Replying To Lockjaw: "This weekend's fixtures. Please post your predictions in the order given below. Makes it easiter to tally scores. GRMA.
Derry v Clare Monaghan v Donegal Limerick v Laois Meath v Wexford Cavan v Down Antrim v Carlow Dublin v Sligo Roscommon v Kildare Kerry v Louth Cork v Mayo Galway v Armagh Tyrone v Westmeath" Derry by 4 Monaghan by 2 Limerick by 3 Meath by 6 Cavan by 1 Antrim by 3 Dublin by 7 Roscommon by 4 Kerry by 3 Mayo by 3 Galway by 4 Tyrone by 4
Bh78 (Mayo) - Posts: 38 - 16/06/2023 08:19:17
Derry v Clare - Derry by 5 Monaghan v Donegal - Monaghan by 2 Limerick v Laois - Limerick by 2 Meath v Wexford - Meath by 4 Cavan v Down - Cavan by 4 Antrim v Carlow - Antrim by 4 Dublin v Sligo - Dublin by 8 Roscommon v Kildare - Roscommon by 5 Kerry v Louth - Kerry by 4 Cork v Mayo - Mayo by 3 Galway v Armagh - Galway by 3 Tyrone v Westmeath - Tyrone by 4
Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2460 - 16/06/2023 08:30:04
Derry v Clare - Derry by 11 Monaghan v Donegal - Monaghan by 4 Limerick v Laois - Laois by 2 Meath v Wexford - Meath by 5 Cavan v Down - Cavan by 4 Antrim v Carlow - Antrim by 7 Dublin v Sligo - Dublin by 14 Roscommon v Kildare - Roscommon by 5 Kerry v Louth - Kerry by 6 Cork v Mayo - Mayo by 4 Galway v Armagh - Galway by 5 Tyrone v Westmeath - Tyrone by 4
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9636 - 16/06/2023 08:57:24
Derry v Clare Derry -Derry by 6 Monaghan v Donegal - Monaghan by 2 Limerick v Laois -Limerick by 2 Meath v Wexford -Meath by 4 Cavan v Down -Cavan by 3 Antrim v Carlow -Antrim by 2 Dublin v Sligo -Dublin by 9 Roscommon v Kildare-Kildare by 2 Kerry v Louth- Kerry by 8 Cork v Mayo Mayo by 3 Galway v Armagh Galway by 2 Tyrone v Westmeath Westmeath by 1
Thefacebanks (Westmeath) - Posts: 18 - 16/06/2023 19:28:11
Derry v Clare - Derry by 11 Monaghan v Donegal - Monaghan by 4 Limerick v Laois - Laois by 2 Meath v Wexford - Meath by 6 Cavan v Down - Cavan by 2 Antrim v Carlow - Antrim by 7 Dublin v Sligo - Dublin by 18 Roscommon v Kildare - Roscommon by 3 Kerry v Louth - Kerry by 7 Cork v Mayo - Mayo by 3 Galway v Armagh - Galway by 6 Tyrone v Westmeath - Tyrone by 3
tommy132 (Mayo) - Posts: 629 - 17/06/2023 00:37:23
Replying To Lockjaw: "This weekend's fixtures. Please post your predictions in the order given below. Makes it easiter to tally scores. GRMA.
Derry v Clare Monaghan v Donegal Limerick v Laois Meath v Wexford Cavan v Down Antrim v Carlow Dublin v Sligo Roscommon v Kildare Kerry v Louth Cork v Mayo Galway v Armagh Tyrone v Westmeath" Derry by 8pts…. Monaghan (Draw)…. Limerick by 2pts…. Meath by 6pts… Cavan by 2pts…. Antrim by 5pts… Dublin by 13pts…. Roscommon by 4pts….Kerry by 8pts….. Mayo by 4pts…. Galway by 3pts….Tyrone by 6pts…….
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3578 - 17/06/2023 09:34:40
Derry v Clare Derry by 4 Monaghan v Donegal Donegal by 4 Limerick v Laois Laois by 4 Meath v Wexford Meath by 4 Cavan v Down Cavan by 4 Antrim v Carlow Antrim by 4 Dublin v Sligo Dublin by 14 Roscommon v Kildare Roscommon by 4 Kerry v Louth Kerry by 4 Cork v Mayo Draw Galway v Armagh Armagh by 1 Tyrone v Westmeath Tyrone by 8
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2260 - 17/06/2023 11:06:07
Derry v Clare.........Derry by 8 Monaghan v Donegal......Monaghan by 4 Limerick v Laois..........Limerick by 3 Meath v Wexford........Meath by 5 Cavan v Down..............Cavan by 4 Antrim v Carlow...........Antrim by 4 Dublin v Sligo...............Dublin by 11 Roscommon v Kildare.....Roscommon by 4 Kerry v Louth.........Kerry by 4 Cork v Mayo...........Mayo by 5 Galway v Armagh.....Galway by 2 Tyrone v Westmeath.....Tyrone by 6
Fkd12 (Louth) - Posts: 189 - 17/06/2023 12:05:56
This week's scores. A fair bit to get through so check and see if I've got your score wromg..Thanks.
Username Week 11 Score mickcunningham 19 thelongridge 18 saynothing 16 banada 15 achara 11 royaldunne 10 aidan64 10 ciarraimick 10 katser 10 drumalee11 10 thefacebanks 10 ninjasmyth 10 hyperache 10 the strapper49 9 jacktheboy 9 loughdufflad 9 fkd12 9 temple56 8 viking66 8 therock2121 7 sligoman1234 6 byanthon 6 gaalover 6 lockjaw 6 tommy132 6 jardonnay 5 ollie2 5 jazzyjeff 5 bh78 5 dave1988 5 letsgetgoing 5 yourjoking 5 foreverblue2 5 legendzxix 5 tacaíliatroma 5 mesamis 4 trump2020 4 ctgaa10 4 dermy 4 tirchonaill1 4
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9636 - 19/06/2023 10:36:12
Updated Leaderboard:
Username Overall Score jardonnay 97 royaldunne 96 banada 86 the strapper49 82 saynothing 81 jacktheboy 80 thefacebanks 80 viking66 79 sligoman1234 76 gaalover 76 ctgaa10 74 temple56 73 dave1988 73 aidan64 72 loughdufflad 72 hypo 72 letsgetgoing 71 yourjoking 71 achara 70 jazzyjeff 70 foreverblue2 70 byanthon 69 katser 69 thelongridge 69 fkd12 69 tommy132 69 legendzxix 68 ciarraimick 67 bh78 67 ninjasmyth 67 therock2121 65 lockjaw 63 juande ramos 61 ollie2 61 tirchonaill1 61 mesamis 60 drumalee11 54 tribesman125 51 tacaíliatroma 51 mickcunningham 48 dermy 47 tonorio 47 boomerang 47 wexfordgaa 44 foreveryoung 43 dunmore10 41 trump2020 33 monaghan08 31 hyperache 31 leitrimdivide 28 dakid 26 kerry15 22 batitout 21 malonemagic 20 lefty 19 leitrimdivide 17 eirekeeper 17 lady_gaa_gaa 13 sponger 11 somewouldargue 10 97cavans 10 kerrymansuckindonegal 9 route1ball 7 bloodandbandage 5 bordergael 2
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9636 - 19/06/2023 10:37:53
Posted my predictions Friday 8 pm, seemed to be accepted, but were'nt there on Saturday, tried again but the site forum was not working. Scored 15 but who's going to believe that.
Hypo (UK) - Posts: 63 - 19/06/2023 11:24:00
Replying To Hypo: "Posted my predictions Friday 8 pm, seemed to be accepted, but were'nt there on Saturday, tried again but the site forum was not working. Scored 15 but who's going to believe that." Thomas.
Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2260 - 19/06/2023 11:39:01
So close to a very good week. Two last frees let me down for wmeath to win by one and gway and Armagh to draw. :(
royaldunne (Meath) - Posts: 19449 - 19/06/2023 14:44:01
Yeah it was a great week if you had a few bets on the underdogs. Westmeath were very unlucky. Ran Armagh and Tyrone very close. Hopefully they can continue to build.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9636 - 19/06/2023 16:07:41
According to GAA official website the result of match was Derry 1:19 Clare 1:13. But the betting exchange Betfair have the result as Derry 1:20, Clare 1:13 because they take the result from Twitter account @Doiregaa. They would'nt pay me on an exact 6 point difference.
Hypo (UK) - Posts: 63 - 19/06/2023 16:44:01
Replying To Hypo: "According to GAA official website the result of match was Derry 1:19 Clare 1:13. But the betting exchange Betfair have the result as Derry 1:20, Clare 1:13 because they take the result from Twitter account @Doiregaa. They would'nt pay me on an exact 6 point difference." That insane. The game was played in Glennon Brothers Pearse Park, not Twitter... Unbelievable
Tacaí Liatroma (Leitrim) - Posts: 1145 - 20/06/2023 13:13:09