National Forum

Has Antrims Decision Done An Injustice To GAA In Antrim

(Oldest Posts First)

Tomsmith here

I suppose I am not the person that should raise this as I come from a Town that has a great stadium in Cavan Town and a great Cavan Gaels team.
But I feel that the choice of Corrigan Park cap I understand around 4000 is doing an injustice to the Antrim Gaels whop would wish to see ones County team playing. Its easy for Gaa people to say Newbridge or nowhere or Corrigan or nowhere , but the broader picture has to be looked at

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4013 - 25/03/2025 15:41:00    2598566


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I suppose I am not the person that should raise this as I come from a Town that has a great stadium in Cavan Town and a great Cavan Gaels team.
But I feel that the choice of Corrigan Park cap I understand around 4000 is doing an injustice to the Antrim Gaels whop would wish to see ones County team playing. Its easy for Gaa people to say Newbridge or nowhere or Corrigan or nowhere , but the broader picture has to be looked at"
Moderator, this topic is already covered in "Antrim Not Backing Down" which has received over 150 replies. Just Tom Smith sturring the **** again.

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 697 - 25/03/2025 16:10:23    2598571
