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Probably should have won World Cup? How does that work? We didn't reach semi final stage. Like saying Dublin should have won All Ireland hurling last year

Claretandblue (Westmeath) - Posts: 2044 - 05/02/2024 00:00:55    2524433


Replying To Freethinker:  "Can we just not sit back and enjoy the moment ? Why do we always seem to do what we are best at - begrudgery. I am not a rugby supporter but I support any sportsperson when they pull on the green jersey. We probably should have won the World Cup. We didn't - so what. Ireland had a wonderful win last night. They were short players and we were. We didn't ask that French player to lose the run of himself and get sin binned - twice."
One of the bizarre things these days is people who don't like rugby being absolutely obsessed with rugby.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 05/02/2024 00:35:48    2524442


Replying To Claretandblue:  "Probably should have won World Cup? How does that work? We didn't reach semi final stage. Like saying Dublin should have won All Ireland hurling last year"
Not sure how that works myself. Any rugby supporters I know including myself thought any 1 of 4 teams could win it and had all 4 pretty even. Ourselves and France were 2 of those 4 teams.

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 05/02/2024 09:05:03    2524457


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "So when did you actually return to your book in this 'one sided' game? Was it at half-time when Ireland were leading by 7 points, or was it after 60 minutes (3/4 of the game) when Ireland were still only leading this 'one sided' game by 7 points?"
He returned to his book when he realised that rugby would never be allowed in Kilkenny!

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 05/02/2024 09:57:40    2524474


Replying To baire:  "He returned to his book when he realised that rugby would never be allowed in Kilkenny!"
Never be allowed in Kilkenny?

Cockney_Cat (UK) - Posts: 2690 - 05/02/2024 12:28:47    2524524


Replying To TerribleFootwork:  "One of the bizarre things these days is people who don't like rugby being absolutely obsessed with rugby."
Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters.

UtahBlaine (Galway) - Posts: 153 - 05/02/2024 14:34:15    2524561


Replying To Cockney_Cat:  "Never be allowed in Kilkenny?"

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 05/02/2024 14:58:24    2524571


Replying To UtahBlaine:  "Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters."
Why is that odd? plenty of people like sports without playing the game, NFL has a massive following in the UK and Ireland for example.

TerribleFootwork (Wexford) - Posts: 1760 - 05/02/2024 16:00:01    2524579


Replying To UtahBlaine:  "Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters."
Silly comment. How many race goers have actually ridden a horse, never mind ridden in a race b

Freethinker (Wicklow) - Posts: 1459 - 05/02/2024 16:37:13    2524588


Replying To UtahBlaine:  "Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters."
That's the way it's going. Jack Crowley is from Innishannon in West Cork, his aunt played camogie for Cork and won a few all Ireland's. In years gone by, he'd have maybe gone to Farranferris, and pursued hurling. Farranferris was a boarding school that attracted a lot of West Cork students and won many Harty Cups. It's now closed. The options open to young people are way more than say 20 or 30 years ago.

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 467 - 05/02/2024 16:43:54    2524590


Replying To UtahBlaine:  "Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters."
Ridiculous commwnt.
People pixk up new sports and get invested in them or other things in life all the time
Rugby far from new in that regard.

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3731 - 05/02/2024 16:45:19    2524592


Replying To conordee:  "Absolutely. France weren't poor. They were awful."
Even a chap like myself with little knowledge of game could see that. It will be compulsory soon to sit through it I suppose.

I doubt anyone who had no emotional or betting commitment to it stayed till the end.

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 05/02/2024 23:09:21    2524668


Replying To UtahBlaine:  "Whats even more bizarre in a way is the amount of people who never played the game in their life ,or any game for that matter, who are now suddenly rugby supporters."
Nothing bizarre about that if you think about it but for some here that may be a bit difficult...

KillingFields (Limerick) - Posts: 3731 - 06/02/2024 10:33:15    2524708


just to bring gaa in for a moment . will justin mcnulty resign from laois or the s d l p

mickcunningham (Westmeath) - Posts: 1893 - 06/02/2024 14:31:34    2524762


Replying To mickcunningham:  "just to bring gaa in for a moment . will justin mcnulty resign from laois or the s d l p"
Neither! Fair play to him. The DUP played games for long enough. He's the elected representative for Armagh, and a little suspension won't bother him.

Ryanteam (Cork) - Posts: 467 - 06/02/2024 17:19:21    2524812


Replying To baire:  "He returned to his book when he realised that rugby would never be allowed in Kilkenny!"
Making great strides!

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 06/02/2024 21:43:28    2524843


Replying To Viking66:  "
Making great strides!"
I was only teasing Barney!

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 07/02/2024 13:47:39    2524927


Replying To baire:  "I was only teasing Barney!"
He can be a little sensitive Baire;-)

Viking66 (Wexford) - Posts: 15033 - 07/02/2024 14:38:59    2524942


Replying To Viking66:  "He can be a little sensitive Baire;-)"
Only over two things:

the purgatory of Dublin hurling, and:

proper research standards :-)

(Agus leadanna i bhrstí bán dhearg ag imirt galf agus ag ól gin i lár na Gaeltachtaí mar dhaoine tar éis landáil i measc treabhanna aisteach sa fásach.)

BarneyGrant (Dublin) - Posts: 3427 - 07/02/2024 15:29:01    2524960


Replying To Viking66:  "He can be a little sensitive Baire;-)"
We're all sensitive about certain issues Viking. I'd agree with Barney on soccer and rugby tbh. I find soccer especially, boring and a waste of time apart from the odd game when two top teams play each other. I went to Landsdowne Road twice in my life, once to see the Irish soccer team and once to see the rugby team, I haven't gone back and don't intend to.

baire (Galway) - Posts: 1849 - 07/02/2024 15:47:13    2524969
