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Same as that. I hope they run candidates in Dublin and the other urban constituencies too,
BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 07/06/2023 14:09:44 2484753 Link 0 |
And now they are all the same.
KnockaineyAbú (Limerick) - Posts: 96 - 07/06/2023 14:10:48 2484754 Link 0 |
You seem to have forgotten that Ireland lost its sovereignty under FF, that the economy went bust, that the IMF was brought in, that the ordinary ppl were forced to carry the can, some losing both their homes and livelihoods, that Bertie told the few ppl who predicted the crash that such negative ppl should commit suicide! Then both FF and FG bailed out the banks and screwed the people again with NAMA etc. And people still vote for those crooks…sickening
baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 08/06/2023 11:58:01 2484903 Link 0 |
FF, FG. Greens and Sinn Féin all voted to approve the bank bailout. Pimples on the same backside. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 08/06/2023 12:03:51 2484904 Link 0 |
Both FF and FG originated from Sinn Féin and many of the Greens are politicians who failed to get selected with FG.
baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 08/06/2023 12:14:11 2484909 Link 1 |
Unfortunately if the opposition parties were listened to 2+ years ago, we'd still be under a zero covid policy and there'd have been no GAA for the last 3 summers at all. The incumbents are selfish and corrupt, the rest are populist morons. Hard to know where to go
PressureKick (UK) - Posts: 255 - 08/06/2023 12:14:14 2484910 Link 0 |
Agree. Sure the SF leader is exFF!
baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 08/06/2023 13:08:22 2484920 Link 0 |
Could this stuff not be discussed on the non GAA thread or better still, some other moaning website. letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 680 - 08/06/2023 13:45:18 2484926 Link 3 |
You ruined it for everyone now :-)
BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 09/06/2023 18:59:32 2485170 Link 0 |
A campaign to ban GAA activity before 12 am on Sunday should be launched at CB level to enable people to attend to their spiritual needs.Ireland without spirituality is no Ireland at all
worple (Roscommon) - Posts: 351 - 10/06/2023 07:14:28 2485222 Link 0 |
Are you happy now Barney?
letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 680 - 10/06/2023 13:47:14 2485255 Link 1 |
Joe Brolly is blaming Jim McGuinnrss for the demise of Gaelic Football. worple (Roscommon) - Posts: 351 - 11/06/2023 10:37:33 2485445 Link 0 |
Dublin and Kerry did not invent a "new game." The only rule change that came about was the banning of the handpassed goal which was key part in Kerry's arsenal rather than Dublin. Dublin and Kerry played the traditional game - as can be seen from the videos of their encounters - but at a much higher pace based on unprecedented fitness levels. Others caught up. No coincidence that Eugene McGee was first to break the monopoly with Offaly as he had been at forefront of improving fitness levels with UCD who were actually ahead of Heffo's Vinnies in early 70s. There were lots of different influences at work. The training methods brought vast improvements in the game as a spectacle, no matter what you think of either of the three managers involved. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 11/06/2023 10:52:23 2485447 Link 1 |
Sorry,Dublin invented the new game which Kerry adopted and then everyone else. One of my first thrills was being taken in a rickety Ford car to the Connacht final in Castlebar in 1952. If the spectators that day could be transported in time to a modern game they would think they had wandered into the wrong pitch. worple (Roscommon) - Posts: 351 - 11/06/2023 12:58:54 2485474 Link 0 |
That worked out really badly for that Kerry team didn't it? What was the name of their manager? Had an overrated group of footballers that are rarely referenced in talks about GAA history.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7812 - 11/06/2023 13:25:49 2485478 Link 0 |
SimonstownBack (Meath) - Posts: 163 - 11/06/2023 15:35:33 2485514 Link 0 |
Spread in the Roscommon/Kildare game is 4. I'd fancy Rossies to cover that, BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 12/06/2023 19:47:38 2486041 Link 0 |
Actually think our game with Kildare will be very close, some people writing Kildare off completely! I expect us to win and (just about) beat the spread, but I'd be surprised if the Dubs aren't top of the group Sunday evening. TobeaRossie (Roscommon) - Posts: 158 - 13/06/2023 10:41:22 2486111 Link 0 |
I can't see anything other than a Roscommon win, and a relatively comfortable one. Other than Dublin vastly under-performing against them in Leinster semi-final - and i admit they are well capable of doing so again - Kildare have been predictably abysmal all year. Will be interesting to see how Kildare and Sligo set up. Their realistic shot at third depends on keeping down the score. Now that can either lead to another tiresome circle the wagons, OR alternatively, one or other might try and establish an early lead and like the unfancied horse in the 2 mile hurdle hope to get so far ahead that when they are pegged back they will still only get beaten by a few lengths and run into a place. (This is why i am not a coach probably ..) BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 13/06/2023 11:10:03 2486122 Link 0 |
Same here as I can see Dublin repeating their Laois and Louth scores while we'll be thankful to get any kind of win. A loss would put us 3rd and away to most likely Kerry, Tyrone or Monaghan. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2098 - 13/06/2023 11:21:04 2486127 Link 0 |