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I looked at that article, he said it basically as a statement promoting himself and how his job is more relevant than domestic politicians. Can't find his reference as there seems to be a variation in estimates from 30-80%. And depends on the sector you are talking about. Agriculture, food standards, customs will be heavily influenced by EU law while other areas are left completely to member states. The likes of criminal law is domestic in so far as it is British common law really with an Irish twist. In reality our legal system and many of our laws orginated from British/English rule. No one seems to be hopping up and down about that. If you are really concerned about keeping things Irish then you need to start looking at the legal system that allowed for and legally enshrines anglicisation. MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1000 - 05/06/2024 11:09:29 2549639 Link 0 |
Definitely GreenandRed. I'm not sure what it's like up your way but down here if a secondhand house is any way reasonably priced it's gone in a week or 2.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/06/2024 11:32:15 2549649 Link 0 |
All domestic law in all EU states has to comply with EU law. Which is why EU Commission ganged up on Hungary and Poland over their defence of national sovereignty on issues such as control of their own borders. Denmark now doing the same. They have not been ganged up on yet because it if left wing Danish government and our liberal lefties are in awe of them so not quite sure what to make of it. They will catch up eventually as Europe cannot sustain the current lunacy. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 05/06/2024 11:35:39 2549651 Link 0 |
As with that debate, I produce facts and your response and others is ad hominem attempts to discredit those facts. Show me statistically how I am wrong. The vast bulk of population growth is immigrants. Correct or not correct? Is léir freisin go bhfuil muintir na Gaeltachtaí i gCeathrú Rua agus aiteanna eile ar an tuiscceant ceanna maidir leis an Gaeilge agus an imirce agus an scrios atá ar siul sa scoileanna, BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 05/06/2024 11:40:26 2549653 Link 0 |
No they don't! Where do you get this stuff from? Most of British legislation itself does not predate 1980 never mind 1920 :-) What do you think the Dáil does? BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 05/06/2024 11:46:04 2549658 Link 0 |
My way is in Meath now Viking for more than 8 years. A serious price difference to most of Mayo! But a lot better than Maynooth. I don't know how different parts of Ireland compare price wise for new and second hand homes to Dublin but we had to get out of Maynooth to get somewhere affordable. They're building two blocks of apartments right in the middle of town, supposedly student accomodation. They'll be tasty prices for rent.
GreenandRed (Mayo) - Posts: 7812 - 05/06/2024 12:12:06 2549669 Link 0 |
Alot of the Acts are amended, but that doesn't change the fact that those laws are still on the Statute Book. As regards the 80 or 70 percent myth here's some reading for you Barney- https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/03/22/fact-check-does-the-eu-decide-80-of-our-laws https://www.irishtimes.com/news/eu-source-of-less-than-30-of-irish-laws-fg-1.769944 Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/06/2024 12:16:31 2549670 Link 0 |
There has never been a left of centre government, in terms of social and economic policy, of the 26 counties since the Partition State came into being. And that's a fact Barney.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/06/2024 12:20:15 2549672 Link 0 |
Well there you go - I wouldn't ever had the need to look at any news that came out of gript - you say google but you really mean is you use google to follow certain "new" providers. So your facts are a politician speaking on a local radio in Kerry talking himself up? what next quoting the Healy Rae's on drink driving?
zinny (Wexford) - Posts: 1926 - 05/06/2024 12:29:27 2549674 Link 1 |
My nephew is working in Dublin now, he graduated from Maynooth last year. Himself and the same 4 mates are renting the same house there still. The rent is eye watering!
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/06/2024 12:55:40 2549679 Link 1 |
Only country in Europe I think as well to never had a government led by the left.
MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1000 - 05/06/2024 12:57:41 2549682 Link 0 |
Ah no Zinny he's not still getting his info and opinions off those clowns is he? An intelligent lad like that ought to know better.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/06/2024 12:58:00 2549683 Link 0 |
Only if there is a directive concerning that area of law? Sure we've had to comply with the entire English legal system for the past 400 years and more but it doesn't bother you. There are genuine concerns over Hungary and a leader who is well on the way to autocracy and who interferes with press freedoms and the judicial system. Poland I think had a government that were heading that way. The border issue wasn't actually the main gripe the EU had with those countries, actually Orban manipulated immigration to prevent the EU pushing too hard on those other areas I mentioned. What was so wrong with communism if Orban is such a good lad? If communism went after foreigners instead of the means of production would that have been a better set up? MachaireConnacht (Roscommon) - Posts: 1000 - 05/06/2024 13:19:55 2549688 Link 0 |
Curious as to why why short statement of fact regarding Sean Kelly MEP's recent twitter posts was not published? Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12259 - 05/06/2024 13:20:30 2549690 Link 1 |
What facts did you produce? A ramble about immigration and then stated you heard from friends. You know nothing of the breakdown of kids in secondary schools opting out of Irish and why they are? And where they are from? I have access to that actual data from a huge number of schools. Yet you still don't believe what i am telling you.
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8291 - 05/06/2024 13:40:18 2549695 Link 3 |
Orban is elected and has won quite a few elections at this stage with no questions regarding their legitimacy. As for British rule in Ireland, I totally oppose unlike the main republican left party which is happy to do what no other Irish nationalist party has ever done - run part of Ireland for London. BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 05/06/2024 13:58:59 2549703 Link 1 |
Yep, that's what I said and it's an accurate reflection of how you arrived at your figures. You only chose to count those who were given work permits as part of the incoming work force. There are many many 1000s coming from the EU and UK who are also coming to work. But because they don't need a work permit, you didn't count them in this way. Because it didn't suit your narrative to do so. Shape your argument with accurate figures you can substantiate and people might debate your actual views. cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 05/06/2024 18:11:54 2549756 Link 2 |
They aren't running it for London, they are running it for the Irish people who voted for them.
Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 06/06/2024 09:16:47 2549804 Link 0 |
And in accordance with the GFA which was voted for by the people of all Ireland in referendums.
Seanfanbocht (Roscommon) - Posts: 2098 - 06/06/2024 12:25:29 2549839 Link 0 |
I will throw one stat at you as you haven't produced one actual fact only hearsay. For the year 20-21 the number of Irish exemptions in secondary schools rose by 43 per cent. It has increased further since. I used that year because it is pre Ukraine conflict. Feel free to try and debate this with me. It's clearly a topic you are absolutely clueless on.
TheFlaker (Mayo) - Posts: 8291 - 06/06/2024 16:31:40 2549883 Link 1 |