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Kids told to remove GAA gear

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RLF's posted link is definitely worth a listen.


thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 29/04/2009 23:51:34    271936


listened to that radio interview. had a similar problem in 92 when a prodestant ,, mate of mine got a ticket for the all ireland and asked me for my jersey as he hadnt got one,he watched in the hoganstand with my jersey on and i wore his white teeshirt in a pub in letterkenny,FACT

mucker (Donegal) - Posts: 479 - 30/04/2009 00:14:37    271950


County: Antrim
Posts: 3172

Tesco alas enjoy a monopoly in the town. In the last two weeks I have been in the store wearing Antrim/Galway/Mayo and Dublin jerseys (the trendy Dubs one) Munster Rugby shirt, Australia Rugby league jersey, Indian one day cricket shirt, Ulster Rugby Jersey, and soccer shirts such as Man City, Roma, Barcelona and Parma. Not to forget the Cameroon away strip, or the Mayo goalie jersey I also wear.

Your grocery bill must be astronomical.

Coylers Elbow (Meath) - Posts: 1075 - 30/04/2009 00:26:20    271953


These mindless idiots dont get it!! Tesco were trying to bring the GAA, Boys Brigade etc communities together by having bag packers in their store. They (the children) were wearing their colours to show what part of the community they were representing and these small minded idiots decide that the GAA children are trying to cause tension by wearing jerseys. What about the other children. Didn't hear any complaints about them. If the shoe was on the other foot, they would be laughing at us and saying to catch ourselves on.... It really does get the blood boiling. AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!

Plastic Paddy (Tyrone) - Posts: 664 - 30/04/2009 00:42:46    271955


It saddens me that there is still so many Bigots in our society today I don't honestly know what their complaining about ,Bag packing at the Supermakets is a purely voluntary donation . After listening to some of the so called Public representatives on the talk back program on BBC Radio I dis pear on where we will be in another 10years I am a proud member and supporter of the GAA I am also from a a U

williewentwell (Tyrone) - Posts: 1712 - 30/04/2009 01:03:07    271963


Part of my last post was lost due to Gremlins in my puter, All I can say is that I hope the those involved in Collecting for St Comgalls raised alot for there club and that those 20 or so Heartless bigoted ******** hang their heads in shame at trying to bully kids and also the fact that they have probably forced Tesco and other stores and supermarkets to stop this fundraiser practice.

williewentwell (Tyrone) - Posts: 1712 - 30/04/2009 01:27:28    271967


Honestly though,an utter disgrace..Quite unbelievable really,if I was the Father of one of these children I would march in and...(ye can fill in the blanks yerselves)

ACtribe (Galway) - Posts: 401 - 30/04/2009 02:27:33    271971


Just absolutely disgraceful. Reprehensible. The funny thing is that manys a time in Kilkeel or thereabouts, I've had bags packed by young members of various Brigades which stipulate Protestantism, and wholly Protestant patronage, as prerequisites for membership, and nobody has ever raised so much as an eyebrow. Members of a GAA club in Antrim, not even teenagers, told that the organisation they represent is essentially unacceptable? The HEIGHT of sick irony.

Gabriel. (Down) - Posts: 412 - 30/04/2009 03:20:01    271979


This is a disgrace. I am very disappointed with Tesco.

mikeyjoe (USA) - Posts: 415 - 30/04/2009 03:40:43    271980


Its hard to believe that grown men can come across so juvenile. Listen to their arguments " and there was green and some yellow on the jerseys" ..........!!!! shock horror.

This politician said he had 22 people complain by phone to him. That says a lot to me and opens my eyes.

thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 30/04/2009 07:41:57    271988


This is an absolute disgrace and Tesco should be ashamed of themselves. Why pick a problem with GAA clothing when they have no issues with rugby soccer and other clubs.

men_of_49 (Meath) - Posts: 2003 - 30/04/2009 08:37:12    271993


Good point Seany. GAA nationally needs to use its muscle to show that it won't let this go unnoticed. Must be some way they can hit Tesco in the pocket. As others have said it is not long since that people in Dellboy's county and nearby were being murdered for being GAA members. It is this mentality that creates those killers. I cannot conceive of a situation where anyone I know in GAA or FAI or IRFU for that matter would be similarly offended by children in sports jerseys.

hurlingdub (Dublin) - Posts: 6978 - 30/04/2009 09:21:53    272020


Fair play to you Patrique. Your dignified repsonse is credit to you and your club. Keep up the good work.

RoverTin (Derry) - Posts: 226 - 30/04/2009 09:34:31    272038


Coylers Elbow
County: Meath

Your grocery bill must be astronomical.

I was just thinking that. Thats 14 different jerseys patrique wore into tesco in the last fortnight, which means he was in there shopping EVERY DAY! What do ya be buying?

whiterbannnas (Mayo) - Posts: 2441 - 30/04/2009 09:47:35    272046


Well these 22 poeple should be ashamed of them selves and hang there head in shame.

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 30/04/2009 09:53:43    272053


I wont be buyin anything off them again.

Horse (Laois) - Posts: 1146 - 30/04/2009 10:03:05    272063


How many people are aware of this becasue of it being on this forum ? Has anybody heard it anywhere else in the media - RTE, BBC, Today FM etc.
If this took place anywhere else this took place it would be headline news.

RoverTin (Derry) - Posts: 226 - 30/04/2009 10:26:26    272092


I think Tesco should apologize to the Club Concerned if they haven't already, TESCO'S Slogan is "Every LITTLE helps" LITTLE kids doing something for their community. LITTLE small minded Bigoted people with LITTLE to offer their community , LITTLE Spokespersons for Unionist partys with LITTLE Power, LITTLE impact on a GREAT organization such as the GAA which has been around for 125 years and will be around long after the LITTLE PUP has been consigned to the History ScrapBooks!

DynamoDooher (Tyrone) - Posts: 423 - 30/04/2009 11:00:27    272128


Its an absolute disgrace the way the GAA has been treated in Antrim town. As an antrim gaa man myself i have known that the St Comgall club have long struggled to run, and have done as much as any in Antrim to fight against any problem, financial, geographical, sectarian, physical and membership number wise throughout the years. They have chosen an excellent way to try and make a few pounds for themselves and have given up plenty of time to do this. I think what we all have to realise here is that a number of these complaints were made over the phone - even that from a local councillor.
I have changed my attitude - reluctantly yes - over the last number of years to the rule changes and integration issues that the GAA have followed. This though would send me back into my old attitudes that we as GAA people especially in the north are in the corner and need to come out fighting every time. There are small minded people out there and this can be seen through the small minded argument put forward from the PUP councillor. Remember this is the town that will benefit for the centre of excellence and construction required to build it.
Its time to open our eyes as GAA folk to see that we are still seen as the opposition and that while we have people who vote for these councillors we in the GAA must stand tall and proud and be prepared to be put into the corner no matter what type of good we do for this country and all the people in it.

Naomh Comgall, Aontroim and CLG Abú

exiled_john (Antrim) - Posts: 18 - 30/04/2009 11:00:33    272129


Antrim town has a population of just over 20,000 people. 22 people supposedly complained - by phone - which leaves it questionable as to whether some complained more than once. Instead of tarring everybody with the actions of 0.001% of the town can people not recognise the fact that 99.999% of the population are not involved and that many from the tradition that complained are probably equally disgusted with the complainants. The actions of 22 people should not be allowed to overshadow all the good work being done by the majority of the other 19,978. Don't let them win.

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 30/04/2009 12:01:01    272174
