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There is no way that it will be settled by Easter. It will end when Mr Putin says it will, and not before. You are probably right in saying that Mr Trump is "doing his best", but his best, so far, is to capitulate to Mr Putin. He accused Zelensky in the Oval Office of having no cards left - irony here is that Mr T had given them all away - use of American weapons in Russia, joining NATO and others as soon as he cosied back up with his best buddy . . Mr T s strategy seems to be that America should "own " stuff - Canada, Greenland, Gaza, the Panama Canal, Ukrainian "rare earth minerals" and now he has his eye on power plants in Ukraine. It seems as if, backed up by that fiasco of the Yemen group chat, the worst fears of the Western world are being borne out. Chastened by his experiences in his first term. Mr T has surrounded himself with arch yes men who have no concept of conventional diplomacy, security or geo - politics in general l. Their common qualification seems to be being multi millionaires Just watch them at a press conference or whatever. They are like kids at a party enjoying the goodies. It would all be hilarious if it wasn't so scary. And we haven't even mentioned Mr T's favourite tool, tariffs.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1535 - 26/03/2025 08:12:20 2598623 Link 3 |
Little to no "mea culpa" from the Trump administration over the extraordinary incompetence in the last few days. To be expected I suppose. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9688 - 26/03/2025 12:37:35 2598668 Link 0 |
Little to no "mea culpa" from the Trump administration over the extraordinary incompetence in the last few days. To be expected I suppose. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9688 - 26/03/2025 13:05:33 2598674 Link 0 |
Have you ever seen a government taking the blame for anything..? Ours certainly never do… so why would Trump..?
ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3653 - 26/03/2025 13:09:34 2598675 Link 2 |
Current members of the Trump administration wanted Hilary Clinton to be imprisoned for communicating via email on a private server. Hegseth part of the cheerleading squad on Fox News at the time. Tulsi Gabbard is always in Russia and was during this scandal. They were advised never to use Signal for even basic messaging never mind the stuff they were talking about. None of these people should be in the jobs they are in.
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8323 - 26/03/2025 13:41:21 2598684 Link 0 |
Maybe I'm too cynical and I haven't watched any of the coverage or interviews but I'm suspecting all is not what it seems with the groupchat stuff. Seems too on the nose that a former IDF soldier happened to be the journalist added to the bombing Yemen chat Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12279 - 26/03/2025 13:43:41 2598685 Link 2 |
I don't think even our esteemed leaders would attempt to deflect from their own incompetence by calling the journalist in question a "sleazebag". They're also now calling the outcry a witch-hunt. Laughable really.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9688 - 26/03/2025 13:46:43 2598686 Link 0 |
Almost like Benghazi where 4 people died. Plenty of egg on face to go around.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2426 - 26/03/2025 14:10:50 2598693 Link 1 |
Is this another case of no matter what we do wrong, the others were worse. Honestly. Children.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1535 - 26/03/2025 15:06:31 2598709 Link 0 |
Yup. You'll get no free passes from me. 20/20 memory. Ha ha.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2426 - 26/03/2025 17:42:24 2598730 Link 2 |
Anyone see Taylor Greene lose the plot after a UK report tried to ask her a question? She's the poster child for Trumpism. Rude, racist and stupid. yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11508 - 27/03/2025 07:37:20 2598817 Link 1 |
Yeah, she's a complete ignoramus. The American reporter then asked her could she answer the question from him, if she didn't like it coming from a "foreign" reporter. Does anyone else find it really bizarre how obsessed these people are with rape? It seems to be their go-to response when confronted with anything. I stand to be corrected on this - but are there really hordes of immigrants (not just in the US, but seemingly in the UK & Ireland as well) going around raping everyone they can get their hands on? The days when America was a completely drug-free utopia must have escaped me as well.... Have any of you seen Dopesick? I think a lot of America's drug problems can be traced back to unscrupulous pharma companies coercing doctors to dish out heavy duty opiods like Skittles. I don't deny the cartels had a big hand to play in it too though. But a small bit of self-awareness wouldn't go amiss as well. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9688 - 27/03/2025 10:42:51 2598852 Link 0 |
Self awareness?!!! Good one Lockjaw :-D
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15209 - 27/03/2025 11:04:19 2598865 Link 0 |
The US has become very aggressive towards friendly nations. Russia though appears to be getting a free pass. North Korea another. Along a question they don't like they lose the plot and become defensive. Very childish.
yew_tree (Mayo) - Posts: 11508 - 27/03/2025 12:18:42 2598886 Link 0 |
Was watching it. Hilarious stuff. Wasn't she the lady who accused the Dems of manipulating the weather so that the storms affected mostly Red states last autumn ?? Kind of typical of the people the present incumbent of the Oval Office has surrounded himself with.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1535 - 27/03/2025 12:51:39 2598893 Link 1 |
In Irish terms, she is a gowl.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9688 - 27/03/2025 13:58:34 2598908 Link 0 |
A snowflake if you will. Every criticism followed up with a defence but but but but Biden did this. She's two ends of a jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1417 - 27/03/2025 14:24:19 2598916 Link 0 |
That blamesplaining is a feature of the current admin. Even our friend on here does it. Kind of stifles any meaningful debate. You are either a fan or a hater. No middle ground whatever.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1535 - 27/03/2025 15:19:08 2598924 Link 0 |
The two ends - and the middle.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1535 - 27/03/2025 15:34:34 2598928 Link 0 |