National Forum

Managers Can Transfer But Not Players?

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Replying To Canuck:  "We haven't come far as humans, as a community, as a sport if the only purpose of our games is to see who's best. Who's best is actually at the end of the line after friendship, companionship, leadership, healthy excercise and community bonding etc. etc. Of course it is not true anyway of what I know of our GAA family. A life time of seeing how they rally around both winners and losers in times of crisis.
That is the experience and opinion of old fellow capitalist who would and do supported out games at all levels. Again in my opinion there is no need to sacrifice Munster or any other championship matches to promote the sport in McDonagh, Nicky Rackard and other so called lesser competitions. Just a willingness to do it."
We haven't come far as humans at all. The only reason we're not fighting each other on the streets lover something to eat is due to the wealth we have that has been generated by those capitalists you so despise.
Anyways,,, back to topic,the purpose of sport is to see whose best,, if our games stopped keeping score, we'd all stop watching, you included.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 19/08/2022 14:43:23    2438039


Replying To Galway9801:  "Yeah those damn capitalists eh?
Tell you what, let's level the playing field, and start showing a few Nicky rackard matches instead of munster championship matches, see how many people tune in, or pay to go see them live.
The FAI would love to see that.
And our sport ar grassroots is 100 % like that btw. Maybe your clubs junior players get looked after the same as the seniors, and get the same amount of support from your community, but mine sure doesn't.
The whole purpose of sport is to see whose best, which if you think about it is the exact opposite of levelling the playing field."
Yes the intercounty games with big crowds are the shop window for the GAA. They need to be promoted more than other competitions because they bring in the most revenue, which filters down to the clubs, and also are the best encouragement for kids to take up the games in the 1st place. Obviously it's then important that the clubs try to be as welcoming as possible to all sections of society. Numbers were dwindling in rural areas although the last few years may have bucked this trend somewhat. Hopefully with better WiFi, higher travelling costs and greater awareness of green issues more people might realise living and working remotely in a rural area provides a far better pace and quality of life.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 19/08/2022 14:44:01    2438040


Replying To Galway9801:  "We haven't come far as humans at all. The only reason we're not fighting each other on the streets lover something to eat is due to the wealth we have that has been generated by those capitalists you so despise.
Anyways,,, back to topic,the purpose of sport is to see whose best,, if our games stopped keeping score, we'd all stop watching, you included."
I don't get your capitalist rant. I never said I was against a capitalist society. Despise it ? Only deflect from it when how we distribute wealth and level up opportunity in the GAA structure as a suggestion. Back to the the topic. I never said either that winning or whose best is not part of our games. Read again and you will see I said it is not the "only". Your opinion as stated is that the "only" purpose of sport is to establish who is best. That's your opinion and entitled to it but not mine. It is a very narrow minded track about any sport but so be it.

Canuck (Waterford) - Posts: 2903 - 19/08/2022 15:03:51    2438044


Replying To Galway9801:  "We haven't come far as humans at all. The only reason we're not fighting each other on the streets lover something to eat is due to the wealth we have that has been generated by those capitalists you so despise.
Anyways,,, back to topic,the purpose of sport is to see whose best,, if our games stopped keeping score, we'd all stop watching, you included."
Ah no when we went subsistence farming many thousands years ago we stopped fighting over meat. We then organised into societies and the lads who ended up running them feathered their own nests and invented religion to keep the masses down. Think that was the birth of your capitalism wasn't it?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 19/08/2022 16:36:10    2438054


Replying To Galway9801:  "We haven't come far as humans at all. The only reason we're not fighting each other on the streets lover something to eat is due to the wealth we have that has been generated by those capitalists you so despise.
Anyways,,, back to topic,the purpose of sport is to see whose best,, if our games stopped keeping score, we'd all stop watching, you included."
Back on topic that's one of the main reasons people watch sport. And bet on it. Tbh in the coaching courses you are taught winning only becomes important when kids get older but from my experiences this year with the academy even the 4 and 5 year olds want to win mostly. Sometimes they just want to run around and wind up the coaches though. Great craic altogether sure!!!!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 19/08/2022 16:40:50    2438055


Replying To Viking66:  "Ah no when we went subsistence farming many thousands years ago we stopped fighting over meat. We then organised into societies and the lads who ended up running them feathered their own nests and invented religion to keep the masses down. Think that was the birth of your capitalism wasn't it?"
Silly me yeah, I forgot that thousands of years ago before we organised ourselves into societies nobody put themselves first or feathered their own nests.
Twas a grand time to be alive im sure.
It's worse you're getting Viking.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 20/08/2022 12:39:15    2438101


A good many posts. But, no one actually addressed the question I posed.

I notice that this happens a lot here: posts going away off-topic. Maybe the administrator needs to keep an eye on this.

Aibrean (Kerry) - Posts: 311 - 02/09/2022 10:48:13    2439398


Replying To Aibrean:  "A good many posts. But, no one actually addressed the question I posed.

I notice that this happens a lot here: posts going away off-topic. Maybe the administrator needs to keep an eye on this."
There's nothing to address. Your point is fair. If managers should be allowed to transfer then so should players,, and I'd add that if players should be allowed to transfer clubs for the sake of convenience, ambition and or personal choice, then they should be allowed to transfer counties too.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 02/09/2022 21:17:02    2439483


Replying To Galway9801:  "Silly me yeah, I forgot that thousands of years ago before we organised ourselves into societies nobody put themselves first or feathered their own nests.
Twas a grand time to be alive im sure.
It's worse you're getting Viking."

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 03/09/2022 07:26:13    2439498


Replying To Galway9801:  "There's nothing to address. Your point is fair. If managers should be allowed to transfer then so should players,, and I'd add that if players should be allowed to transfer clubs for the sake of convenience, ambition and or personal choice, then they should be allowed to transfer counties too."
Players shouldn't be allowed to transfer clubs within counties. And definitely not between counties. Bigger richer clubs and counties would incentivise players with money and smaller clubs and even counties will end up folding. It would be the end of the games as we know them and inevitably lead to professional super league style structures which will go against everything the GAA stands for. In the long term attendances will fall and we will end up like League of Ireland soccer. Poorer standard games with fewer supporters attending, less corporate sponsorship, fewer top players as fewer clubs will inevitably lead to players not being able to make training sessions further away when younger, as parents won't want to drive 30/40/50 miles 3 times a week. A general all round drop in interest in the games we are supposed to be preserving for future generations. What a disaster that could end up being.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 03/09/2022 07:36:52    2439499


Replying To anotheralias:  "Its a small list for sure
Trying to think of them .
Michael Bond - Offaly hurlers
Eamon Cregan - Offaly hurlers
Eugene McGee- Offaly footballers
John O Mahony - Galway footballers

Any others?"
Dermot Healy- Offaly '81 and'85.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4471 - 03/09/2022 08:54:51    2439500


Replying To anotheralias:  "Its a small list for sure
Trying to think of them .
Michael Bond - Offaly hurlers
Eamon Cregan - Offaly hurlers
Eugene McGee- Offaly footballers
John O Mahony - Galway footballers

Any others?"
Dermot Healy- Offaly '81 and'85.

Oldtourman (Limerick) - Posts: 4471 - 03/09/2022 08:55:19    2439501


I think the outside manager concept is a positive thing and if it help improves counties Im all for it.The outside manager has been very successful.I mean saying not many have won all Irelands is irrevelant as most of the big successful counties normally have their own managers.However the outside managers have done wonders for many counties .Kildare and Laois both won Leinster championships under Micko Dwyer( a first in our lifetime).Westmeath won their first Leinster title under Paidi O Se. Cavan won Ulster in 97 for first time in decades under Mairtin Mc Hugh.Leitrim with their fantastic win in 94 under John O mahony and Clare s Munster football title in 92 under John Maughan.In hurling John Meyler Davy Fitz Liam Cahill etc.

CiarraiMick (Dublin) - Posts: 3851 - 03/09/2022 10:20:50    2439507


Managers don't "transfer".
They are just appointed.

Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2017 - 03/09/2022 11:19:40    2439513


Replying To Viking66:  "Players shouldn't be allowed to transfer clubs within counties. And definitely not between counties. Bigger richer clubs and counties would incentivise players with money and smaller clubs and even counties will end up folding. It would be the end of the games as we know them and inevitably lead to professional super league style structures which will go against everything the GAA stands for. In the long term attendances will fall and we will end up like League of Ireland soccer. Poorer standard games with fewer supporters attending, less corporate sponsorship, fewer top players as fewer clubs will inevitably lead to players not being able to make training sessions further away when younger, as parents won't want to drive 30/40/50 miles 3 times a week. A general all round drop in interest in the games we are supposed to be preserving for future generations. What a disaster that could end up being."
All of what you said above is true, but if it is a matter of convenience, or personal choice, as it was with the Walsh transfer to Crokes, then players should be allowed transfer to wherever they want.
As a galway man I'm surrounded by people who endorsed Walshes transfer to crokes because "its up to him", "if he wants to transfer good luck to him" etc, yet when I mischievously suggested that he transfer to Dublin, using the same reasons, they changed their tune very quickly, without seeing the irony.
It's 2022 my friend, its a time of choice, and to hell with the consequences.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 03/09/2022 12:49:56    2439522


Replying To Galway9801:  "All of what you said above is true, but if it is a matter of convenience, or personal choice, as it was with the Walsh transfer to Crokes, then players should be allowed transfer to wherever they want.
As a galway man I'm surrounded by people who endorsed Walshes transfer to crokes because "its up to him", "if he wants to transfer good luck to him" etc, yet when I mischievously suggested that he transfer to Dublin, using the same reasons, they changed their tune very quickly, without seeing the irony.
It's 2022 my friend, its a time of choice, and to hell with the consequences."
If the consequences are damaging to the future of the games, maybe extinction of some clubs, then we can't say to hell with them or we are on the slippery slope to becoming a League of Ireland type set up.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 03/09/2022 13:47:11    2439529


Replying To Viking66:  "If the consequences are damaging to the future of the games, maybe extinction of some clubs, then we can't say to hell with them or we are on the slippery slope to becoming a League of Ireland type set up."
99% of Facebook posts and hoganstand posts were supportive of Walshes move to crokes, and almost all of them were supportive based on the idea of choice and convenience.
They're the people you need to convince, not me.
My "to hell with them" comment was meant to be ironic.

Galway9801 (Galway) - Posts: 1942 - 03/09/2022 16:47:04    2439552


Replying To Galway9801:  "99% of Facebook posts and hoganstand posts were supportive of Walshes move to crokes, and almost all of them were supportive based on the idea of choice and convenience.
They're the people you need to convince, not me.
My "to hell with them" comment was meant to be ironic."
Fair enough.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 14233 - 04/09/2022 10:57:56    2439612
