National Forum

One Of The Greatest NFL Div 1 League Finals

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Replying To Gaa_lover:  "Surprised with the poor defending especially from Dublin but it made for a classic. Those pundits and journalist claiming league finals need to be scrapped and nobody wants to win the D/iv 1 might finally shut up now and the game is alive and well."
The first 65 minutes of Donegal v Armagh was a great argument for abolishing League Finals!

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1717 - 31/03/2024 20:03:44    2534861


Thoroughly enjoyable and great to see 2 teams going at it he'll for leather..Derry almost left it behind.however thought ref definitely gave dubs some very soft frees,especially the one at end of normal time..Derry look like a complete team now and no longer depending fully on mc and rogers are superb midfielders..going back to decisions,Fenton was foolish and deserved his red..didn't see what small did thought at least 2 Derry boys were lucky but that's my's great that there might be 3 teams now capable of winning Sam.Derry have ulster which is a minefield.Dublin and Kerry can plan for group stages now..

CTGAA10 (Limerick) - Posts: 2310 - 31/03/2024 20:07:20    2534862


It was a cracking game. What a wonderful trophy presentation from Burns too, tear to the eye stuff that. He's a major step up on Larry Mc. When is Burns handing out the next trophy, I certainly don't want to miss that.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3725 - 31/03/2024 20:21:01    2534863


I was in Croke Park today as a neutral and I didn't think the division 2 final could be toppled. How wrong I was. The Derry v Dublin game was mind blowing. Both teams take a bow!!

It was probably the best game of football I ever witnessed. That talk of scrapping league finals is surely over after what was witnessed today. God I love GAA!!

Matthew (None) - Posts: 1014 - 31/03/2024 20:30:16    2534864


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "If one counted the shots in the soccer match that went over the bar there may not be much in it… Two totally different sports whos scores are in no way comparable….."
not really - 18 shots altogether in city v arsenal game - check the stats, widely available

i enjoy both sports though

points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 262 - 31/03/2024 20:34:19    2534866


Up Derry; and well done both teams for serving up a great game, game had everything, edge of seat stuff and competitive throughout. V enjoyable.

Will have no bearing on championship though.

PS: Surreal to think how far off the pace of both teams my own county is.

points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 262 - 31/03/2024 20:38:14    2534868


I'm just home -great day out, even if we lost . Well done Donegal, Dublin v Derry was just at a different level , I thought the free to bring it to extra time - wasn't a free. But one great game and one entertaining match .
However only 33,000 at the matches - very disappointing- I know both Derry and Armagh support was down due to Easter Sunday and the parades - but Dublin support was also massively down .
As other posters said we must market all our games - the fixture should have had 60,000 plus

cuchulainn35 (Armagh) - Posts: 1684 - 31/03/2024 20:53:22    2534873


First of all, very many congrats to Derry.
I thought they fully deserved their victory, in normal time, extra time and penalties.
Absolutely no complaints.
The better team won.
I actually felt the game was played on Derry's terms. They controlled the vast majority of it.
They looked the hungrier team and appeared to want it more. I know people mostly say that about the winning team, but standing on the Hill today, which was quite muted it has to be said, it looked like Derry were not going to leave Croker without that League title. Their first Division 1 title in 16 years I think it was.
Fair play to them. Enjoy the celebrations.

I think this will do Derry the world of good and will massively boost their confidence for the All Ireland Championship. Yes, the Dubs were missing about 6 regular starters but that in no way should take away from the achievement of Derry today.

Congrats and well done.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 31/03/2024 21:01:45    2534875


Very enjoyable game. Delighted with Dublin not throwing in the towel and getting back level twice. Penos are penos. Good that we didn't lose the game in play.

Derry deserving Division 1 champions. Topped the division and were the better team today even if they didn't get the job done in play. Soft free for Dubs in normal time to level it to be fair.

MesAmis (Dublin) - Posts: 13770 - 31/03/2024 21:04:11    2534876


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "It was a cracking game. What a wonderful trophy presentation from Burns too, tear to the eye stuff that. He's a major step up on Larry Mc. When is Burns handing out the next trophy, I certainly don't want to miss that."
I think Burns will go down as one of the best G.A.A. Presidents in due course. Massively impressed with him in all he does and says.

Fionn (Dublin) - Posts: 3907 - 31/03/2024 21:15:04    2534878


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "It was a cracking game. What a wonderful trophy presentation from Burns too, tear to the eye stuff that. He's a major step up on Larry Mc. When is Burns handing out the next trophy, I certainly don't want to miss that."
Well said. Such a a contrast from Larry trying to make it all about him. Burns is a great speaker. Fair play to him.

Overthebar53 (Carlow) - Posts: 227 - 31/03/2024 21:34:51    2534885


Replying To cuchulainn35:  "I'm just home -great day out, even if we lost . Well done Donegal, Dublin v Derry was just at a different level , I thought the free to bring it to extra time - wasn't a free. But one great game and one entertaining match .
However only 33,000 at the matches - very disappointing- I know both Derry and Armagh support was down due to Easter Sunday and the parades - but Dublin support was also massively down .
As other posters said we must market all our games - the fixture should have had 60,000 plus"
Dublin have won 8 of the last 11 All Ireland's which leads to been spoilt , fatigue, no novelty in going to Croker anymore .
Easter Sunday is an important family day in a lot of houses . There is no doubt modern Gaelic football and the 15 men behind the ball is turning away a share of casual fans too , put all this in the mix and numbers like 33K are about right .

OpenStand (Limerick) - Posts: 699 - 31/03/2024 21:39:46    2534888


If that Dublin team is the best in Ireland then Derry should be looking forward to July.

The media seem to be playing up on the story of Derry being in Division 4 in recent years. Jarlath Burns even said in his speech that it is motivation for current small counties.
The reality is that Derry were only there because of not having access to their best Slaughtneil players during some league games. The current Division 4 teams won't be in Division 1 in 5 years regardless of how hard they train. Derry were always a Division 2 county at least.

PattyONeill (Derry) - Posts: 234 - 31/03/2024 21:44:01    2534891


Replying To OpenStand:  "Dublin have won 8 of the last 11 All Ireland's which leads to been spoilt , fatigue, no novelty in going to Croker anymore .
Easter Sunday is an important family day in a lot of houses . There is no doubt modern Gaelic football and the 15 men behind the ball is turning away a share of casual fans too , put all this in the mix and numbers like 33K are about right ."
I think the new split season has impacted National League attendance. In hurling, the 'real leagues' commence in April, so why would fans be motivated to attend league games fixed in the Feb-March window, when the real stuff is just around the corner in April-July. In football, we've provincial championship, round robin leagues, and last 12 'playoffs' April-July, so again why would anyone be fired up about the Feb-Mar offering? In dual counties certainly, there's ample games to attend/not attend from April to July, and an overflowing plate of nationwide games in both codes over the same period to watch or miss on TV or GaaGo. It's no wonder that many fans have taken 'early retirement' from attending Feb-March league fixtures, when there's an overload of 'more important stuff' arriving in April-July anyway.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3725 - 31/03/2024 22:00:43    2534894


Replying To Fionn:  "First of all, very many congrats to Derry.
I thought they fully deserved their victory, in normal time, extra time and penalties.
Absolutely no complaints.
The better team won.
I actually felt the game was played on Derry's terms. They controlled the vast majority of it.
They looked the hungrier team and appeared to want it more. I know people mostly say that about the winning team, but standing on the Hill today, which was quite muted it has to be said, it looked like Derry were not going to leave Croker without that League title. Their first Division 1 title in 16 years I think it was.
Fair play to them. Enjoy the celebrations.

I think this will do Derry the world of good and will massively boost their confidence for the All Ireland Championship. Yes, the Dubs were missing about 6 regular starters but that in no way should take away from the achievement of Derry today.

Congrats and well done."
To be fair with Cluxton, Fitzsimmons, McCarthy, McCaffrey, Mannion and Gannon to return you are in an incredibly strong place. Derry went all in today with our strongest line up bar McKinless really. Today will give us massive belief but there is no doubt about it- The Dubs are still the team to beat.

Jazzyjeff (Derry) - Posts: 205 - 31/03/2024 22:11:30    2534896


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "It was a cracking game. What a wonderful trophy presentation from Burns too, tear to the eye stuff that. He's a major step up on Larry Mc. When is Burns handing out the next trophy, I certainly don't want to miss that."
100%. A wonderful speech from Burns which was very fitting after what we had just witnessed. Very impressed with him as GAA president.
As for the game, there's not much more to say. It was absolutely brilliant. Congrats to Derry on a seriously impressive display, and the Dubs who just keep coming back. They have to be nailed to the canvas, to use a boxing term. The mark of champions.

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2105 - 31/03/2024 22:15:36    2534897


Big shout out to everyone who thinks Gaelic football needs to make drastic changes.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 7972 - 31/03/2024 22:16:29    2534898


That Derry - Dublin league final was fabulous entertainment. What a game! Delighted for Derry. To those perma-critics of Gaelic football, have a look at that game and tell us if you're not entertained! Riveting stuff for neutrals, never mind the teams involved.

togoutlads (Galway) - Posts: 936 - 31/03/2024 22:17:13    2534899


Replying To PattyONeill:  "If that Dublin team is the best in Ireland then Derry should be looking forward to July.

The media seem to be playing up on the story of Derry being in Division 4 in recent years. Jarlath Burns even said in his speech that it is motivation for current small counties.
The reality is that Derry were only there because of not having access to their best Slaughtneil players during some league games. The current Division 4 teams won't be in Division 1 in 5 years regardless of how hard they train. Derry were always a Division 2 county at least."
Wouldn't disagree. I think Derry have a good shot at the All Ireland after what I seen vs Kerry last year. Mickey Harte isn't there for the good of his health... All Ireland is the goal and I think ye will do it.

Square_B (Leitrim) - Posts: 886 - 31/03/2024 22:18:15    2534901


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Big shout out to everyone who thinks Gaelic football needs to make drastic changes."
One swallow never made a summer as they say

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 31/03/2024 23:07:16    2534910
