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there will be a few hundred down from wicklow, hurlers not out, lads will go see them for 1st time see what they are like, there will be a good crowd
Stmunnsriver (Wexford) - Posts: 2940 - 05/03/2025 16:04:18 2594907 Link 0 |
Really hope you are right. The lads and the management team really deserve to have good support in the Park for this game.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 05/03/2025 16:24:36 2594912 Link 0 |
You're right there Viking, they do deserve (or have earned) some support. But apart from the few hundred diehard football supporters, it doesn't seem to be happening. I know it was a miserable evening, and I know the lads were " only" playing London, but the thousands who left the park after the hurling ( v Cork) really voted with their feet. Yellaman (Wexford) - Posts: 149 - 05/03/2025 16:58:58 2594919 Link 0 |
I hope over time people will understand how to support the guys in the game. Lyka (USA) - Posts: 2 - 05/03/2025 17:31:36 2594927 Link 0 |
I was actually surprised that as many stayed as there did. Agree though it is the root problem Football has in the county, despite other lads trying to blame the Board, HAC, and whoever else. The bottom line is that the public are supporting the hurlers, but not the footballers. Hopefully some sustained success with what's a pretty good pretty young group might encourage more back supporting the lads.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 05/03/2025 17:35:59 2594930 Link 0 |
Numbers going to hurling have dropped as well. How many do you think woukd be supporting hurling if they were in D4? The level of support will always be driven by success and the lack of support should not be used as an excuse to not put the right resources into the game. The aim is to lift the success and that is what people can rightly critize different aspects of what is currently happening.
zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1929 - 06/03/2025 02:05:43 2594966 Link 0 |
In fairness when footballers were successful in the naughties support wasn't great. Me personally in 08 I was living abroad. Now I can't justify to the wife to go see a div 4 unless it's a double header and as well going to all the hurling games and I have to travel from Dublin. Saying that I might get to Longford game as her folks live there so I hopefully can get to it. Wexfordgaa (Wexford) - Posts: 348 - 06/03/2025 09:07:02 2594988 Link 0 |
What extra resources do you think they need Zinny? Serious question now. And in what way will those extra measures increase take up of football at grassroots? And elite Football player development? Only around 15 years ago we were in an AIFSF and 2 Leinster finals, and won a Leinster u21 Football title. Coaching and Games are trying to get clubs to go training twice a week at Football and Hurling from u8 upwards . But it's still up to the boys themselves do they prefer hurling or Football. I'm a mentor for an underage team in a really even dual club. Of 17 lads we had last year 2 only played Football, but of the rest nearly all of them prefer hurling. Now this year I've gone up an agegroup. We have 19 dual, and 4 Football only. But again of the 19 dual lads only 3 prefer football. Now that's nothing to do with resources, the CB, or anyone else. That's the boys preferring the game of hurling to the game of football. From reading the posts on this forum and talking to friends in other clubs that's replicated all over the county in most dual clubs, with some openly leaning towards hurling. Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 06/03/2025 09:18:19 2594991 Link 0 |
was martin o connor injuried last week or could he just not make it over from germany? is he ok for saturday? Stmunnsriver (Wexford) - Posts: 2940 - 06/03/2025 09:25:00 2594993 Link 0 |
Or another way of asking Viking's question - what resources do you think are provided for our senior hurling squad, but not provided for our senior footballers? Or even, what resources do you think are provided for hurling in general, but not for football? Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 06/03/2025 10:00:29 2594996 Link 0 |
I believe he just couldn't make it over, and they're expecting him this weekend all right. In fairness, it's a big commitment he makes.
Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 06/03/2025 10:01:45 2594997 Link 0 |
Fair play to the lad. Amazing commitment.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 06/03/2025 10:11:47 2595001 Link 0 |
To be fair I dont think resources are an issue, there are other issues but resources isn't the right word.
tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1457 - 06/03/2025 10:42:07 2595009 Link 0 |
Yes, I reckon that's more along the lines of it all right. I remember this being discussed at a Co. Board meeting a few years ago. The statement from the top table was along the lines of: - ask ten people to get involved with a hurling Development Squad or the minor/U20 team, and seven or eight will probably say yes. - ask ten people to get involved with a football Development Squad or the minor/U20 team, and seven or eight will probably say no. So, can happen then that people hear about hurling squads having bigger backroom teams than football squads, and then they complain about "football not getting the same resources". Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 06/03/2025 11:56:32 2595026 Link 0 |
And that's not really down to money, as coaches with our Development Squads don't get paid in either code.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 06/03/2025 15:19:49 2595069 Link 0 |
Yup. "Resources" doesn't just mean money. It begins with the number of people involved in mentoring and developing each squad. So, if football doesn't have the same resources as hurling in that regard, then it's not down to want of trying. But maybe enough of this! Best of luck to the seniors on Saturday. Would be great to see them promoted even at this stage. Might open the door for a little experimentation with the team before a League Final and first round of the championship. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 06/03/2025 16:06:19 2595082 Link 0 |
I remember it, absolutely pouring it down that Sunday, escaping Portlaoise with a 1 point win over Tyrone in the League semi final and racing down road to watch the hurlers playing Kilkenny in Nowlan Park I great form altogether only for Kilkenny to take the wind out of our sails!! I could be wrong but I do remember Red Barry playing football that day and coming on for the hurlers. Look the thing is Wexford will always be hurling first and the hurlers will always draw the bigger crowds, that doesn't mean that we can't and shouldn't be better at football and aim to improve there either and that's not going to happen by playing less football as is bejng pushed in certain quarters. But to be fair to our county board they do provide for both codes in terms of resources, they can't be faulted for that. Lastly I do think the new football rules will help, I was down at the recent referee presentation in Wexford Park, I got talking to a few lads I know, they would be very very much hurling men, I started joking with them about being at the meeting etc and they said straight out on the basis of watching games etc u der the new rules they would be interested in doing more football as they thought it woukd be a far more enjoyable game to coach hence they wanted to get up to speed a bit more. Hopefully the majority of the rules stay and the negative control freak naysayers don't get their way and we revert back. tearintom (Wexford) - Posts: 1457 - 06/03/2025 16:50:28 2595094 Link 0 |
There's alot of good lads on the panel haven't even played yet with injuries etc!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 06/03/2025 16:51:55 2595096 Link 0 |
Most of the new rules are excellent. Never liked the forward mark though. I do think if they were going to change the handpass rule they should bring in a rule that handpasses have to go forwards. That would eliminate alot of the keep ball we still have.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 06/03/2025 17:09:35 2595097 Link 0 |
Think your post is very good and balanced overall, but I do think too much is made sometimes of the claim about "playing less football, as being pushed in certain quarters". Only actual example of that which I know of myself were some motions at the last Coiste na nÓg convention, where some primarily hurling clubs had motions calling for more games in underage hurling championships than in underage football championships. This was in more or less direct response to a survey of clubs that was done last year, where a significant number of clubs said they tend to do more hurling, particularly as boys grow older. Up to 70/30 or 80/20 at minor level wasn't uncommon. So, the question was asked "should our underage championships be altered to reflect this?" Some clubs thought so, and brought forward motions to that effect, but all the motions were lost. I don't know if that really counts as "pushing it". Either way, it's really just a case of "hurling clubs would like more hurling", and that shouldn't be revelation to anybody. If there really are other cases of "certain quarters pushing for playing less football", then I don't know about them, and would be interested to hear what they are. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2755 - 06/03/2025 17:28:52 2595101 Link 0 |