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Nothing new there, that's how the Dubs became known as the "Jackeens". A good auld country woman got a bit annoyed with all the Union Jacks flying in the city to welcome queen Vic to Dublin and her famous put down to the locals was "Ye and your f****ng jackeens" meaning union jacks of course.
MillerX (Meath) - Posts: 1082 - 22/01/2023 17:44:47 2453452 Link 1 |
All managerial posts are sorted by this now I'm sure. Club season just around the corner. ThatchRoof (Tyrone) - Posts: 3 - 12/02/2023 16:54:29 2457940 Link 0 |
Says the man from the Royal County !!!
DUBJOHN (Dublin) - Posts: 940 - 13/02/2023 13:23:24 2458068 Link 0 |
I think to be fair to Meath ( not an expression I use often) the Royal in this instance relates to the Kings of Ireland, and does not relate to anything across the Irish sea.
anotheralias (Galway) - Posts: 968 - 13/02/2023 13:52:06 2458078 Link 0 |
Just wanted to get a Tyrone opinion on the amount of media work that their players are doing recently. It seems way over the top compared to any other counties. Many many podcasts on many platforms the last 6 months from a good 6-7 players talking about everything, some are great and touch great topics that need to be covered but Conor Meylers on OTB recently looks to be one that is needless. It just sticks out that its all tyrone players, dont see many mayo, dublin, kerry players etc on national media talking so much. monaghanmad (Monaghan) - Posts: 400 - 05/05/2023 10:48:35 2475851 Link 0 |