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Kids told to remove GAA gear

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Here Here well said Patrique

paddyogall (Mayo) - Posts: 5110 - 29/04/2009 21:09:08    271690


County: Antrim
Posts: 3163


The sports minister described the all ireland final a international match which is a disgrace and you said you voted swp and then say dup . Will you please make up your mind who you vote and Dup also complained about tyrone flags and bunting.

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 21:47:45    271717


County: Mayo
Posts: 454


Listen here schoolboy or ballboy grow up will ya.

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 21:48:58    271718


County: Tyrone
Posts: 4549

271718 paddyogall
County: Mayo
Posts: 454


Listen here schoolboy or ballboy grow up will ya

Whats your problem?

paddyogall (Mayo) - Posts: 5110 - 29/04/2009 21:59:30    271735


Well said Patrique & I can see you will be doing a good job for your Club & the association on the PR side of things. We will not lower ourselves to their standards. I'll be shopping their again this week & if the flute band are bag packing they'll be getting a few quid from me as per usual. As for blaming Tesco's for the whole thing thats wrong, I blame the duty manager & a small minority of bigots for the whole thing. Tesco's has helped my own club over the last few years & sponsored our U16 team this year & was the main sponsor for our U8 & U10 go-games league & end of season parties for all our under age teams so they have helped promote our games around the area so lets not be too hard on Tesco's here.

Aldergrove Gael (Antrim) - Posts: 161 - 29/04/2009 22:10:40    271751


patrique you are caught out-- how could you were that many different tops in 2 weeks!

dj27legend (Down) - Posts: 641 - 29/04/2009 22:13:22    271755


County: Tyrone
Posts: 4551

you should be voting SDLP or sinn f .

Dell, as the leader of the "loony left" in the union I have my reputation to think of.

I have never, and never will, vote for Tories.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 22:18:53    271759


i am disgraced by the actions of tescos and the local people of antrim in their response to the wearing of GAA jerseys. i will never shop in it ever again

rayk67 (Tyrone) - Posts: 193 - 29/04/2009 22:28:39    271786


Incidently here is the link to the Rebutal from Watson

paddyogall (Mayo) - Posts: 5110 - 29/04/2009 22:33:09    271803


County: Down
Posts: 305

patrique you are caught out-- how could you were that many different tops in 2 weeks!

Amazingly having just counted I actually mentioned 14 jerseys exactly. Some of us like to wash now and again and change clothes, can't all be Holy Land students.LOL

I forgot to mention my St Comgall's Jersey, old school GAA jersey, not to forget the various GAA polo shirts and such.

I confess, since I read that most relationships these days start in supermarkets, I have never been out of TEsco.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 22:39:31    271825


Aldergrove Gael County: Antrim Posts: 115 271751 I blame the duty manager & a small minority of bigots for the whole thing. Tesco's has helped my own club over the last few years & sponsored our U16 team this year & was the main sponsor for our U8 & U10 go-games league & end of season parties for all our under age teams so they have helped promote our games around the area so lets not be too hard on Tesco's here. I totally agree. Would you believe that one of the people in charge of the kids last Sunday WORKS IN TESCO. Most embarrassing for the duty manager who I have no sympathy for. It is not 1960 anymore, those days are long gone.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 22:42:36    271834


This is the link to the Tesco complaints section [url=] I will certainly be complaining and i hope many follow course.

Saffron (Antrim) - Posts: 216 - 29/04/2009 22:47:54    271843


Well, I'm shocked. And saddened. Saddened that there are people out there like this guy. I'm sad for him too actually. I know and accept that there are still people out there like that all the time. I know they exist and that this type of biggotry is still prevalent in cetrain parts. But for a public representative in this day and age to express these views in public is regressive and retrograde. He is in a position to help his community and that ought to be his job, to represent his entire community whether they are likely to vote for him or not. It is obvious from his complaints that he doesnt consider certain children in his locality to be an equal part of his community and by expressing these views does not acknowledge that they have equal rights. This is shameful and is as far from a Christian viewpoint as you could get. Its hypocrisy of the highest order from someone who professes to have faith.I feel sorry for this man and his supporters. As for Tescos, yes, obviously there was a weak manager on. But although Patrique is probably right to turn the other cheek to both Tesco and this guy, I will take this as a direct insult if a full and sincere apology is not issued and I will as much as possible avoid using their stores from now on. I know I will slip up and may in need have to use one of their stores. But from now on I'm going try my best to remember this at all times and to never again shop with them. My blood is boiling.

thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 29/04/2009 22:50:18    271846


I didn't say we were going to MEEKLY accept this, Kingdom.

We were wronged by Tesco, a leading multi national company who will rightly suffer from the publicity. We will be looking for an apology, recompense, and an invite back in the immediate future.

I think we will get it.

Otherwise I will be protesting outside. In my GAA gear obviously.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 22:57:15    271858


It's sad but more common than people think in the North. The killings might have largely stopped but there is a deep hatred still embedded that I can't see going away in the near future. Unfortunately this is not all one way as there are sectarian attacks going on in North Antrim at the present time with Protestant homes being stoned in Rasharkin and also in North Belfast. We have to be honest here and speak out against these things, Unfortunately I am not surprised and is it any wonder we still see this going on?The Holy Cross, Drumree episodes etc stoked up a lot of hatred and left many young Catholics just as bitter as their Unionist counterparts. These kids were aged 6 - 12 when this was going on and experienced a lot of it and now these kids are hitting 14 - 18 this bigotry is starting to manifest itself. I predicted 7/8 years ago that this would come back to haunt us and it is.

Ulsterman (Antrim) - Posts: 9780 - 29/04/2009 22:59:27    271862


29/04/2009 22:33:09 paddyogall County: Mayo Posts: 456 271803 Incidently here is the link to the Rebutal from Watson The guy from the PUP is something else!! "...a neutral venue...!!! He said that his problem was that they were wearing GAA tops and that they were " your face..." So it's ok for them to be GAA supporters but not to wear GAA tops!!! Rightly or wrongly he represents what 90% of people in the south absolutely HATE about the north particularly from one particular community. And the other guy who had to eat his words after calling the GAA "...sectarian..." If nothing else this nasty story and subsequent discussion on the radio has shown representatives of the loyalist/unionist/protestant community (for want of a better description) to be inarticulate in the extreme!!

Real Louth fan (Louth) - Posts: 3157 - 29/04/2009 23:14:43    271880


Well Patrique, I wish ye all the luck in the world. Hopefully the publicity will embarrass this guy into a retraction too. Its unfortunate to say the least.

thykingdomcome (Kerry) - Posts: 1206 - 29/04/2009 23:19:07    271887


this is absolutely disgusting that these kids were made remove their gaa clothing...i actually feel that GAA headquarters both in ulster and croke park should respond by advocating that all its members boycott tesco shops until this order is revoked...considering a substantial proportion of the population both north/south are members or are affliated with the gaa this would result in tesco being hit hard where it hurts them!!!!in their pockets...there is absolutely no need for this senseless bigotry and sectarianism and the persons in question both in the public and private sphere should be utterly ashamed of themselves....

seany16 (Dublin) - Posts: 1658 - 29/04/2009 23:24:56    271900


Well said RLF; I'm amazed that the media have let FG's intended alliance with the Tories go pretty much unreported. If people knew it would be the end of Kenny.

festinog (Galway) - Posts: 3143 - 29/04/2009 23:31:55    271908


Copy of email I have sent to Tesco- I do not accept that i am a 2nd class customer of Tesco because i belong to the GAA family

I have just read about the incident in the Tesco store in Antrim where two young GAA people who were bagpacking at the weekend where asked to remove their GAA shirts.

Having discussed this with my wife we have decided not to shop in Tesco until such time as there is an adequate explanation for the actions of the Store Manager. A very high percentage of our weekly spend on groceries and clothes goes to your xxxxxxx store.

The action of your Manager is outrageous not least because it was carried out against children under 12 years of age who now understand that bigotry transcends their right to fund raise (in the eyes of Tesco). I believe the Tesco explanation to date has been totally inadequate. Ultimately your Manager deliberately contravened company policy to accomodate the protests of a bigot who objected to children under 12 wearing their team colours.

GAA is my particular sport but i would be quite happy to support bagpackers in Scout, Rugby,Soccer or any other non-sectarian organisation and regularly buy tickets when canvassed. I value the contribution which all of these organisations make to their community, not least in promoting an active lifestyle in young people. If i was to object to bagpackers in Rugby or soccer shirts would my local manager have asked the children to remove them?

The GAA is a fantastic, non-sectarian, amateur organisation, providing a valuable service to the local communities in which they operate and from which you draw a lot of business. Tesco in Antrim and throughout Northern Ireland should be delighted to be given the opportunity to be associated with and indeed support their local fund-raising.

We will watch with interest to see how Tesco deal with this issue and will review our spending accordingly.

If this email has not reached the relevant email address i would request that it be forwarded.


AnFiorGael (Fermanagh) - Posts: 19 - 29/04/2009 23:48:40    271933
