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"A man is known by the company he keeps" Advocating for a ****bag like Trump speaks volumes. ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 175 - 03/03/2025 10:04:10 2594350 Link 0 |
Most definitely. Unfortunately it's a playbook that works. If you tell a lie big enough etc. etc. It works on the ignorant and/or those predisposed to those views. What they all have in common is that they're very unhappy with their own lives. Expressing those views has become more acceptable since Brexit and Trump. All controlled by Putin. ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 175 - 03/03/2025 10:21:10 2594356 Link 0 |
They're too ignorant to join the dots. Find a racist and you'll discover that their lives are a failure. Look at the chief protagonists in this country. Bunch of wasters and scroungers.
ThePowerhouse (Leitrim) - Posts: 175 - 03/03/2025 10:27:13 2594358 Link 3 |
My thoughts exactly. The slogans and rhetoric are similar to those we have been hearing from a section of society who are out of step with the general population.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 03/03/2025 10:37:03 2594362 Link 0 |
It's very easy to blame one's own inadequacies and failures on immigrants, especially illegal immigrants who don't have a voice to defend themselves. It's especially disconcerting that a country like Ireland, which has sent its people all over the world, can produce people with such racist, right wing views. In fact, America would fall apart at the seams if the million or so illegals were deported. Trump's mass deportations as yet, haven't happened as he has no idea how to deport them.
Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 470 - 03/03/2025 14:20:02 2594442 Link 0 |
Yep. They'll play the "Ireland for the Irish" card but the harsh truth is that a lot of them are simply racist, unhappy bigoted people.
Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9621 - 03/03/2025 14:28:52 2594445 Link 0 |
Just as well the Monk didn't find his way into the Irish government. There were so many videos circulated about the 34 count felon on one side of Atlantic, meeting up with an Irish gangster on Paddy's Day!
Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 470 - 03/03/2025 14:29:25 2594446 Link 0 |
This is it. For a long long time, Irish people have emigrated in their millions. Now that we're a prosperous, safe country a lot of people have come here seeking a better future for themselves and their family. I agree that it needs to be regulated and controlled. We are a small country after all, but some of the guff you see and hear is extraordinarily lacking in empathy and self-awareness. You'd think Ireland was a crime and problem free Utopia prior to people moving here. Everything was just hunky dory, and our politicians ran the place like a slick well-oiled machine. No problems at all before all these dastadly immigrants came in to ruin it all on us. Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9621 - 03/03/2025 14:34:47 2594448 Link 1 |
It's getting more amazing by the day. Mr T now appears to have ordered the cyber security dept of his administration to lay off Russia. Seems like he has been assured that there is no threat from that quarter by his old pal, who he believes over and above any of his own. Next up, he is warning all news outlets to stop giving Mr Putin such bad press. It would appear as if Mr Putin is actually the good guy in all this. His "State of the Union " address to congress tomorrow night should be something to behold.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 03/03/2025 15:48:23 2594467 Link 0 |
The chief protagonists are making significant cash from grifting donations from these people too. A vicious circle of ignorance, lies and misery profiteering
Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12259 - 03/03/2025 15:49:28 2594470 Link 0 |
It's a lot easier blame all around you then look in the mirror and think am I the problem. It's a great grift for the ones leading the charge jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1378 - 03/03/2025 16:18:33 2594487 Link 0 |
People can disagree with you "free" thinker without an agenda. Now sit down and go watch the "news".
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 04/03/2025 11:30:28 2594642 Link 1 |
Can't you read? I gave you the link from a non Trump friendly outlet that is telling you the Swedish Government is PAYING these migrants to LEAVE! Why would they do that?
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 04/03/2025 11:37:38 2594643 Link 0 |
How dare we have a viewpoint different than yours. I guess I'd risk prison if you were in charge Comrade.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 04/03/2025 11:40:19 2594645 Link 2 |
Getting at you a little bit ?? Sorry about that. When you reduce your opponent to patronising you, things can't be going too badly. Actually, I prefer to read my news, as well as watch. That way you get a good overall view of what's happening in the world and can form your own opinions. I read them all - well, those available on this side of the world. I watch your man whenever I can, mostly for entertainment. He is hilarious. No time whatever for your "real" presidents (Musk) outbursts. Can't wait for the sparks to start flying when those two massive egos collide.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 04/03/2025 12:08:13 2594651 Link 1 |
I read most of mine now too as I can't stand TV news anymore. Twitter, Apple News, etc. Basically anything that crosses my feed I'll glance at. A little Joe Rogan and a little Tucker Carlson when possible. Bill Maher makes some good points sometimes.
Trump2020 (Galway) - Posts: 2384 - 04/03/2025 12:22:52 2594655 Link 2 |
Why did the U.S. electorate vote for Trump?
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 04/03/2025 12:27:39 2594656 Link 2 |
Seems to me that the man and his administration that is determined to end the war in Ukraine is being vilified, the 'west' seems determined to continue the war, like Trump said if they don't want peace then they can fight it out, Tirchonaill1 (Donegal) - Posts: 3098 - 04/03/2025 13:13:26 2594669 Link 1 |
I'm presuming it was because they think he is the way forward. And he possibly is. I'm not too sure that his slash and burn attitude will put him where he wants to be with the economy etc but it will be a year or two before the fruits or otherwise of that will start to show. Also, I would imagine that the electorate werent overly enamoured with the alternative. As long as our economy isn't overly impacted by these proposed tariffs, and Putin doesn't become emboldened and start chipping away at more of Europe, all should be fine, from our perspective.
Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 04/03/2025 13:40:06 2594680 Link 0 |
This isn't a peace agreement. It's a diktat. A sovereign, democratic state was illegally invaded by a neighbouring state. Donald Trump wants peace but on his terms only. He is attempting to impose his will on Ukraine and seems determined to force them to accept appalling terms. He is rewarding illegal aggression and is empowering dictatorships which have their eyes on neighbouring states. China and Russia are rubbing their hands with glee. This initiative bears no semblance to diplomacy. Trump has no respect for international law and has nothing but contempt for Europe and European democracy. No nation should be forced to accept an "agreement" that is anathema to them and that rewards illegal aggression.
Greengrass (Louth) - Posts: 6174 - 04/03/2025 13:41:49 2594682 Link 1 |