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Replying To Greengrass:  "Another moaner on about a great service. It worked out at €2•07 a game."
I think we should go back to just having the All Ireland semi finals and finals in football shown live on TV…. Surely there must be some sort of law against having such dross on tv … imagine the damage it must be doing to youngsters who sit through 70 minutes of that….put them off football for ever…!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2922 - 08/07/2024 10:14:56    2557629


Crazy the people defending rte here. If they are not capable of covering gaa games adequately they should not bid for the rights. TG4 would make a better hand of doing the job and indeed the production values etc would be much higher too.

eslinchickenmaryland (Leitrim) - Posts: 274 - 08/07/2024 11:03:44    2557645


Interestingly the ladies football and hurling quarter finals were on TV but Dublin v Galway men is behind a pay wall. This suits GAAGo supporters and rte claiming more GAA is on then ever before.

Dublin v Galway game should now be uploaded onto YouTube for GAA fans. Sky sports NZ have the breakdown which is behind a paywall but 4 hours after the show is upload onto YouTube every Monday.

Kew (Galway) - Posts: 95 - 08/07/2024 16:37:45    2557766


The Irish Government should cut funding to RTE if GAA Go is not scrapped and all games are not shown free to air. lf funding to RTE is made dependent upon all games being shown free to air the morally bankrupt RTE and GAA will be forced to change course and scrap GAAGo.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 08/07/2024 17:46:30    2557795


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "The Irish Government should cut funding to RTE if GAA Go is not scrapped and all games are not shown free to air. lf funding to RTE is made dependent upon all games being shown free to air the morally bankrupt RTE and GAA will be forced to change course and scrap GAAGo."
Why would the government do that?
Rte and gaa need the extra income and you can't have all games on free to air and expect same level of coverage. Stations just can't afford to do that right now.
Government are never going to make funding to station dependent on them getting rid of gaago

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3658 - 08/07/2024 21:57:53    2557873


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "The Irish Government should cut funding to RTE if GAA Go is not scrapped and all games are not shown free to air. lf funding to RTE is made dependent upon all games being shown free to air the morally bankrupt RTE and GAA will be forced to change course and scrap GAAGo."
I posted about 4 honest lines on GAA GO yesterday but admin did not let it go through, and that's fine with me, so I will reword it and hope for the best.

GAA GO should be dismantled / reinvented, GAA GO should be more transparent and customer friendly, along with that a new board of management should be nominated by a committee and installed by professional preferential choice, most important,

The everyday amateurism of the GAA is being minimized bit by bit.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 3001 - 09/07/2024 10:32:09    2557960


Replying To KillingFields:  "Nonsense.
Why would the government do that?
Rte and gaa need the extra income and you can't have all games on free to air and expect same level of coverage. Stations just can't afford to do that right now.
Government are never going to make funding to station dependent on them getting rid of gaago"
The GAA absolutely does not need this money. Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have both criticised GAA Go heavily. It speaks volumes that the GAA has become so greedy that it is being criticised by these parties surely?? The Irish Government are in a strong position to take action against this disgraceful service because if they cut funding to RTE and made it a precondition that funding is dependent on games being free to air RTE and GAA will scrap GAA Go as all they care about is money. I go to a lot Down matches every year I just purchased a ticket for Sunday at a cost of €55 (£47) so I know the GAA has loads of money because I know the ticket prices are very high. As such all games should be free to air. The extra games could be given to TG4 for free as TG4 have been a great supporter of the GAA over the years. Like the Cork v Limerick match was a sell out the GAA must have got over €4,000,000 for that one match alone. The reason the Irish Government must take action against the GAA is that the GAA have abandoned the principles on which it was founded with its money grabbing and greed. It was founded on volunteerism and amateurism and ironically in opposition to the greed and imperialism of British Empire. I have always supported the GAA by buying tickets etc as I want this money to go towards facilities etc but then the GAA would not increase its offer for Casement Park of more than £15 million. What exactly is all the money for if it is not for building stadiums?? It is indisputable the GAA is a greedy organisation and the presence of the GAA Go service shows that.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 12:03:50    2557990


Replying To supersub15:  "I posted about 4 honest lines on GAA GO yesterday but admin did not let it go through, and that's fine with me, so I will reword it and hope for the best.

GAA GO should be dismantled / reinvented, GAA GO should be more transparent and customer friendly, along with that a new board of management should be nominated by a committee and installed by professional preferential choice, most important,

The everyday amateurism of the GAA is being minimized bit by bit."
Yes the GAA does not need GAA Go it is a disgraceful service that has left the reputation of the GAA in the gutter as it has stopped many people from seeing the matches. The GAA could easily provide the games free to air.

I have supported the GAA by going to lots of matches over the years. On Sunday Laois will be the 29th different Irish county I have seen Down against. The only two Irish counties I have not Down play again against are Carlow and Waterford; I was hoping Down would draw them in Taillteann Cup. Down played Waterford in the Taillteann Cup last year but I missed it as I stopped going to matches for a few years because of Covid. Might go to a Carlow v Waterford match so I can say I have seen every Irish county!!! lol

The ticket prices are very high so the GAA does not need to destroy it's reputation with pay walls like GAA Go that go against the values and principles on which the organisation was founded.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 12:19:02    2557999


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "Yes the GAA does not need GAA Go it is a disgraceful service that has left the reputation of the GAA in the gutter as it has stopped many people from seeing the matches. The GAA could easily provide the games free to air.

I have supported the GAA by going to lots of matches over the years. On Sunday Laois will be the 29th different Irish county I have seen Down against. The only two Irish counties I have not Down play again against are Carlow and Waterford; I was hoping Down would draw them in Taillteann Cup. Down played Waterford in the Taillteann Cup last year but I missed it as I stopped going to matches for a few years because of Covid. Might go to a Carlow v Waterford match so I can say I have seen every Irish county!!! lol

The ticket prices are very high so the GAA does not need to destroy it's reputation with pay walls like GAA Go that go against the values and principles on which the organisation was founded."
"All games free to air"???
Do you mean all inter County games or just Senior Inter County games?
If the latter there are approx 200 NFL/NHL games
and maybe the same in the 6 Football and 7 Hurling Championships.
How many channels do you think RTE has?
How much will ticket prices have to rise if the GAA give free access to TV to show all their games?

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1882 - 09/07/2024 12:34:19    2558001


The ticket prices would not need to increase at all as the GAA could comfortably manage on gate receipts they have a turnover of €140 million euros plus. I mean the games that are currently shown on GAA Go could be made free to air 50 All Ireland SFC games, 50 All Ireland SHC, 25 Taillteann Cup and 25 lower tier hurling matches. I think that would be fair solution. Split the games between RTE, BBC, TG4 that would be 50 live games each.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 13:38:20    2558020


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "The GAA absolutely does not need this money. Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have both criticised GAA Go heavily. It speaks volumes that the GAA has become so greedy that it is being criticised by these parties surely?? The Irish Government are in a strong position to take action against this disgraceful service because if they cut funding to RTE and made it a precondition that funding is dependent on games being free to air RTE and GAA will scrap GAA Go as all they care about is money. I go to a lot Down matches every year I just purchased a ticket for Sunday at a cost of €55 (£47) so I know the GAA has loads of money because I know the ticket prices are very high. As such all games should be free to air. The extra games could be given to TG4 for free as TG4 have been a great supporter of the GAA over the years. Like the Cork v Limerick match was a sell out the GAA must have got over €4,000,000 for that one match alone. The reason the Irish Government must take action against the GAA is that the GAA have abandoned the principles on which it was founded with its money grabbing and greed. It was founded on volunteerism and amateurism and ironically in opposition to the greed and imperialism of British Empire. I have always supported the GAA by buying tickets etc as I want this money to go towards facilities etc but then the GAA would not increase its offer for Casement Park of more than £15 million. What exactly is all the money for if it is not for building stadiums?? It is indisputable the GAA is a greedy organisation and the presence of the GAA Go service shows that."
Fianna Gael would be praising the GAA if they thought there's more middle class votes potential in doing that, so close to an election. Free-to-air costs, a mandatory, €160 per annum. No sign of government doing anything to abolish that TV licence charge, during a recession, unless they think it'll boost their election chances.

Down are playing Laois on Saturday at 3 PM, before Armagh v Kerry.

GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7604 - 09/07/2024 13:58:49    2558029


Replying To REDANDBLACK30:  "The ticket prices would not need to increase at all as the GAA could comfortably manage on gate receipts they have a turnover of €140 million euros plus. I mean the games that are currently shown on GAA Go could be made free to air 50 All Ireland SFC games, 50 All Ireland SHC, 25 Taillteann Cup and 25 lower tier hurling matches. I think that would be fair solution. Split the games between RTE, BBC, TG4 that would be 50 live games each."
Sure they could let everyone in free to matches too!

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1882 - 09/07/2024 14:00:53    2558030


Replying To GreenandRed:  "Fianna Gael would be praising the GAA if they thought there's more middle class votes potential in doing that, so close to an election. Free-to-air costs, a mandatory, €160 per annum. No sign of government doing anything to abolish that TV licence charge, during a recession, unless they think it'll boost their election chances.

Down are playing Laois on Saturday at 3 PM, before Armagh v Kerry."
Yes sorry it is on Saturday the 13th. Double header with Kerry v Armagh should have said Saturday. The GAA Go service is actually not worth the money the GAA will make from it anyway due to the bad publicity.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:13:57    2558033


Replying To GreenandRed:  "Fianna Gael would be praising the GAA if they thought there's more middle class votes potential in doing that, so close to an election. Free-to-air costs, a mandatory, €160 per annum. No sign of government doing anything to abolish that TV licence charge, during a recession, unless they think it'll boost their election chances.

Down are playing Laois on Saturday at 3 PM, before Armagh v Kerry."
Yeah it's a fair enough argument to say that RTE should be subscription based but then the games would have to be on other stations than RTE as they would not be free to air. Surely our national sport should be free to air for everyone??

On a side issue it costs more than double for a return fare from Belfast to Dublin than a return fare in the opposite direction. Fianna Fáil and Fine Fael aren't great but they must be getting some things right in fairness.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:28:00    2558039


The GAA would never agree to that their accountants would be devastated lol. It would be interesting to see if the GAA had one day in the year when all matches were free how much it would boost attendances.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:30:51    2558043


Replying To Seanfanbocht:  "Sure they could let everyone in free to matches too!"
With the sort of rubbish football that's been served up… free admission would be still too much

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2922 - 09/07/2024 14:32:36    2558045


If the money the GAA is generating is for GAA facilities why have they not increased their funding offer for Casement Park to €50 million?? If they offered this money the pressure on the British Government to cover the short fall would be much more. The Irish Government have already pledged €50 million and Stormont £68 million so far. If Casement Park is not built it is primarily the fault of the British Government but also the GAA for the derisory sum they have offered.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:42:48    2558049


Replying To GreenandRed:  "Fianna Gael would be praising the GAA if they thought there's more middle class votes potential in doing that, so close to an election. Free-to-air costs, a mandatory, €160 per annum. No sign of government doing anything to abolish that TV licence charge, during a recession, unless they think it'll boost their election chances.

Down are playing Laois on Saturday at 3 PM, before Armagh v Kerry."
In a cost of living crisis the GAA have increased the price of an All Ireland ticket to €100 the prevailing economic environment must not matter very much to the GAA either?? I think it's the first time a ticket has ever cost three figures ?? Also a lot of people are worried about the quality of modern football and that is not reflected in GAA ticket pricing?? I think the GAA should cut ticket prices because attendances seem a lot lower this year in general.

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:50:46    2558053


Replying To eslinchickenmaryland:  "Crazy the people defending rte here. If they are not capable of covering gaa games adequately they should not bid for the rights. TG4 would make a better hand of doing the job and indeed the production values etc would be much higher too."
Yerra I suppose the GAA people in RTE are "men/women of the people" and "good Gaels" to boot.

bruffgael (Limerick) - Posts: 189 - 09/07/2024 14:59:25    2558055


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "With the sort of rubbish football that's been served up… free admission would be still too much"
Do you think it is the quality of football or high ticket prices that is primarily to blame for falling attendances??

REDANDBLACK30 (Down) - Posts: 1673 - 09/07/2024 14:59:30    2558056
