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I know you're too busy driving the childer round to training but you'd want to open your eyes and look around you sometimes. Don't be a naive.
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1231 - 17/12/2024 12:47:50 2583841 Link 0 |
For the foolish lad from Cavan and others, here are some ticket prices for U.16 admission to other sports. League of Ireland General €10, Stand €15; Rugby General €12.50, Stand €25; Hockey €13; Basketball €10;. Bottom line, GAA is the lowest cost, and best game in town.
ORIELMAN85 (Monaghan) - Posts: 449 - 17/12/2024 16:26:11 2583869 Link 0 |
I haven't been able to find individual ticket prices for children for AIL or Wexford FCs matches. U12 season tickets for Wexford FC are 50 euro, with a free photo of the childs favourite player, u13-u18 are 60 euro. That would be for 18 games. Our League hurling season ticket for u16s is 30 euro for 6 games. So it would be more expensive than the soccer. Are you trying to compare our League fixtures with experimental line ups featuring many fringe players to Rugby Internationals and European Provincial competitions? And competitive league soccer games? We already charge u16s 10 euro for championship games. Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15231 - 17/12/2024 18:03:37 2583882 Link 0 |
They are all professional sports!!
Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 354 - 17/12/2024 18:18:43 2583887 Link 0 |
As well as being a naive, it looks like you can't read either. Christ on a bike.
Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 1231 - 17/12/2024 18:25:21 2583891 Link 0 |
Pint of Guinness is a fiver in my local. Your welcome anytime ;)
yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11510 - 17/12/2024 20:42:09 2583909 Link 0 |
I'm already there.
Ollie2 (Louth) - Posts: 1005 - 18/12/2024 06:59:51 2583932 Link 0 |
Kids are free into ail games.
KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3743 - 18/12/2024 10:50:38 2583960 Link 0 |
What rugby games are you saying entry fee is 12.50?
KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3743 - 18/12/2024 10:51:23 2583961 Link 0 |
Just had a look at Ticketmaster for the next home matches available for both Leinster & Munster in rugby. For Leinster v Connacht in the Aviva this weekend, children's tickets range in price from €15 to €30. For Munster v Saracens in the European Cup in January, children's tickets go from €12.50 (terrace) up to €29.50 (No tickets showing for Munster v Leinster in Thomond Park on December 27th) I'd consider Leinster v Connacht to be the equivalent of a League match, and Munster v Saracens to be the equivalent of championship. I still don't agree with charging €5 for children (think €2 would be enough, if there really had to be a charge), but suddenly, €5 doesn't seem too bad when compared to what others charge. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2796 - 18/12/2024 13:09:57 2583985 Link 0 |
Don't mind that clown… he only makes things up to suit his agenda… doesn't even go to games
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3675 - 18/12/2024 13:23:53 2583988 Link 0 |
What does that matter? They also dont charge €150 for championship game like they would for the 6 Nations. I spent €250 at Ireland v South Africa in Paris - a group stage game. What should matter to you is what is the entertainment value. €100 for this years and any years All ireland is an absolute bargin IMO especially considering the fare on offer and the prices in other sports. It may not be professional on paper but what these lads serve up is as good if not better than any professional sport. Teams these days are costing upwards of €2m to put a football and hurling team out. How should that be funded if not in part through ticket sales. LohansRedHelmet (Clare) - Posts: 2690 - 18/12/2024 13:35:33 2583990 Link 1 |
I honestly don't see the relevance of what others do. If the bar is or was higher to keep the interest and I involvement in GAA games then that is to be cherished. If this stream of revenue is now required to keep things going then the prognosis is series. Look for the money elsewhere or trim the cloth. However that is not was given as the reason but that it is a safety issue. Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2991 - 18/12/2024 14:54:27 2584000 Link 0 |
Leinster v Connacht is a game played by professional inter Provincial teams in a League containing professional teams from other countries. It's not really like a GAA League game. I'd be happy enough paying 8 euro a game to bring the kids, 20 is making my behind feel sore. Up or down what other sports do is kind of irrelevant, surely the point to free entry for u16s was promoting our games and encouraging young people to go to them? Especially when they in turn have children. Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15231 - 18/12/2024 15:51:39 2584003 Link 1 |
If you going by entertainment value then croke park would need to be paying people to come to games if the last few years are anything to by. Holy God have you not been watching any football games.
Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 354 - 18/12/2024 16:10:52 2584010 Link 0 |
They haven't been that bad. Too many people sitting at home watching an increasing number if games expecting end-to-end football, missing the skills, the hits and thrills of being at games and people who know nothing about Gaelic Football whinging about 'boring' games and lack of 'entertainment'. They'll be still whinging hours later talking about the new bandwagon show on Netflix. There's no sport that can't be improved but when people complain about Gaelic Football filter out those who go to games and form their own opinions from those who watch on telly and repeat comments from other social media posters.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7857 - 18/12/2024 16:54:45 2584013 Link 2 |
It's just a sly way for the GAA to increase the price of adult tickets ( those with children ) yet say there is no increase for adults… The adult price increases will come into play next year without doubt… All they are doing is fleecing those who are still willing to endure the garbage that is county football… It's just the same as the clampers who say they have to up the charges because not as many people are parking illegally….. So the clowns who get caught have to make up the difference….. So when attendance figures plummet ( because of the dross on show ) those who bother to go ( and bring a kid or two ) have to pay the piper… Anyone who believes this garbage that the GAA are putting out about health and safety are very naive and easily fooled…… ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3675 - 18/12/2024 17:18:59 2584018 Link 3 |
I really can't figure out why you still watch it. All you do is complain complain complain. If someone handed you €1,000,000 you would still complain about why it couldn't have been €2,000,000. It's pretty simple,if you don't like watching it,go for a walk,go for a swim,or go to bed. Alls it is is negative,negative negative. Players train week in and week out,dealing with injuries that affect them during the week when a game is over and we all go back to our day to day lives. They deal with constant abuse from people on the stands who maintain they know better than them. So if you don't like it,either save the diesel in the car or find the remote stuffed down the side of the sofa and hit the big red button on the top corner. People including myself will still pay the money to go and watch it,even if it's 20 quid,30 quid or 40 quid and even if its a 5,10 or 15 quid for kids. There will be money when we are all dead. Just because you don't like what's on display doesn't mean you have to drivel the same stuff over and over again and again.
TalkToFahy (Tyrone) - Posts: 37 - 18/12/2024 18:56:33 2584029 Link 4 |
I just considered Leinster v Connacht in the URC to be the equivalent of League in GAA in that it's the secondary competition, where you're far more likely to see fringe players and experimental sides. Munster v Saracens is "championship" because it's the premier competition where all teams are eager to have their top 15 players in action. Overall, children don't go free to many places, in sport or anything else. Am not opposed in principle to the idea of an entry fee to GAA matches for them, but still think that a blanket €5 per child for all League matches in the top divisions is a bit much. Again, €2 would be enough. If you think back to the Walsh Cup floodlights match in Wexford Park, there was a €2 charge per child, for exactly the same reason that's being talked about now (to have an accurate gauge of expected attendance, and know when to stop selling tickets). I don't remember too many complaining about it when it was just €2 and when it was genuinely needed. But €5 when it's not genuinely needed for that reason is a different story. Pikeman96 (Wexford) - Posts: 2796 - 18/12/2024 22:55:20 2584053 Link 0 |
Well Im one of the people who went to a lot of county games in connacht / ulster and leinster up until this year. most games were that bad it was unwatchable. Went to a lot of culb football this year in surrounding countys and that was away head of any county standard. I guess you are one that hasn't been at many game if you think there's entertainment value
Thejampot (Leitrim) - Posts: 354 - 19/12/2024 07:55:41 2584065 Link 0 |