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Replying To BarneyGrant:  "Not as embarrassing as you pretending you knew about school exemptions because yiu had some mystical non teaching connection.

Then hadn't the cojones to accept the facts as presented by me from a Department report.

Just last week a Gaelcholáiste was knocked on head because of objections based on tge "diverse community" in school.

Trump is correct on Ukraine. As pointe out above there was always going to have to be concessions in Russian ethnic regions

Only fanatical Europhiles support it continuing as Ukraine is source of cheap labour, minerals and powers for Commission.."
Trump is not right on Ukraine Ukraine is an independent country invaded by Russia because Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire. Trump apparently sees this as an opportunity to divide up Ukraine between himself and Putin. There is a significant Protestant population in Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan- would the British be right to retake those counties. Putin has something on Trump and is using this leverage to get what he wants through 'negotiations' since he can't win the war there. Trump calls Zelensky a dictator while blatantly ignoring Putins position and his willingness to expel or kill his political opposition.
I understand your right wing and happy with totalarism and anti immigration but ask yourself how many more Ukrainians Putin will force out of Ukraine and into Europe and you'll be on here giving out about them coming into Ireland.

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 881 - 21/02/2025 10:25:15    2592229


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Just a silly term used by the uneducated…!"
Is Paul McGrath Irish?

English born Nigerian father so doesn't meet your requirements I guess

jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1378 - 21/02/2025 10:41:29    2592235


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Just a silly term used by the uneducated…!"
You don't happen to live in London do you :-D

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 21/02/2025 10:49:28    2592240


Replying To updwell:  "Trump is not right on Ukraine Ukraine is an independent country invaded by Russia because Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire. Trump apparently sees this as an opportunity to divide up Ukraine between himself and Putin. There is a significant Protestant population in Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan- would the British be right to retake those counties. Putin has something on Trump and is using this leverage to get what he wants through 'negotiations' since he can't win the war there. Trump calls Zelensky a dictator while blatantly ignoring Putins position and his willingness to expel or kill his political opposition.
I understand your right wing and happy with totalarism and anti immigration but ask yourself how many more Ukrainians Putin will force out of Ukraine and into Europe and you'll be on here giving out about them coming into Ireland."
You do realise that the protestant population in Donegal Monaghan and Cavan are a direct result of a landgrab by England who had no right to be here in the first place, sadly that terrible wrong has not yet been
reversed in the six counties. To their credit the protestants in the three counties mentioned deserve credit for
playing an active role in the economic and social life of the Republic.

tireoghainabu (Tyrone) - Posts: 371 - 21/02/2025 10:51:20    2592242


Replying To yew_tree:  "I don't know but what gets on my nerves is Irish who come home (especially at Christmas) and do nothing but go on about how great Australia is (or wherever they live) and how **** and depressing Ireland is….youd be there thinking oh * off back so will ya."
We would have the lads who moved to England coming back here at Xmas in the biggest car they could afford to hire to drive over in, letting on it was theirs, talking down to us, and telling us how great they were, and over there was!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 21/02/2025 10:52:22    2592243


Replying To Doylerwex:  "This post isn't to insult you. Doyle is very much a Viking name in a Viking town. The only pure Gaelic left if there are any would be confined to Connaught I'd imagine, which ironically has no hurling championship.

Culture is an evolving thing. My wife, an o Connor, very often reminds me of my Norse origins from a millennium ago.

Truthfully I don't know where the cut off is, but in respect of Norman and Viking genetics, it is far enough back that they're completely consumed by the developing Irish culture, which included religion, games, rituals, foods, language etc.

We're in a totally different era now where the world is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know the answer to this, but my point is that an identity is more than a piece of paper.

A big part of what I term Irishness includes connection to the land and generational trauma associated with centuries of oppression.

I would wager there are many of those 5000 New citizens that have no concept of this."
I think more of them would understand the generations of oppression and trauma better than you think. I grew up mainly in 2 countries in Africa. Most of the asylum seekers here currently are from countries that were formerly parts of the British and French empires. I'm sure their fathers, grandfathers, etc suffered pretty similar exploitation and repression by the same overlords as people here did. I've not got talking to any of them, but maybe that's why they chose here over the UK or France in the 1st place.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 21/02/2025 10:59:58    2592245


Replying To Doylerwex:  "Funny enough I know quite a lot of people in the parish from the Philippines and they assimilate incredibly well. I think that's because of shared religion and pretty humble values. They're far more positive than we are though.

There's a girl hurling under 8 with us who's parents both work in the hospital and she's an animal. Easily top 3 in her group. Her parents wince every time she's near the ball but the wholesale family are there every Sunday morning which is lovely to see."
That's a great story. Fair play to them.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 21/02/2025 11:00:54    2592246


Replying To Viking66:  "We would have the lads who moved to England coming back here at Xmas in the biggest car they could afford to hire to drive over in, letting on it was theirs, talking down to us, and telling us how great they were, and over there was!"
Back in the day, they would come back on hols or whatever waving their pay packets or payslips - all empty, may I add. This is just an aside, really and hardly relevant in anyway to the present discussion.

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1468 - 21/02/2025 11:08:28    2592249


Replying To jm25:  "Is Paul McGrath Irish?

English born Nigerian father so doesn't meet your requirements I guess"
He does …. If you weren't so ignorant you would know that his mother is Irish… wake up .. good lad

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 21/02/2025 13:15:33    2592273


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "He does …. If you weren't so ignorant you would know that his mother is Irish… wake up .. good lad"
I'm well aware good lad, not ignorant at all she had him in England for fear of family shame. but your requirements say need Irish parents plural??

So is it one parent only and no need to ever live in Ireland to be Irish it is now

You are tying yourself in knots.

You have moved goalposts twice now on what Irish is

jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1378 - 21/02/2025 13:41:08    2592283


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "He does …. If you weren't so ignorant you would know that his mother is Irish… wake up .. good lad"
Replying To ForeverBlue2: "Born in Ireland or having Irish parents… it's quite simple really

There are your words not quite as simple as you make out

At least I know Mack Hansen is 100% Irish in your simple opinion.

Good lad

jm25 (Galway) - Posts: 1378 - 21/02/2025 13:44:01    2592284


Replying To yew_tree:  "I don't know but what gets on my nerves is Irish who come home (especially at Christmas) and do nothing but go on about how great Australia is (or wherever they live) and how **** and depressing Ireland is….youd be there thinking oh * off back so will ya."
Reminded me of this sketch Yew:


GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7815 - 21/02/2025 14:36:57    2592288


Replying To tireoghainabu:  "You do realise that the protestant population in Donegal Monaghan and Cavan are a direct result of a landgrab by England who had no right to be here in the first place, sadly that terrible wrong has not yet been
reversed in the six counties. To their credit the protestants in the three counties mentioned deserve credit for
playing an active role in the economic and social life of the Republic."
My point here is Britain could use the Protestant population in these counties as an excuse to invade the south to protect them and their heritage and customs just like the Russians have done in Ukraine. By the way I have nothing against Protestant people as I have 4 or 5 Protestant neighbours around me here in Limerick.
Putin has used the Russian population in Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic States to destabilise these independent countries to grow a greater Russia and now for the first time ever he has an alloy and backer in the White House to support him. The alliance we have had between Europe and the US for the last 80 years has been ripped apart in the space of 1 month because of the greed of American billionaires and ethnic cleansing has been normalised also for greed. Trump has his fans here but we will also suffer with increased migration from these displaced people and also the flight of US multinationals will make us a far poorer country but 'patriots' here think that's OK.

updwell (Limerick) - Posts: 881 - 21/02/2025 14:37:33    2592289


Replying To jm25:  "I'm well aware good lad, not ignorant at all she had him in England for fear of family shame. but your requirements say need Irish parents plural??

So is it one parent only and no need to ever live in Ireland to be Irish it is now

You are tying yourself in knots.

You have moved goalposts twice now on what Irish is"
Nobody moving goalposts… McGrath has an Irish mother and that makes him perfectly qualified to be called Irish hence was qualified to do so … Only someone loosing the argument would suggest that both parents should be Irish… I certainly didn't.. but the rugby mercenaries who are wearing Irish jerseys are not one ounce Irish…. Probably the reason nobody cares too much when they play if they win or not…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 21/02/2025 16:24:25    2592311


Replying To updwell:  "Trump is not right on Ukraine Ukraine is an independent country invaded by Russia because Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire. Trump apparently sees this as an opportunity to divide up Ukraine between himself and Putin. There is a significant Protestant population in Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan- would the British be right to retake those counties. Putin has something on Trump and is using this leverage to get what he wants through 'negotiations' since he can't win the war there. Trump calls Zelensky a dictator while blatantly ignoring Putins position and his willingness to expel or kill his political opposition.
I understand your right wing and happy with totalarism and anti immigration but ask yourself how many more Ukrainians Putin will force out of Ukraine and into Europe and you'll be on here giving out about them coming into Ireland."
To reverse your logic we would have same right to expel all settler descended unionists as Ukrainians to expel Russians.

Both are there as consequence of illegal occupation, land grabs and expulsion and murder of natives.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 21/02/2025 19:14:17    2592325


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Nobody moving goalposts… McGrath has an Irish mother and that makes him perfectly qualified to be called Irish hence was qualified to do so … Only someone loosing the argument would suggest that both parents should be Irish… I certainly didn't.. but the rugby mercenaries who are wearing Irish jerseys are not one ounce Irish…. Probably the reason nobody cares too much when they play if they win or not…"
Think you will find plenty follow our rugby team. Including you, you must've spent more time posting about their fortunes, issues and set up than all of the rest of us posters put together.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 21/02/2025 19:41:07    2592333


Sinn Féin not going to Washington over Gaza but were happy enough to go there when Biden was backing the Israeli blanket bombing. Explain that one?

Might have something to do with the piles of money and other assistance they got from the Clintons and Feeney and others when they agreed to do what no Irish nationalist never mind a republican claiming to be in line of Pearse and Sands would have even contemplated - running part of Ireland for Britain.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 21/02/2025 23:28:25    2592363


Replying To Viking66:  "Think you will find plenty follow our rugby team. Including you, you must've spent more time posting about their fortunes, issues and set up than all of the rest of us posters put together."
Following how they are doing one thing but caring whether they win or not is another… The simple point is it doesn't get too many upset or down whenever they loose….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3544 - 22/02/2025 08:19:01    2592380


Replying To Doylerwex:  "It wouldn't. You're genetically and culturally different."
Cause everyone in CHINA is genetically and culturely the same !!! Baaa haaa haa. Best post Ive ever seen on HS. Bravo !

bad.monkey (USA) - Posts: 4648 - 22/02/2025 08:21:28    2592382


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Following how they are doing one thing but caring whether they win or not is another… The simple point is it doesn't get too many upset or down whenever they loose…."
I suppose you and the lads in your local get more upset when England lose?

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15047 - 22/02/2025 08:38:48    2592383
