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Kids told to remove GAA gear

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It was only one duty manager........words cant describe the anger I have

wex... (Wexford) - Posts: 253 - 29/04/2009 17:29:32    271484


GImme Sainsburys in Newry any day .........

Dubinmeath (Dublin) - Posts: 1123 - 29/04/2009 17:30:54    271489


I am absolutley appalled by this. If they were wearing 'Up the Ra' t-shirts I could understand how the people in this area would be offended, but the GAA has never been anything but a sporting organisation with purely innocent cultural elements...(if only the Orange Order could say the same, eh?)...The blatant, ugly and purile bigotry shown by those who complained, are made even more disguisting by the fact that it was a bunch of kids trying to raise money to help them practice their favourite hobby. Would the UUP counsellor rather if they were on the streets throwing rocks at Orange Halls or puckin sliotars over the bar at St Comgalls grounds???

spudenator (Laois) - Posts: 1052 - 29/04/2009 17:46:13    271514


absolutely shocking but not suprising, as a rugby fan it is offensive to watch ulster at ravenhill and see all the union jacks and NI flags and not one proper ulster flag. Where is the Unionist uproar there if their all about promoting respect. Boycott is not the way forward. The best thing the people in Antrim should do is the next time a Rugby, soccer, cricket or whatever else is on go out of your way and go to the store and throw them a bit of money, it will expose Unionists bigotry as well as showing those clubs who could be stuck in the middle that those in the GAA community are tolerant and moving forward.

whoareya (Donegal) - Posts: 77 - 29/04/2009 17:50:58    271522


Said it before!.... The only thing thats different up north is that they have stopped killing ....Sad but true!! Not being smart there by the way, just telling the truth behind the false smiles and rubber hands of friendship!! In the words of Macbeth: "The false face doth hide what the false heart doth know!" Regards, Snufalufagus.....Laochra Gael

Snufalufagus (Dublin) - Posts: 8100 - 29/04/2009 18:01:24    271530


Well said Donegal man. Turn the other cheek. Its bloody hard against that kind of incendiary sectarianism but the only way to improve our society.

gaelantrim (Antrim) - Posts: 1616 - 29/04/2009 18:14:02    271549


Down with this sort of thing!!! hope everyone involved is proud of themselves!! If you're going to ban the wearing of club jersey's I think it's obvious it should be the same for every club, otherwise it just shows you up for who you are! ps Sambo's pub in Cushendall is a mighty spot for ól, ceol agus craic

choctaw (Cork) - Posts: 274 - 29/04/2009 18:37:52    271563


County: Tyrone
Posts: 4536

Sure does patrique not vote for these so is he going to stop voting for them now i wonder.

I vote Socialist Worker's Party.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 18:38:54    271565


Carl Jung Would you blame us to be narrow minded after that and alot other things these boys complain of and yes shut croker .

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 18:52:32    271576


patrique There all the same iris and peter and all there buddies are they not .

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 19:01:34    271591


don't be so offended. Kids are thrown out of saint patricks day parade in new york all the time for wearing gaelic football jerseys

P.Rooney (USA) - Posts: 99 - 29/04/2009 19:08:34    271596


Must be one of the few threads when there has been almost universal agreement. I do note however that paddyogall has not yet posted. I don't think whiter is paddy and I think whiters post was tongue in cheek. I would like to add my voice to those protesting at this shameful and petty act. I think GAA headquarters should highlight the issue and press Tesco's to issue an apology.

corkcelt (Cork) - Posts: 4388 - 29/04/2009 19:29:42    271615


Never thought much about Antrim town before except as a place you see every night when the the lights come on.

I dont think Tesco have done themselves any good.... and probably a lot of harm.... but they have probably done a lot ot promote the GAA in Antrim town. The GAA thrives in adversity and I would imagine Patrique's club will now go from strength to strength.

BIG SACKS (Tyrone) - Posts: 1681 - 29/04/2009 20:08:04    271645


What gets me is that a lot of messages on here contain an element of surprise that this sort of thing happens, how easily people forget our recent past!

brendtheredhand (Tyrone) - Posts: 10897 - 29/04/2009 20:21:27    271649


Next time I see a soccer shirt in the shop I'll kick up a fuss about it !!

Nollaig (Dublin) - Posts: 1 - 29/04/2009 20:23:32    271650


I am the PRO for St Comgall's GAC in Antrim Town.

Over the last three years we have risen from the dead. Then we had one team, senior football, and often failed to field.

In the last three years we have recruited children from EVERY primary school in the town, and have many children from what would be called the "unionist" community playing for the club. We hope to start up hurling soon, and our first friendly is likely to be with the PSNI hurling team.

The club has embraced the "new" situation in the North and are totally anti-sectarian, anti-racist and all the rest. We have not forsaken the ideals of the association, we just actively promote the association in the new "friendlier" atmosphere of the North. No one can point the finger at us and accuse us of not welcoming all of the people in the town. We set an example as the North tries to move forward and enjoy a better future.

The county centre of excellence, and our ground, is being built in the town. Recently the DUP controlled council voted to support the centre of excellence. Many councillors were present when Nicky Brennan cut the first sod.

The club are obviously angry, distressed and depressed over the incident at Tesco. Doubtless a few bigots phoned to complain and it was disappointing that the duty manager saw fit to over turn the store's own policy, and asked the kids to remove their t-shirts. The Tesco policy clearly states that the kids should wear the club regalia to identify the organisation that is collecting. The club complied with Tesco policy.

The feeling in the club however is that we have been setting an example to all in the town, and should not be goaded into portraying ourselves in a manner which would give comfort to those bigots and small minded people who objected.

The club are awaiting correspondence from Tesco, and would expect a full apology, and an invite back to the store. The club do not wish to emulate the bigots in any way, and are prepared to turn the other cheek in the hope that this will win us more support, show up the bigots for what they are, and encourage the store to restore their policy, and stick to it. We will naturally be writing to the Unionist Party demanding an explanation concerning the actions of one of their representatives.

It should be noted that the club had collected some £1,100 before the incident. This at least illustrates the fact that there are many in the town, from across the divide, who were not offended in any way and offered their support through donations.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 20:40:50    271661


Continued: On a personal level as a Trade Unionist I was on my way naked to the store to shop, and on arrival would have that I didn't want to offend anyone by wearing something controversial. I personally have donated to various sports clubs collecting in Tesco, boy scouts, girl guides and all the rest. All of these organisations were dressed in tops clearly identifying the organisation. If you don't want to donate, then do not donate. The manager on duty clearly capitulated in a manner which was reminiscent of the "old" North. This clearly showed a lack of courage, and the store has apologised for the manager's actions. I considered getting a large number together to protest outside the store, but on reflection I am prepared to wait for the store to apologise, invite us back and perhaps offer some recompense. Our protest would perhaps be exploited by sections of the media and used against the association. This incident is another example of the "Holy Cross" school mentality. On that occasion the Ardoyne community acted with dignity, clearly exposing the bigots on the other side. I am prepared to do the same here. Alas Antrim Council are the last example of the "old" North. It is a room full of vitriol, and sectarian and racist comments are rife. If Mr Watson had made his comments anywhere else he would have been hounded out of office. Alas in Antrim Council they pass for the norm. Some 70% of the electorate do not vote so maybe we deserve the people we get. Finally, again on a personal level, I will deal with a few comments aimed at me earlier in the thread. In the past two Westminster elections I have voted DUP, to keep the Unionist party out. I hold the belief that I prefer the DUP's "political" sectarianism to the ingrained sectarian contempt held by many in the Unionist Party, akin to white supremacists in the Southern States of the USA, many of whom can trace their roots to the North East of Ireland. It was the Unionist party that gerrymandered and discriminated throughout the history of Stormont. The DUP did not exist. Now the DUP make many inflammatory statements but the reality is that they have been working in council chambers with Sinn Fein for years, and now have a power sharing government with Sinn Fein. In short their public face, designed to fool their hard line supporters, does not bear up to close scrutiny. I am not saying I like the DUP, but that given the choice, as an election does, I prefer them to the Unionist party, who are supposed to be more moderate, but never fooled me. St Comgall's GAC welcome everyone into the club, regardless of creed, race, political belief, sexual orientation or disability. We will not demean ourselves by relaxing our policies, and will continue to lead the way in the town towards a new and brighter future in the town, a future where no-one is excluded by dint of religion or political belief. We owe it to those kids who were collecting to do so. To act differently would be a betrayal of those kids and their parents and our supporters from all sections of the town. By the way, could someone tell Dell who the SWP are.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 20:41:33    271663


Dellboypolecat County: Tyrone Posts: 4543 271260 Time for the sports minister to resign and his buddies and time to shut croker to foreign sport. I am sorry to say Dell that this post is indicative and typical of those who complained at Tesco last week. The minister of sport has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with it. He is not even in the Unionist party. One person from the Unionist party has been identified. So we become a secret society, no foreign games, no foreigners, no Protestants, no black people and so on, what are you advocating Dell. That is EXACTLY what those ones from the weekend, the ones who complained, are like. Do we want to emulate them? Not for me.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 20:47:16    271670


County: Mayo
Posts: 1062

County: Dublin

This is the kind of guy your dealing with here lads

Not sure what this has to do with anything Liam! That lad not wanting gays at his breakfast table is a completely different matter surely!

I hope that was a joke, because it is exactly the same, and is actually against the Equality Laws in the south.

Many of you do not understand what happened here. Of course no-one has oibjected to soccer jersies or rugby/hockey/military jersies because we are not small minded bigots. So we should not be suggesting that we do so now.

Tesco alas enjoy a monopoly in the town. In the last two weeks I have been in the store wearing Antrim/Galway/Mayo and Dublin jerseys (the trendy Dubs one) Munster Rugby shirt, Australia Rugby league jersey, Indian one day cricket shirt, Ulster Rugby Jersey, and soccer shirts such as Man City, Roma, Barcelona and Parma. Not to forget the Cameroon away strip, or the Mayo goalie jersey I also wear.

No-one has objected to any of these.

So last Sunday was a weak manager, and a number of bigots. They were wrong.

No need for us to be wroing as well.

patrique (Antrim) - Posts: 13709 - 29/04/2009 20:58:11    271679


Patrique very good post but the DUP are as good as the same with there comments last year on bunting,flags etc and you keep voting them in and your excuse is to keep the other party out and you should be voting SDLP or sinn f .

Dellboypolecat (Tyrone) - Posts: 15069 - 29/04/2009 20:58:38    271680
