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John Connolly's Famous All Ireland Speech Has Been Overtaken By Jarlet Burns

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Burns gave a great speech. one for the ages and one to say that this day is why we all put in the effort from lining the pitch to taking notes at meetings to winning all Irelands. all Volunteers. anyone taking it any other way needs to calm down.

I am not saying GAA doesnt mean as much down south but up north its the lifeblood of the people who take part and I think the emotion and the want to saviour that feeling took over and what about it.

Lets go back to the days of Cluxton walking away into the tunnel with Sam under the Arm and not a word spoke. thats embarrassing.

Harris was as white as a ghost when it was all over, he never seen the likes of it.

muckla (UK) - Posts: 368 - 30/07/2024 10:01:52    2562872


Replying To sean og:  "I've read some nonsense on this forum but by god we have a winner for the daftest post ever."
It was hugely unprofessional.I get he was emotional but if he felt he couldn't control it he should have asked someone to step in for him beforehand.He is President of the whole GAA not just Armagh.He could have asked the tapiseach or the president to do it and or someone neutral but he didn't.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:02:59    2562873


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "They get plenty of perks.Please don't kid yourself."
And fair play to them.But it is a once in a lifetime job and one they apply for so must be attractive.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:13:31    2562877


Replying To Viking66:  "He will be putting in alot more hours than he was as a Principal also."
Easier job than being principal.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:14:54    2562879


I wouldn't read anything into it, it was a fine speech. if I was to place myself in his situation after my county winning an All Ireland + my son on the team it would be extremely difficult to keep any emotion in check despite of your position. Its human nature.

Only point I will disagree on OP is that Connolly's speech will never be beaten :-) !!

ahsure. (Galway) - Posts: 1632 - 30/07/2024 10:22:32    2562881


Replying To MachaireConnacht:  "How in God's name did anyone take that up as being aimed at Armagh and a slight against Galway. It was clear he was on about the whole organisation. Anyone who thought otherwise needs to seriously consider going back to baby infants and starting education all over again from scratch."
No one said it was a slight.It was totally unprofessional.He should have enough self awareness as the president of tha gaa that there was a losing team on the pitch as well.It was disappointing that he didn't have more respect.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:29:15    2562885


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "He was on Up for the game on Sat and he shouldn't have been there.He literally said that if he was giving out about the referee he would have a program in front if his face.Totally unprofessional.He literally marked the refs cards.He is the president of the GAA and he is there in that capacity not as a father of a player.He should have held his emotions in check until after the cup was presented.It was disrespectful to Galway players.I did have great time for Jarlath Burns but not anymore.And by the way the ref didn't beat Galway or Jarlath Burns.We didn't take our chances and that is it and we take that on the chin."
Maybe Galway should be looking at some of the silly wides/balls dropped short/turnovers they had in the last 10 mins that ultimately cost them instead of focusing on the GAA President.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 999 - 30/07/2024 10:29:17    2562886


Replying To muckla:  "Burns gave a great speech. one for the ages and one to say that this day is why we all put in the effort from lining the pitch to taking notes at meetings to winning all Irelands. all Volunteers. anyone taking it any other way needs to calm down.

I am not saying GAA doesnt mean as much down south but up north its the lifeblood of the people who take part and I think the emotion and the want to saviour that feeling took over and what about it.

Lets go back to the days of Cluxton walking away into the tunnel with Sam under the Arm and not a word spoke. thats embarrassing.

Harris was as white as a ghost when it was all over, he never seen the likes of it."
So Sunday did'nt mean as much to Galway or any other southern team?????

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:32:32    2562891


Replying To peiledoir20:  "Maybe Galway should be looking at some of the silly wides/balls dropped short/turnovers they had in the last 10 mins that ultimately cost them instead of focusing on the GAA President."
Read the post again.I literally said that.It is about having respect and profesionalism as the GAA president.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 10:34:37    2562892


Replying To muckla:  "Burns gave a great speech. one for the ages and one to say that this day is why we all put in the effort from lining the pitch to taking notes at meetings to winning all Irelands. all Volunteers. anyone taking it any other way needs to calm down.

I am not saying GAA doesnt mean as much down south but up north its the lifeblood of the people who take part and I think the emotion and the want to saviour that feeling took over and what about it.

Lets go back to the days of Cluxton walking away into the tunnel with Sam under the Arm and not a word spoke. thats embarrassing.

Harris was as white as a ghost when it was all over, he never seen the likes of it."
Harris didn't even know where he was , what happened or who won….. He would've have a monopoly on that on All Ireland Final day either….!!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2957 - 30/07/2024 11:45:39    2562931


Imagine having a pop at our new President after some that have been there in the past. He's had a great start to his tenure as the huge majority would agree. He'll never keep some happy and we all know why that really is. Great to see Sam in the ecclesiastical capital of this great island along with the GAA President. Good times, that we'll thoroughly enjoy.

sam2024 (Armagh) - Posts: 37 - 30/07/2024 11:56:33    2562939


Tomsmith here

One place Mr Burns should be heading for and that is the Park.
While he would be a big loss to the Gaa and another group would be happy to see him go from the Role of Gaa President, the Pay for play brigade, the west Brit leaning sporting people, users of the words ie The Grab All association would be delighted to see him go.
I suppose he would be one of the few Presidents with a strong Irish sporting backgrounds
Let all Gaa people unite to see Jarlet Burns in the Park eventually

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3966 - 30/07/2024 12:19:27    2562950


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "It was hugely unprofessional.I get he was emotional but if he felt he couldn't control it he should have asked someone to step in for him beforehand.He is President of the whole GAA not just Armagh.He could have asked the tapiseach or the president to do it and or someone neutral but he didn't."
Get over yourself, dear god, honestly do some folk just like to moan for the sake of it.

Jarlath's speech was different from previous speeches , I don't recall any to be honest because they're normally dull as dish water, this was full of passion and a thank you to those who work away behind the scenes with no thanks or praise and the vast majority of folk are talking about it in positive terms.

sean og (Armagh) - Posts: 1071 - 30/07/2024 12:45:53    2562962


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "Easier job than being principal."
Sounds like you want the job? Maybe put yourself forward when Burns time is up?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 13615 - 30/07/2024 13:05:23    2562966


Replying To sean og:  "Get over yourself, dear god, honestly do some folk just like to moan for the sake of it.

Jarlath's speech was different from previous speeches , I don't recall any to be honest because they're normally dull as dish water, this was full of passion and a thank you to those who work away behind the scenes with no thanks or praise and the vast majority of folk are talking about it in positive terms."
That's grand.Facts are facts.He made a speech like an all Ireland winning captain as president of the GAA with no respect for the losing team on the field.If the Armagh captain had said it there would be no issues at all.

Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 360 - 30/07/2024 13:06:45    2562967


Replying To Alwaysencourage:  "So Sunday did'nt mean as much to Galway or any other southern team?????"
jarlath Burns and Gaels like him around the north had trouble even getting to a match and training. same for the supporters so Yes I am saying it means more to those teams when they are successful for the people who put the hard work in despite all the obstacles.

muckla (UK) - Posts: 368 - 30/07/2024 13:57:40    2562997


The two speeches reflected very poorly on Burns as a GAA president , it was not the time or place for a political speech at hurling final delaying handing over the trophy while he rambled on for an age. And the slight on Galway GAA people in his speech after the football final was uncalled for.

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4640 - 30/07/2024 14:03:20    2562998


Replying To bad.monkey:  "No need for Burns to be making speeches at all. Present the trophy to the winning teams and step aside."
Agree 100% i was caught trying to get out of croke park and all i could hear was him rambling on talking trash jesus he loves the sound of his own voice, can he not do what every GAA president does, thanks Croke Park and refs etc commiserat Galway and congratulate armagh and hand over the cup rather than roar down the mic THIS IS FOR YOU, there were thousands of galway people in the stadium and it wasnt for us let me say, its sickening losing a final last thing as a galway man i wanted was the GAA president ranting

Galway456 (Galway) - Posts: 109 - 30/07/2024 14:48:48    2563022


Replying To bad.monkey:  "The two speeches reflected very poorly on Burns as a GAA president , it was not the time or place for a political speech at hurling final delaying handing over the trophy while he rambled on for an age. And the slight on Galway GAA people in his speech after the football final was uncalled for."
Ah but he a great talker is our Jarlath…. I wonder will he be as good at delivering change…?

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2957 - 30/07/2024 14:50:53    2563024


What a bunch of miserablist's on here , good god, think that's me done with this place.

sean og (Armagh) - Posts: 1071 - 30/07/2024 15:17:21    2563035
