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Seen a few people calling them Arcs. Basketball ball never had an issue with saying 3 pointers though. Wonder how long it will take for downtown to come into radio commentators parlance here systematic (Galway) - Posts: 138 - 09/03/2025 12:51:43 2595522 Link 1 |
Hopefully this nonsensical 2pt arc is done away with… it adds nothing to the game.. All we have is a clatter of players patrolling the arc hoping the opponent has a pot shot with the majority landing short or going wide… It will be even worse at club level where players have even less chance of scoring.. As I have said leaving 3/4 players up and making the goalkeepers kick the ball beyond 40m was sufficient enough change to be getting on with instead of these multiple nonsensical changes that's turning the game into a farce…
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3572 - 09/03/2025 13:36:09 2595532 Link 0 |
ForeverBlue2, you'll be forever blue complaining about the two pointer!!
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8578 - 09/03/2025 15:59:36 2595560 Link 0 |
In hurling a few years back they introduced 2pts for converting a sideline cut but weren't long ditching it as it added nothing to the game… The 2 pointers in football add nothing to the game either except to distort score lines … and only leads to payers having pot shots
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3572 - 09/03/2025 16:42:41 2595570 Link 0 |
I like the latest FRC tweaks - modest as you stated. Just three things I'd want addressed: a) Less line markings; b) Reduce "kick to foot pass" ratio from >3.2x (to ~2x); and c) Make Arc scores < distortive on traditional score totals. My proposed remedies: a) Eliminate 65s, 13s, Ds and small parallelograms; b) Defence must 'kick a 45-65' into midfield contests; and c) 'Every second Arc' is worth 2 pts; the first worth 1 pt. [e.g. 1-4-10 is worth 19 pts (1-16); 1-7-10 worth 23 pts (1-20), with 'goal and point values' relatively appropriate]. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 09/03/2025 17:25:08 2595580 Link 0 |
After the atrocious football over recent years, it is no surprise that the risk of the longer shot is being rewarded. Otherwise you have pass, pass, pass trying to get into a scoring zone against a swarm defence.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8578 - 09/03/2025 18:57:47 2595604 Link 0 |
."]Pardon? a) you want to eliminate 65s that have nothing at all to do with football? b) you want to use the 65s that you are eliminating in a) that have nothing to do with football and create a no mans land? Honestly lad, crazy stuff. The kick outs beyond the arc have created contests. From there teams are challenging for the breaking ball. There have been some great defending against teams trying to work the ball out from defence with the keeper not being an option. c) answered you on that before. Catch yourself on lad! legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8578 - 09/03/2025 19:03:08 2595606 Link 0 |
Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2119 - 09/03/2025 19:11:48 2595608 Link 1 |
a) Of course, I know the 65s are for hurling - just talking aesthetically - so you want the D and the Arc? omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 09/03/2025 21:26:40 2595631 Link 0 |
@legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8573 - 09/03/2025 19:03:08 omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 10/03/2025 00:40:12 2595649 Link 0 |
"A team must have at four players in their half of the field which may include the goalkeeper and at least three outfield player in the opposition half of the field." "Teams who have been reduced in numbers must still keep three in the opposition's half of the of the field at all times." I'm wondering does the second statement account for the first - so does the 3 being kept in the opposition half in a Black or Red card situation include the keeper? Thus allowing the full attacking compliment when down a man? brianb (Kildare) - Posts: 406 - 10/03/2025 09:03:24 2595661 Link 0 |
Honestly, stop! Volunteers have enough to be doing lining the new 40m arc.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8578 - 10/03/2025 09:29:23 2595666 Link 0 |
In general (including junior club football), the new changes seem ok and should silence a good few complaints: tirawleybaron (Mayo) - Posts: 1252 - 10/03/2025 11:33:11 2595711 Link 0 |
I find some of the official wording either ambiguous or duplicative. There should be no reason to struggle like this. Maybe my understanding of English needs improvement. e.g. Does "3 in the opposition half" always mean "3 up"? I "think" this is what the amended rule is (but I could be totally wrong): Each team MUST keep a MINIMUM of 'ANY 3 up and ANY 4 back' regardless of the number of team players on the field (15, or less following red/black cards). So any players, in excess of 7, can roam anywhere. That's clear - but is it correct? omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 10/03/2025 15:09:52 2595780 Link 0 |
It's fair you don't want my suggestions - but surely, you have to admit, I'm giving the linesmen less work !
omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 10/03/2025 15:13:09 2595781 Link 0 |
The 45-65 is a complete non runner. There's a time to drop a suggestion after reasonable feedback. Half points will never carry. Best to park it and focus on more practical areas.
legendzxix (Kerry) - Posts: 8578 - 10/03/2025 19:50:22 2595843 Link 0 |
The change to the rule which was 12v12 in attack is now 11v12, not sure why some people were saying 12v11 originally, a goalkeeper could attack the ball as an extra defender only couldn't take a pass from one of his own teammates unless he was in the small parallelogram. I don't see how this change is a good idea for the game, goalkeeping is going back fifty years. Bigcall (Cavan) - Posts: 17 - 10/03/2025 21:42:05 2595865 Link 0 |
I'm going for a haircut. 1,2,1,2,1,2 no half points, although a 1.5 average. The other non-runner doesn't have to reduce handpasses or increase more contests. omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 10/03/2025 22:07:15 2595871 Link 0 |
I think most people would say the prior 12v11 is now 11v11, with the defending goalkeeping not counted in each case as he 'mostly' can't receive a pass.
omahant (USA) - Posts: 3114 - 10/03/2025 22:12:22 2595872 Link 0 |
They might as well tie the goalie to the posts.Talk about backwards step.
Alwaysencourage (Galway) - Posts: 392 - 11/03/2025 12:39:41 2595926 Link 1 |