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Just a point, in all 9 all ireland wins by the lads they have never lost a game, no back door or defeats in groups or round Robins, some record, like that's Kerry's second loss this championship. sligo joe (Dublin) - Posts: 850 - 30/07/2023 18:53:43 2497796 Link 5 |
Thanks Gerry.
realdub (Dublin) - Posts: 8704 - 30/07/2023 18:54:31 2497798 Link 4 |
Let the tackle where he thought he was getting a free and a yellow card to his opponent but instead a throw in and yellow card to him as well, get inside his head. And I agree with the ref insofar as the tv picked it up.
PoolSturgeon (Galway) - Posts: 1984 - 30/07/2023 18:55:17 2497799 Link 0 |
Kerry goal in AI Final 2023. Pretty obvious foul and free out on first seeing it on TV. I've watched it a few times on replay, and seen nothing to change that opinion. It bounced a second successive time, and he then tipped it up with his foot. I freezeframed it with the ball on the ground before the chip up. The chip-up after the second bounce was done with his right foot, and his right foot was furthest away from the ball as it bounced for the second time. See freezeframe here. Remember, he chips it up with his right foot. This is the point when the ball hits the ground for the second time. Look where his right foot is: https://omertagaa.blogspot.com/2023/07/kerry-goal-in-ai-final-2023.html Nowhere near the ball. The chip-up came after. Did it quickly and skilfully, and knew what he was doing. But the foul had already been committed. GAA rule is very simple: "You may not bounce the ball twice in a row." The foul is not negated by having the presence of mind to chip it up into your hand after the second bounce. No goal, and free out. points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 288 - 30/07/2023 18:57:40 2497801 Link 4 |
I agree David Clifford was well below par - took shots that he was never going to get & missed scores that he would have gotten on other days.. Paudie on the other had a great game. Important to remember that these lads have recently lost their mother and the emotions of this on a big day like today can impact in ways most of us cannot comprehend. greysoil (Monaghan) - Posts: 965 - 30/07/2023 18:59:15 2497802 Link 3 |
Maurice Deegan clarified it at half time on BBC. Legitimate goal. No infringement
Rebel2020 (Cork) - Posts: 92 - 30/07/2023 19:01:55 2497803 Link 2 |
What has the poster's county got to do with it? Would it be more valid coming from someone from Fermanagh or Kildare? It's a personal opinion, not one representing Galway. I disagree with him by the way. Clifford did some very good things today, but he tried a few shots on the last 20 minutes which weren't really on in the conditions and missed a few more he'd normally get. WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2246 - 30/07/2023 19:03:35 2497804 Link 0 |
This win buys the GAA some time. But the problems of Leinster and Munster remain, too one sided both Kerry and Dubs win all the time. And lack of wins for Connacht teams. GAA badly needs a Connacht team to win this competition in my view. galwayford (Galway) - Posts: 2585 - 30/07/2023 19:04:05 2497805 Link 0 |
First off congratulations to Dublin. You have paid me for the little break I'm on so it will be a freebie. Backed them since we went out. Clifford wasn't near what everyone thought he would be today. That been said today felt like end of era the last big bang. royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 30/07/2023 19:11:22 2497807 Link 0 |
Yes agree with bounce, the intention of the law is for there to be one bounce not two, but again another poorly written GAA rule. Now if the ref had ruled it the other way there would be no discussion weird.
arock (Dublin) - Posts: 4953 - 30/07/2023 19:15:04 2497808 Link 0 |
It will mostly opens the door for Kerry to win back the All Ireland. Derry,Galway,Mayo etc I can't see reaching the final if they are paired with Kerry or Dublin in the Quarter or semi final.
Gaa_lover (USA) - Posts: 3542 - 30/07/2023 19:18:49 2497809 Link 0 |
Not sure on what my county of origin has anything tondi with it? For all the talk about DC he offered little today other than a lot of coulda, shoulda, woulda's. Am I wrong? festinog (Galway) - Posts: 3143 - 30/07/2023 19:19:50 2497810 Link 0 |
Fair play bud. I've no problem with disagreement or being shown wrong. Feck it, I'm wrong all the time! But my county?? Weird line of attack. I'm not wrong today though. :) festinog (Galway) - Posts: 3143 - 30/07/2023 19:23:38 2497811 Link 0 |
Two different refs say different so I'll stick with them.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2250 - 30/07/2023 19:29:09 2497813 Link 4 |
Fair play to the Dubs. Proved me wrong. Delighted for Dessie Farrell, made huge calls this year and it worked. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8291 - 30/07/2023 19:49:55 2497815 Link 5 |
He passed for Geaney goal, which makes your assessment at least somewhat incorrect.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3992 - 30/07/2023 19:52:59 2497816 Link 1 |
The rule is clear... the problem is you don't know the rule... Bounce is defined in the rules as follows... "For a player who has caught the ball to play the ball against the ground with his hand(s) and to catch it on return to his hand(s) again" The fact he tipped it with his foot before it returned to his hand meant that technically it wasn't a 2nd bounce. Maurice Deegan confirmed that also at half time on BBC greenfan (Donegal) - Posts: 598 - 30/07/2023 19:55:04 2497817 Link 2 |
Another great/memorable speech by our president today. Just when you thought the intro to last weeks presentation couldn't be surpassed. Passer_By (Carlow) - Posts: 526 - 30/07/2023 19:55:56 2497818 Link 0 |
I think you've suggested that Clifford didn't deliver on expectations on the big day, and that characteristic is supposedly Galway's calling card as a county, especially in the opinions of southern hurling mafia types. Limerick folk are 'new money' in this area of 'stellar mentality' since 2018, so a lot of them just can't help themselves in conveying a sense of authority on such matters. Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3992 - 30/07/2023 20:04:08 2497819 Link 2 |
Well done Dublin, everyone along the cork side of the Cork-Kerry border are especially happy for you :D DuhallowRed (Cork) - Posts: 305 - 30/07/2023 20:04:28 2497820 Link 4 |