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Replying To TheFlaker:  "I love Rugby, grew up playing it as well as GAA and it gave me great opportunities. There is a certain bubble within rugby who don't represent the majority of supporters especially outside of the Leinster brigade. They can be hard to listen to. I don't mind arguing both sides of the fence on this one but I can never understand the Ewan Mackenna fan boys who want our national team to fail. I can see that tone on here already."
Is it not a very Irish thing? not having the confidence in their own ability, they try and take down everyone else.

zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1880 - 28/08/2023 16:26:29    2502684


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "What distinguishes a fan boy from a regular fan? Is there something in this fan boy definition of yours that ensures they must want the national team to fail."
Eh people on twitter revelling when the Irish rugby team loses. You are either not on Twitter or you ignore it.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8077 - 28/08/2023 16:47:03    2502687


Replying To sam1884:  "The draw is tough for Ireland. However although they're only warm up games we're starting to see hints of the same pattern going into every World Cup.

Ireland for whatever reason tend to show positive signs until the WC is in sight. My theory is other countries are targeting the tournament a long way out whereas Ireland take every challenge as critical there and then. I'd like to be wrong but I think we'll struggle again and with the tough draw QF might not be achieved this time, if it is, it'll be the limit."
Agree draw is tough, however, we are still winning while playing poorly, thist time four years ago we were hammered by England in final warm up game, so little to suggest same pattern is evident. As for other teams looking to peak just in time for championship, its something every country aims for, apart from France and SA its not working out too well for other lightly contenders. Pool draw is skewed with three of the top five teams together. On a plus note we get to play two games before we face SA which gives Ireland the opportunity to play themselves into competition. Best of luck to management and team, should be a great competition.

seadog54 (Meath) - Posts: 2193 - 28/08/2023 16:48:37    2502688


Replying To KillingFields:  "
Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "[quote=KillingFields:  "Except its not rammed down peoples throats. its a professional sport so naturally will have more news thann amateur sports.
Its mad how triggered some people get by an ad
The this is rugby country ad is from 13 years ago. Id say guinness are delighted people are still referring to it.
The ad with Paul O Connell now doesnt suggest rugby is the main sport in ireland.

Rugby is a very strong sport in Ireland.
People here need to stop obsessing and being so arrogantly dismissive of the sport. its a rival sport but no need for the arrogant dismissing of rugby. you dont see the rugby fans on other forums dismissing hurling/gaelic/gaa anyway near as much as rugby is criticised here or other gaa forums."
You seem quite 'triggered' yourself, with the entire rugby 'debate'."]Do i?
How so?
I respond calmly with fact based evidence about rugby unlike the biased nonsense that comes from the anti rugby people/ if you dont like rugby thats fine but dont lie about it.
you dont see the same comments on rugby forums about gaa that you do about rugby on gaa forums. why is that."]I enjoy rugby, it isn't my first choice sport but that is fine ok, I can still respect it's a good sport. It's interesting you say 'lie about it'.

That is the very point people have. Rugby markets itself very well, business does that. What is embarassing is the Irish media and Irish rugby community WC after WC build Ireland up as favourites or contenders to win the tournament.

We don't like countries doing that in other sports and we're left embarassed as Irish teams consistently find their level against other competitive countries, some not even tier 1 nations every four years, when it really counts.

I'd like nothing more than to be wrong and an Irish teams arrives at a WC and puts in performances that makes them genuinely competitive. Until that happens being modest and honest is no bad thing. Ireland's WC record is shocking. Lets hope that changes this year, I don't see it happening though.

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 28/08/2023 17:00:35    2502695


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Eh people on twitter revelling when the Irish rugby team loses. You are either not on Twitter or you ignore it."
There are lots of people in Dublin who love seeing our football team getting beaten. Not unconnected to the inferiority complex and mediocrity - to put it kindly - of the FAI and everything at all levels associated with it :-)

I am happy to reciprocate and it is one of the petty joys of my existence I am sad to say.

I don't feel same about the rugby chaps, although I don't feel any emotional attachment to them either despite enjoying watching the game. Have bumped into a few of the big names over the years and they are invariably sound and modest chaps. One of whom was mentioned above.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2990 - 28/08/2023 17:08:51    2502697


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Eh people on twitter revelling when the Irish rugby team loses. You are either not on Twitter or you ignore it."
No, never on twitter actually. Never heard of Ewan McKenna either, but had a look at a few clips there, and if he's a fanboy, he ain't a rugby fanboy for sure anyway.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3840 - 28/08/2023 17:14:15    2502700


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Perhaps the "heartbeat of the nation" stuff will be foreshortened this time so. They'll still get a big parade even if they don't win a game. The Universe according to South Dublin and its satellites."
I think Barney that things have moved on a lot over the last twenty years on the rugby scene. The captain of connacht along with a few other players are ex Roscommon minors as are several ex GAA players on the four provincial teams. A little unfair to target all of rugby with just the South Dublin brush as some of those same supporters could well have been supporting the Dubs recently. Cannot really understand and comprehend why people see the glass half empty rather than half full and try to run down other Irish sports teams, especiallly when it is a 32 county all-Ireland team.

Changing the subject a little bit (but still relevant) I personally think that INVERTED snobbery can be just as bad as snobbery. Spent years of my life trying to convince students/young people from disadvantaged backgrounds that they are just as good as anybody else and that they should have an open mind and communicate with everybody (management & ALL staff) in a professional way in order to advance their careers and thereby improve their life in general. I have seen many very talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds not advancing their careers because they aligned themselves with energy sappers at work who complained all the time rather than energy givers who tend to concentrate on the problem and look for possible solutions.
PS. I live in NORTH Dublin by the way and have done so for several years.

letsgetgoing (Roscommon) - Posts: 614 - 28/08/2023 18:06:57    2502710


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "There are lots of people in Dublin who love seeing our football team getting beaten. Not unconnected to the inferiority complex and mediocrity - to put it kindly - of the FAI and everything at all levels associated with it :-)

I am happy to reciprocate and it is one of the petty joys of my existence I am sad to say.

I don't feel same about the rugby chaps, although I don't feel any emotional attachment to them either despite enjoying watching the game. Have bumped into a few of the big names over the years and they are invariably sound and modest chaps. One of whom was mentioned above."
there possibly is some who want to see soccer team beaten but nothing near the level at least publically that many want to see rugby team lose.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3644 - 28/08/2023 18:26:30    2502715


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "No, never on twitter actually. Never heard of Ewan McKenna either, but had a look at a few clips there, and if he's a fanboy, he ain't a rugby fanboy for sure anyway."
Jesus lad I am glad I have avoided you for this long without having a debate. Did you even read my first post properly or even understand it before you tried a witty response? You are so lost here. Try reading my post again. Of course Ewan isn't a rugby fan, that was literally the point of my whole post.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8077 - 28/08/2023 18:34:21    2502717


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Jesus lad I am glad I have avoided you for this long without having a debate. Did you even read my first post properly or even understand it before you tried a witty response? You are so lost here. Try reading my post again. Of course Ewan isn't a rugby fan, that was literally the point of my whole post."
How is he a 'fanboy' then? A fanboy of what exactly?

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3840 - 29/08/2023 11:29:41    2502795


Replying To TheFlaker:  "Jesus lad I am glad I have avoided you for this long without having a debate. Did you even read my first post properly or even understand it before you tried a witty response? You are so lost here. Try reading my post again. Of course Ewan isn't a rugby fan, that was literally the point of my whole post."
Yeah, so lost, thank goodness for pioneers like yourself who can get us back on track.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3840 - 29/08/2023 11:46:41    2502804


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "How is he a 'fanboy' then? A fanboy of what exactly?"
I love Rugby, grew up playing it as well as GAA and it gave me great opportunities. There is a certain bubble within rugby who don't represent the majority of supporters especially outside of the Leinster brigade. They can be hard to listen to. I don't mind arguing both sides of the fence on this one but I can never understand the Ewan Mackenna fan boys who want our national team to fail. I can see that tone on here already.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 7612 - 28/08/2023

Try reading that again lad. Especially the last couple of lines. Jesus wept.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8077 - 29/08/2023 13:08:13    2502828


Replying To TheFlaker:  "I love Rugby, grew up playing it as well as GAA and it gave me great opportunities. There is a certain bubble within rugby who don't represent the majority of supporters especially outside of the Leinster brigade. They can be hard to listen to. I don't mind arguing both sides of the fence on this one but I can never understand the Ewan Mackenna fan boys who want our national team to fail. I can see that tone on here already.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 7612 - 28/08/2023

Try reading that again lad. Especially the last couple of lines. Jesus wept."
Oh I get you now, you're saying they're fanboys of Ewen McGregor. Jesus wept indeed.

Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 3840 - 29/08/2023 14:30:55    2502855


Replying To Pope_Benedict:  "Oh I get you now, you're saying they're fanboys of Ewen McGregor. Jesus wept indeed."
McKenna! He has been one of the most dogged dissers of the Dubs over the years. Totally unrelated to his ethnicity as a Lily :-)

Other than that it has quite a lot of sense to him.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 2990 - 29/08/2023 15:12:49    2502868


Replying To BarneyGrant:  "McKenna! He has been one of the most dogged dissers of the Dubs over the years. Totally unrelated to his ethnicity as a Lily :-)

Other than that it has quite a lot of sense to him."
A lot of sense. The man has more deleted tweets than anyone I have ever seen on Twitter. An absolute idiot.

TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8077 - 29/08/2023 16:24:09    2502888


could the mods have given notice that the forum was going to be closed for a few days for "updates"

Least you could do is tell everyone that the site will be closed and out of use for some time

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3644 - 04/09/2023 09:55:43    2502938


Replying To KillingFields:  "could the mods have given notice that the forum was going to be closed for a few days for "updates"

Least you could do is tell everyone that the site will be closed and out of use for some time"
Thanks for the comment. I thought it was just me KF.

thelongridge (Offaly) - Posts: 1879 - 04/09/2023 11:13:40    2502957


Replying To KillingFields:  "could the mods have given notice that the forum was going to be closed for a few days for "updates"

Least you could do is tell everyone that the site will be closed and out of use for some time"
They did exactly the same thing almost a year ago.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2991 - 08/09/2023 09:51:28    2503488


The Rugby World Cup is like the Provincial championships. There is one interesting pool but we'll be lucky to see three competitive games combined from the rest of the pools. It's a borefest already and it's only game two of the tournament.

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 09/09/2023 12:34:56    2503585


The Ireland men's rugby team is currently rated #1 in the world standing at 90.3 that didn't come easy, we are playing on the world's biggest stage, we led by 33 points to 8 at half time today, we can only play what's in front of us but if that is what bore fest rugby is then long may it last.

PS. Sexton is on his way to breaking O' Gara's record.

Stellar performance.

supersub15 (Carlow) - Posts: 2991 - 09/09/2023 16:28:52    2503599
