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Wexford Club Hurling Championship.

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Replying To alwaysasub:  "Just looking through the minutes of the last county board meeting, reading about Tara Rocks and Kilanerin getting approval again for the transfers. So i said I would have a look to see how many Tara Rocks players transferred to Kilanerin and vice versa when this first began back in 2017, just out of interest. So back then 32 players from Tara Rocks transferred to Kilanerin and 28 players transferred from Kilanerin to Tara Rocks, with both clubs said at the time they were struggling for numbers. In the last transfer. In the latest transfer list for 2025, just 13 players transferred from Tara Rocks, 52 players from Kilanerin. You'd really have to ask someone from the Rocks how they thought this was a good idea at the start? Just 13 players left. I am not from either club, not even from Gorey district but Tara Rocks really dont have a team anymore. And why arent Kilanerin just playing by themselves at this stage?"
It shouldnt have happened in 2017, 32 players transferred from Tar Rocks and they stated they couldnt field 1 team crazy that was to of passed,
Tara Rocks stated back in 2017 I think that they had numbers comin in underage and felt in a few years they would be back fielding by themselves at adult in near future, will never happen by the looks of it, Kilanerin have huge numbers on there own bigger than most clubs in the county

lefty (Wexford) - Posts: 240 - 17/02/2025 13:40:13    2591575


Replying To lefty:  "It shouldnt have happened in 2017, 32 players transferred from Tar Rocks and they stated they couldnt field 1 team crazy that was to of passed,
Tara Rocks stated back in 2017 I think that they had numbers comin in underage and felt in a few years they would be back fielding by themselves at adult in near future, will never happen by the looks of it, Kilanerin have huge numbers on there own bigger than most clubs in the county"
I did think at the time it was madness. I could be wrong but werent Tara Rocks fielding two teams , junior and junior b back in 2017? I cant believe anyone from Kilanerin would be looking at the that and werent thinking they should be fielding on their own. Its been a disaster for Tara Rocks.

alwaysasub (Wexford) - Posts: 465 - 17/02/2025 14:05:40    2591585


Replying To alwaysasub:  "Just looking through the minutes of the last county board meeting, reading about Tara Rocks and Kilanerin getting approval again for the transfers. So i said I would have a look to see how many Tara Rocks players transferred to Kilanerin and vice versa when this first began back in 2017, just out of interest. So back then 32 players from Tara Rocks transferred to Kilanerin and 28 players transferred from Kilanerin to Tara Rocks, with both clubs said at the time they were struggling for numbers. In the last transfer. In the latest transfer list for 2025, just 13 players transferred from Tara Rocks, 52 players from Kilanerin. You'd really have to ask someone from the Rocks how they thought this was a good idea at the start? Just 13 players left. I am not from either club, not even from Gorey district but Tara Rocks really dont have a team anymore. And why arent Kilanerin just playing by themselves at this stage?"
Because Tara Rocks would cease to exist. At the end of the day there has been massive population growth in Gorey parish, and in years to come it will hopefully sustain 2 clubs. Which would include the Rocks then as anyone in the parish can play for them instead of Gorey if they choose to. They have put great work into their grounds, and the u6 to u8s. Hopefully it will feed up along as they have very poor numbers from u16 upwards. Problem they have currently is most lads are choosing to play for Gorey.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 17/02/2025 14:29:27    2591589


Reading recent committee minutes, I see Wexford GAA are joining with Clubber so Wexford GAA Tv will cease to exist. I liked Wexford GAA TV, interviews, previews etc so disappointing, thought it did a great job promoting the games.

One thing I would always liked is a podcast discussing the club championships, maybe its something they could look into now.

alwaysasub (Wexford) - Posts: 465 - 18/02/2025 09:18:06    2591717


At a loose end last night,so I tipped on down to wexford for the super 11s!!! Big enough crowd at it and a very good game on a soccer pitçh with the small goals!!! Not a 100% on the rules but it was all goals!!! Dee O was playing and the Rochfords Kyle Kennedy and Andy Moran!!! No county lads could play!! Richie kehoe,Cassin,Luke Murphy,Josh sheil the ones I knew of with Harriers!!! It was end to end stuff really very entertaining I have to say!!! Some unbelievable catches and tackles goin in!!! Harriers won by a goal or two!! Luke Murphy was a serious handful for Harriers!!!Dee O was a play maker getting on serious ball!!! Richie kehoe was like a brick wall catching ball stopping lads organizing everyone around the place,he must be in his 40s now,still flying it!!!! Off to France for the harriers now and il head to the match in ferns tonight to see who joins them,it's very entertaining game I must say!!! Can't wait for all the leagues getting goin!!!! Maybe a trip/weekend away for the league winners might be an idea give lads something to aim for,might be a bit more bite in league game with a prize at the end of it!!!

theboys (Wexford) - Posts: 253 - 26/02/2025 08:01:01    2593263


Replying To alwaysasub:  "Reading recent committee minutes, I see Wexford GAA are joining with Clubber so Wexford GAA Tv will cease to exist. I liked Wexford GAA TV, interviews, previews etc so disappointing, thought it did a great job promoting the games.

One thing I would always liked is a podcast discussing the club championships, maybe its something they could look into now."
Hadnt heard that disappointing to hear . Wexford gaa tv was always top quality coverage of all senior games and knockout games in intermediate

Afinestick96 (Wexford) - Posts: 455 - 26/02/2025 09:36:50    2593285


Replying To theboys:  "At a loose end last night,so I tipped on down to wexford for the super 11s!!! Big enough crowd at it and a very good game on a soccer pitçh with the small goals!!! Not a 100% on the rules but it was all goals!!! Dee O was playing and the Rochfords Kyle Kennedy and Andy Moran!!! No county lads could play!! Richie kehoe,Cassin,Luke Murphy,Josh sheil the ones I knew of with Harriers!!! It was end to end stuff really very entertaining I have to say!!! Some unbelievable catches and tackles goin in!!! Harriers won by a goal or two!! Luke Murphy was a serious handful for Harriers!!!Dee O was a play maker getting on serious ball!!! Richie kehoe was like a brick wall catching ball stopping lads organizing everyone around the place,he must be in his 40s now,still flying it!!!! Off to France for the harriers now and il head to the match in ferns tonight to see who joins them,it's very entertaining game I must say!!! Can't wait for all the leagues getting goin!!!! Maybe a trip/weekend away for the league winners might be an idea give lads something to aim for,might be a bit more bite in league game with a prize at the end of it!!!"
Sounds like a brilliant game!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 26/02/2025 10:14:36    2593293


Adult leagues back this weekend start of a long season for teams who are we tipping for the championship

Senior: Martins, think Gorey will be much improved though, as will a few teams with new management teams.
Intermediate: Cloughbawn to make an instant return
Intermediate A: Monageer

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 257 - 27/02/2025 19:34:08    2593571


Replying To WexMurph:  "Adult leagues back this weekend start of a long season for teams who are we tipping for the championship

Senior: Martins, think Gorey will be much improved though, as will a few teams with new management teams.
Intermediate: Cloughbawn to make an instant return
Intermediate A: Monageer"
Very early to say tbh but Ill have a stab-
Senior- Martins down lads travelling, I'll go for the Annes or Gorey and the Harriers as dark horses.
Intermediate- Fethard, St. James or Cloughbawn. In that order.
Intermediate A- Taghmon (hopefully), Cushinstown, with Duffry as dark horses.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 27/02/2025 20:25:10    2593583


Heard a few lads went away for them but you'd imagine most of them will be back around come championship

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 257 - 27/02/2025 21:33:13    2593592


Replying To Viking66:  "Very early to say tbh but Ill have a stab-
Senior- Martins down lads travelling, I'll go for the Annes or Gorey and the Harriers as dark horses.
Intermediate- Fethard, St. James or Cloughbawn. In that order.
Intermediate A- Taghmon (hopefully), Cushinstown, with Duffry as dark horses."
Think Martins are due to have some of them lads back for championship, they have a few extra lads on the county panel this year too so I'll say the Martins again for Senior. Harriers will go close too.

Past hurler (None) - Posts: 873 - 27/02/2025 22:41:44    2593608


Replying To Past hurler:  "Think Martins are due to have some of them lads back for championship, they have a few extra lads on the county panel this year too so I'll say the Martins again for Senior. Harriers will go close too."
Not sure having more lads hurling and kicking ball for the county is such an advantage tbh. Hard to work on tactics and set up when half your team, including all your best players, aren't in training or playing League and challenge games. Plus also they get very little break to recharge the batteries between county and club.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 28/02/2025 10:14:46    2593642


Replying To Past hurler:  "Think Martins are due to have some of them lads back for championship, they have a few extra lads on the county panel this year too so I'll say the Martins again for Senior. Harriers will go close too."
Early days, expect Gorey Anne's Harriers and Oylegate to do well. Wonder will Rathnure or Oulart come back to contention, then Mossy over Rapps you'd expect them to be a lot better than they were as he knows the players inside out and will get a buy in. Shels I just don't know about way too inconsistent. Has the makings of a great championship looking forward to getting to a few league games now.

WexMurph (Wexford) - Posts: 257 - 28/02/2025 10:35:01    2593647


Replying To WexMurph:  "Early days, expect Gorey Anne's Harriers and Oylegate to do well. Wonder will Rathnure or Oulart come back to contention, then Mossy over Rapps you'd expect them to be a lot better than they were as he knows the players inside out and will get a buy in. Shels I just don't know about way too inconsistent. Has the makings of a great championship looking forward to getting to a few league games now."
1st one is 2moro for me, that's Football against Fintans.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15067 - 28/02/2025 11:32:20    2593668


League starting back tonight, who are we backing to win it?

WexfordWarrior (Wexford) - Posts: 1 - 11/03/2025 12:26:06    2595922
