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We dont need omahant to do anything. World rugby have already admitted they did the draw too early and will do it later for the 2027 tournament. This tournament hasnt been spoiled already. England losing to fiji this weekend is great news ahead of tournament. KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 27/08/2023 18:49:31 2502479 Link 0 |
You havent a clue. what teams were on holidays? 6 nations is very highly thought of. 5/6 nations has 100 or so years more history than a world cup so is very highly regarded KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 27/08/2023 18:51:14 2502481 Link 0 |
Whos holidays? which games were during holidays. the 6 nations isnt anything like the obyrne cup but dont let that stop you having a nonsensical illinformed go at rugby KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 27/08/2023 19:32:26 2502488 Link 0 |
Didn't they beat the All blacks when they were on their holidays in Chicago one time?
BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 27/08/2023 20:06:04 2502497 Link 7 |
news to all the new zealanders taht they were on holidays. but if you wsnt to believe it go ahead.
KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 27/08/2023 20:31:33 2502499 Link 0 |
Lol!! . Was that not the Universe Championship Final? Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2125 - 27/08/2023 20:40:47 2502502 Link 0 |
why do "gaa" fans here get so triggered by rugby. few to no comments like this on rugby forums about gaa. i wonder why....
KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 27/08/2023 20:58:19 2502509 Link 0 |
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/rugby-world-cup-south-africas-win-tainted-by-steroids-irish-writer-neil-francis-claims/ZDPKTWV6UDD7QNCGN4VECABBYI/ Certainly will not be easy!!! Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 4006 - 28/08/2023 07:41:43 2502539 Link 0 |
Possibly because rugger is rammed down our throats daily by the media? Then there's " this is rugby Country" and now Paul O'Connell is on some ad which makes it appear rugger is the main sport in Ireland. I recall some years ago a RTÉ reporter in a gushing interview with the rugby CEO spouting about the spread of Rugby. The CEO pointed out it was a minority game with around 250 Clubs in the whole of Ireland. It still is. Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2125 - 28/08/2023 08:53:38 2502553 Link 2 |
The funniest one is the English young fella who goes from being 8 in wigan to telling Paddy about pride etc, etc. Give me a break already. I don't actually have anything against rugby or the players who seem a sound bunch, and enjoy watching it. However, the Dublin alickidoos and eventers are insufferable, and many of them happen to be in Montrose and other broadcasting studios. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 28/08/2023 10:14:32 2502568 Link 7 |
Is that the ad with vegetables running around a table? Rugby is a minority game, despite the push by the media.
thelongridge (Offaly) - Posts: 1879 - 28/08/2023 11:02:43 2502574 Link 1 |
Except its not rammed down peoples throats. its a professional sport so naturally will have more news thann amateur sports. Its mad how triggered some people get by an ad The this is rugby country ad is from 13 years ago. Id say guinness are delighted people are still referring to it. The ad with Paul O Connell now doesnt suggest rugby is the main sport in ireland. ] Rugby is a very strong sport in Ireland. People here need to stop obsessing and being so arrogantly dismissive of the sport. its a rival sport but no need for the arrogant dismissing of rugby. you dont see the rugby fans on other forums dismissing hurling/gaelic/gaa anyway near as much as rugby is criticised here or other gaa forums. KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 28/08/2023 11:07:24 2502577 Link 2 |
Rugby is a very strong sport in Ireland. People here need to stop obsessing and being so arrogantly dismissive of the sport. its a rival sport but no need for the arrogant dismissing of rugby. you dont see the rugby fans on other forums dismissing hurling/gaelic/gaa anyway near as much as rugby is criticised here or other gaa forums."]You seem quite 'triggered' yourself, with the entire rugby 'debate'. Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 4006 - 28/08/2023 11:26:41 2502583 Link 0 |
You seem quite 'triggered' yourself, with the entire rugby 'debate'."]I will do my best to step up to the plate,,,,
BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 28/08/2023 11:35:17 2502587 Link 6 |
You seem quite 'triggered' yourself, with the entire rugby 'debate'."]Do i? How so? I respond calmly with fact based evidence about rugby unlike the biased nonsense that comes from the anti rugby people/ if you dont like rugby thats fine but dont lie about it. you dont see the same comments on rugby forums about gaa that you do about rugby on gaa forums. why is that. KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 28/08/2023 11:59:26 2502602 Link 0 |
its an ad. why are people so obsessed about the ads on tv. the people who create the ads and the bodies they represent just laugh at your outrage as it means theyre working. dublin alickadoos and eventers? Plenty of eventers at gaa games etc as well KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 28/08/2023 13:31:32 2502635 Link 0 |
I love Rugby, grew up playing it as well as GAA and it gave me great opportunities. There is a certain bubble within rugby who don't represent the majority of supporters especially outside of the Leinster brigade. They can be hard to listen to. I don't mind arguing both sides of the fence on this one but I can never understand the Ewan Mackenna fan boys who want our national team to fail. I can see that tone on here already. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8308 - 28/08/2023 13:46:15 2502639 Link 6 |
who are you referring to in terms of rugby fans "especially outside of the leinster brigade"
KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3737 - 28/08/2023 15:23:43 2502655 Link 0 |
I misworded that. I meant the majority of rugby fans are not in the D4 bubble. People seem to relate rugby to posh private school. The majority of rugby players and fans in this country are not that. TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8308 - 28/08/2023 15:45:56 2502669 Link 6 |
What distinguishes a fan boy from a regular fan? Is there something in this fan boy definition of yours that ensures they must want the national team to fail.
Pope_Benedict (Galway) - Posts: 4006 - 28/08/2023 16:00:53 2502676 Link 0 |