armagh) - Posts: 509 - 30/04/2009 12:09:31    272186


Is Joe duffy not on the case yet?

paddyogall (Mayo) - Posts: 5110 - 30/04/2009 12:14:13    272192


0.1% minimum and 2 public representatives and tesco management.
thykingdomcome , 30/04/2009 at 12:08


.001% max - incl public rep and weak duty manager (singular) - what is your point tkc?

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 12:14:57    272194


Patrique did I read your initial post correctly, you were on your way to store 'naked'? Any wonder your lot were turfed out!!!

On a serious note, sad state of affairs, keep us updated on whether Tesco offer you'se an apology or not.

Goodfella, Tir (None) - Posts: 1652 - 30/04/2009 12:46:32    272235


dubinmeath,im quite confident that its 0.1%

Dougal (Cavan) - Posts: 543 - 30/04/2009 13:45:06    272334


FFS - its 0.1% then. That changes the argument hugely.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 14:02:57    272359


30/04/2009 12:01:01 Dubinmeath County: Dublin Posts: 583 272174 Antrim town has a population of just over 20,000 people. 22 people supposedly complained - by phone - which leaves it questionable as to whether some complained more than once. Instead of tarring everybody with the actions of 0.001% of the town can people not recognise the fact that 99.999% of the population are not involved and that many from the tradition that complained are probably equally disgusted with the complainants. The actions of 22 people should not be allowed to overshadow all the good work being done by the majority of the other 19,978. Don't let them win. Yes but complaints made by 2 elected representatives increases that number and percentage significantly! Nobody has a problem with Antrim Town per say and I don't think anybody was condeming the town as a whole. People have been condeming the actions of bigots and a weak commercial enterprise that bullied these children and members of a voluntary sporting organisation. No need for a devil's advocate here, the facts are there for all to see and the bigots have even substantiated these bigoted facts on radio.

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 30/04/2009 14:07:10    272363


In addition to my last post the %s are irrelevant. Kids and a voluntary organisation were bullied by bigots and bigots supported by Tesco.
Real Louth fan , 30/04/2009 at 14:08

The %s are hugely important. They show that it is a tiny narrow minded minority that are engaged in this stupidity. Of 20,000 people you have at most 22 involved - it is hugely significant. It indicated that 19,980 hold no such views - the vast majority. It shows that the vast majority of the community these people 'represent' (and I use that term loosely) do not hold these views. That they do not support the victimisation of these kids.

By all means let people recognise this bigotry exactly for what it is - but don't lose sight of the fact that it is not the view of the vast majority.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 14:31:28    272399


I cant believe some of the posts on here that these kids should have known better than to wear their GAA shirts. Is it therefore OK to be a GAA head so long as you do it quietly, dont offend the ruling classes . Maybe we should have special areas on the buses for GAA people, GAA only areas, or maybe the best way to contain this virulent, louse ridden underclass is to round them up and put them in special camps with special showers. Keep them away from civilised people in case they corrupt them?????? (Oops i forgot they've already tried most of these ploys since the 26 counties abandoned us in 1921) I expect this from the PUP not on a GAA blog. This whole story reminds me of good old Lord Brookeborough who said in 1933 when addressing his mates at an Orange gathering: " Many in this audience employ Catholics, but I have not one about my place. Catholics are out to destroy Ulster...If we in Ulster allow Roman Catholics to work on our farms we are traitors to Ulster...I would appeal to loyalists, therefore, wherever possible, to employ good Protestant lads and lassies.[7][8]

AnFiorGael (Fermanagh) - Posts: 19 - 30/04/2009 14:33:05    272402


Dubinmeath, you are incorrect again. I for listened to a radio programme today were numerous people from antrim town agreed with the tesco manager. A public representative (with a large enough vote to get elected) also claimed that he made his representation to tesco on behalf of a substantial number of his constituents phoned him. therefore your %'s are flawed.

Tom1916 (Armagh) - Posts: 2001 - 30/04/2009 14:42:49    272414


Ah yeah I am incorrect again. Damn statistics! Tesco said they had 22 complaints - that's what I was going on. I imagine many that rang the radio were the same people - but maybe there was more than 22 callers to the radio - not.

The overall point I am trying to make is that the vast majority of people in the 'other' community would be repulsed by these goings on too. And to be honest some of the views on this thread are no better that the extreme and bigoted views held by Mr Watson and friends.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 14:58:46    272426


30/04/2009 14:58:46 Dubinmeath County: Dublin Posts: 588 272426 Ah yeah I am incorrect again. Damn statistics! Tesco said they had 22 complaints - that's what I was going on. I imagine many that rang the radio were the same people - but maybe there was more than 22 callers to the radio - not. The overall point I am trying to make is that the vast majority of people in the 'other' community would be repulsed by these goings on too. And to be honest some of the views on this thread are no better that the extreme and bigoted views held by Mr Watson and friends. You're talking nonsense son! 22 people or not the point is that these kids were bullied out of wearing GAA tops - THEY ARE THE FACTS!! Additionally it was 2 elected representatives who made the most serious complaints and backed this up on radio. In case you don't know "elected" means a large number of people voting for you. Therefore in reality the number is much much greater than 22. I dare say with a Euro election around the corner they were representing people voting for their parties. While I am sure that there were a number of people appauled by what happened (in both communities), what a pity they didn't make their voices count!

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 30/04/2009 15:23:01    272456


County: Dublin
Posts: 588
Dubinmeath your quiet correct in what you say ,and patrique has said such in another post ,the kids had collected 1,100 pounds before this happend shows there was plenty support for them,some people just try to twist things the way they want to see them,i listned to radio debate and the presenter said it will take probably 50/60 years before this bigtory might go away,and he was very good too.It's always the same the minority get the majority a bad name.About the 2 politicians when they speak they speak for therselves not for 20,000 people.

tomaoo7 (Dublin) - Posts: 5896 - 30/04/2009 15:34:37    272471


How could kids wearing football jerseys offend anyone.
I remember being in Sligo hospital a couple of years ago visiting a friend who had given birth. In the bed opposite was a woman from the north who had a child a day earlier. Before I left, her husband came in and put a small orange sash on the baby. Was anybody in the ward offended by ma baby wearing a sash? No!

Dr.Shephard (Leitrim) - Posts: 2187 - 30/04/2009 15:39:10    272481


Real Louth fan
County: Louth
Posts: 1466

Who do you vote for rlf

tomaoo7 (Dublin) - Posts: 5896 - 30/04/2009 15:44:13    272490


Additionally it was 2 elected representatives who made the most serious complaints and backed this up on radio. In case you don't know "elected" means a large number of people voting for you.
Real Louth fan , 30/04/2009 at 15:23

Oh thanks for that RLF, our resident expert on democracy. Yeah now that you mention it I can remember their election posters and literature now - there was a big clear statement on it that read - 'Vote for Me Because When St Comghall's do the Bag Pack in Tesco's I will Make Sure They Are Made to Remove their GAA Jerseys' - and sure enough they skated home ..........

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 15:50:25    272496


"elected" means a large number of people voting for you - Surely the scariest part of this whole business?
I hope, despite the usually bickering over details here, that people genuinely do despair over this. We'd all like to believe this is such a thing of the past that it would be hard to explain to kids today, but sadly they are getting first hand experience of it as well. I do think Tesco's have to hold their hands up.

pearsesabu (Antrim) - Posts: 663 - 30/04/2009 16:08:30    272516


Dub in Metha, I'm heading away on holidays now but I just want to bring one thing to your attention and wont be able to reply.

You say it was 22 people out of a town of 20,000. Thta's one in 900 complained and that doesnt sound too bad. Maybe but still unnacceptable.

What these figures in reality represent though is that 22 people complained to one man. Others complained to tesco too. These people are 22 (minimum, maybe even twice that) out of however many people passed through the doors of one shop in a small town in the space of one hour or so. How many people would that be. 200, max?? That means about 1 in every 10 people had a serious enough gripe to pick up their local councillor and ldge a complaint.

This huge percentage of people in my opinion actually picked up the phone and complained. I'm shocked.

thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 30/04/2009 16:16:09    272524
