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Replying To tirawleybaron:  "Has already been redefined lately.

The Tackle

The Tackle is re-defined as:

"The Tackle is a skill by which a player may dispossess an opponent or frustrate his objective within the Rules of Fair Play. The tackle is aimed at the ball, not the player. The tackler may use his body to confront the opponent but deliberate bodily contact (such as punching, slapping, armn holding, pushing, tripping, jersey pulling or a full frontal charge) is forbidden. The only deliberate physical contact can be a Fair Charge i.e. Shoulder-to-shoulder with at least one foot on the ground. More than one player can tackle the player in possession.""
The last line there is the problem I think… in my view when more than two players are tackling the player in possession then the advantage should be given to the player with the ball…. When the player in possession gets surrounded with no chance of playing the ball the referee then gives a free against him and this leads to a lot of frustration… If he can't play the ball away with 2 players around him then a free can be rightfully awarded but more than 2 should not be allowed….!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2746 - 15/09/2024 20:38:04    2569997


Replying To tirawleybaron:  "Has already been redefined lately.

The Tackle

The Tackle is re-defined as:

"The Tackle is a skill by which a player may dispossess an opponent or frustrate his objective within the Rules of Fair Play. The tackle is aimed at the ball, not the player. The tackler may use his body to confront the opponent but deliberate bodily contact (such as punching, slapping, armn holding, pushing, tripping, jersey pulling or a full frontal charge) is forbidden. The only deliberate physical contact can be a Fair Charge i.e. Shoulder-to-shoulder with at least one foot on the ground. More than one player can tackle the player in possession.""
The last line there is the problem I think… in my view when more than two players are tackling the player in possession then the advantage should be given to the player with the ball…. When the player in possession gets surrounded with no chance of playing the ball the referee then gives a free against him and this leads to a lot of frustration… If he can't play the ball away with 2 players around him then a free can be rightfully awarded but more than 2 should not be allowed….!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2746 - 15/09/2024 20:38:12    2569998


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "The last line there is the problem I think… in my view when more than two players are tackling the player in possession then the advantage should be given to the player with the ball…. When the player in possession gets surrounded with no chance of playing the ball the referee then gives a free against him and this leads to a lot of frustration… If he can't play the ball away with 2 players around him then a free can be rightfully awarded but more than 2 should not be allowed….!"
For me, I would change the definition to the below

"The Tackle is a skill by which a player may dispossess an opponent or frustrate his objective within the Rules of Fair Play. The tackle is aimed to dispossess the player. The tackler may use either of the following methods to dispossess the player:
1. Use his body to confront the opponent, while using a single hand to strike the ball free from the players grasp.
2. A deliberate shoulder to shoulder charge (with one foot on the ground, while the player is in an upright position)
3. Use of the "inside arm" to push the players torso, while simultaneously using the outside arm to strike the ball.

The following are prohibited:
a. Deliberate bodily contact (such as punching, slapping, armn holding, pushing, tripping, jersey pulling or a full frontal charge)
a. More than one player tackling the player in possession.

tirawleybaron (Mayo) - Posts: 1174 - 16/09/2024 04:58:55    2570044


Replying To tirawleybaron:  "For me, I would change the definition to the below

"The Tackle is a skill by which a player may dispossess an opponent or frustrate his objective within the Rules of Fair Play. The tackle is aimed to dispossess the player. The tackler may use either of the following methods to dispossess the player:
1. Use his body to confront the opponent, while using a single hand to strike the ball free from the players grasp.
2. A deliberate shoulder to shoulder charge (with one foot on the ground, while the player is in an upright position)
3. Use of the "inside arm" to push the players torso, while simultaneously using the outside arm to strike the ball.

The following are prohibited:
a. Deliberate bodily contact (such as punching, slapping, armn holding, pushing, tripping, jersey pulling or a full frontal charge)
a. More than one player tackling the player in possession."
I "think" I like "3" - essentially half an Aussie Rules tackle?

omahant (USA) - Posts: 2825 - 16/09/2024 15:58:29    2570192
