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Tyrone Club Football

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Replying To The_Fridge:  "my record for predictions is awful but I will go Clonoe, Dromore, Carrickmore & Errigal. So if you support any of these teams I've probably jinxed you!!!!!

Looking forward to the matches.

Why are the two games on Sunday in different venues - could it not be a double header in Carrickmore? If people like me want to see both its a hassle to leave one venue to go to another. Maybe there is a reason but I don't see the point. surely its easier organised for the two games to be in one venue? better crowd."
Wish i had off put a few quid on that!!!!

The_Fridge (Tyrone) - Posts: 2092 - 13/10/2022 10:38:01    2443810


Replying To Saynothing:  "Errigal have been caught on the hop to often in past years. It's theirs to lose. Dromore are no pushovers and a full game from Sludden will help but how do you stop the two Canavan's. Years ago people from outside the county went to club football to see Frank Mc Guigan, these boys are similar. Other semifinal Clonoe are a 20 minute one man show. They need big Danny and he's not fit enough for a whole game."
Dromore will have 15 men behind the ball. Double mark the Canavan's. They will keep it tight and pray they are still in it with 10 to go and hope their fitness seems them though. Real Jim McGuiness 2011 football.

Errigal impressed me. They played Petey Harte right up the pitch and he provided so much to the Canavan's. I thought he was excellent. Dungannon maybe a bit open at the back but at least they went out on their sword. However Errigal have slipped up in the past. Errigal to win by 9.

Carrickmore vs Clonoe. Carrickmore just about id say. Will be tight but i think Carrickmore just have that bit more quality.

Errigal Vs Carrickmore final will interesting if it comes to pass.

The_Fridge (Tyrone) - Posts: 2092 - 13/10/2022 10:46:52    2443813


Very tight I will go for Clonoe v Dromore final.

Byanthon (Tyrone) - Posts: 1781 - 13/10/2022 11:23:08    2443818


It's crazy that we are now in a 17th season where a new champion will be crowned.

We have not had a back to back champion in that time.

The quality of the championship games did take a dip this year but it is still by far the best championship in the country.

Good luck to Carrickmore and Errigal in the final.

Wally (Tyrone) - Posts: 920 - 17/10/2022 10:12:16    2444273


Replying To Wally:  "It's crazy that we are now in a 17th season where a new champion will be crowned.

We have not had a back to back champion in that time.

The quality of the championship games did take a dip this year but it is still by far the best championship in the country.

Good luck to Carrickmore and Errigal in the final."
It is amazing. Great championship - couldn't have a championship like they do in Kerry, does not make sense to me.

Best of luck to both teams. Hopefully its a dry day after the last two weeks

The_Fridge (Tyrone) - Posts: 2092 - 17/10/2022 12:39:04    2444312


I was at the Dromore vs Errigal match last night. Enjoyed it, tense and exciting. Weather meant it was impossible for a quality match but that's what you get when you play matches in the October and not July but that's an argument for another day.

Errigal deserved it - just. Canavan's well marked and they both made poor decisions, especially in the last 10 mins. Ruairi especially made a criminal at the end going for an impossible score from the sideline. Should have kept possession. If he thinks the like of Dublin or Kerry wouldn't punish a mistake like that he's in for a rude awakening. However, he will learn.

Dromore stuck to their task - they needed another scoring forward. they missed quite a few chances that they will regret.

I thought Niall Sludden was a disgrace, not only in this match, but the Omagh game the previous week. He dived on 5 occasions last night, he dived on 4 occasions against Omagh. Ref fell for it in first half but caught himself on in the second. Diving is becoming a huge problem in the modern game and the like of Sludden who is instigating it. The other Sludden, no 14, is the exact same. Needs stamped out with heavy bans.

Watched Carrickmore vs Clonoe game on TV - not a great watch but plenty of effort. Carrickmore were the better team - their work rate impressed me - all over the pitch. Young McGarrity excellent. Clonoe were poor - no forwards.

The_Fridge (Tyrone) - Posts: 2092 - 17/10/2022 12:50:44    2444315


Replying To Wally:  "It's crazy that we are now in a 17th season where a new champion will be crowned.

We have not had a back to back champion in that time.

The quality of the championship games did take a dip this year but it is still by far the best championship in the country.

Good luck to Carrickmore and Errigal in the final."
Mayo championship is very good standard. Tyrone have a poor record in the Senior provincial club championshzip for all the hype the championship it gets because it's knockout
There is still good games in other counties that don't have knockout

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 17/10/2022 13:44:54    2444327


Replying To Wally:  "It's crazy that we are now in a 17th season where a new champion will be crowned.

We have not had a back to back champion in that time.

The quality of the championship games did take a dip this year but it is still by far the best championship in the country.

Good luck to Carrickmore and Errigal in the final."
I'll be honest, I've only seen a handful of Tyrone club games over the past few years, but I do find it strange that the winners have really struggled to make a dent at Ulster club level.
Since Errigal won it almost 20 years ago, Tyrone have only had 1 club in an Ulster final.
Derry have had 9, Armagh 8, Down 6, Antrim 4 and Monaghan 2. Only Cavan and Fermanagh with 1 each as well, are on a par with Tyrone in that time.
Obviously a competitive championship is very important, but I'd also like to the top team have a real rattle at something more.
There's a plethora of brilliant footballers in Tyrone. Is it the case that the quality is just so evenly spread across the county and no very strong team has emerged at any point?

WanPintWin (Galway) - Posts: 2105 - 17/10/2022 14:23:33    2444340


Replying To The_Fridge:  "I was at the Dromore vs Errigal match last night. Enjoyed it, tense and exciting. Weather meant it was impossible for a quality match but that's what you get when you play matches in the October and not July but that's an argument for another day.

Errigal deserved it - just. Canavan's well marked and they both made poor decisions, especially in the last 10 mins. Ruairi especially made a criminal at the end going for an impossible score from the sideline. Should have kept possession. If he thinks the like of Dublin or Kerry wouldn't punish a mistake like that he's in for a rude awakening. However, he will learn.

Dromore stuck to their task - they needed another scoring forward. they missed quite a few chances that they will regret.

I thought Niall Sludden was a disgrace, not only in this match, but the Omagh game the previous week. He dived on 5 occasions last night, he dived on 4 occasions against Omagh. Ref fell for it in first half but caught himself on in the second. Diving is becoming a huge problem in the modern game and the like of Sludden who is instigating it. The other Sludden, no 14, is the exact same. Needs stamped out with heavy bans.

Watched Carrickmore vs Clonoe game on TV - not a great watch but plenty of effort. Carrickmore were the better team - their work rate impressed me - all over the pitch. Young McGarrity excellent. Clonoe were poor - no forwards."
What match were you watching when you think Niall Sludden is a disgrace? Changed the game when he came on against Omagh and took a few hefty tackle's yesterday. If you want to see diving, check out Matty Donnelly in all games especially county matches.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2097 - 17/10/2022 14:54:54    2444348


Replying To WanPintWin:  "I'll be honest, I've only seen a handful of Tyrone club games over the past few years, but I do find it strange that the winners have really struggled to make a dent at Ulster club level.
Since Errigal won it almost 20 years ago, Tyrone have only had 1 club in an Ulster final.
Derry have had 9, Armagh 8, Down 6, Antrim 4 and Monaghan 2. Only Cavan and Fermanagh with 1 each as well, are on a par with Tyrone in that time.
Obviously a competitive championship is very important, but I'd also like to the top team have a real rattle at something more.
There's a plethora of brilliant footballers in Tyrone. Is it the case that the quality is just so evenly spread across the county and no very strong team has emerged at any point?"
I think a different team winning championship every year for the past 17 years doesn't help. Maybe this year Errigal might get a run in Ulster, they have the forwards to do it. They weren't at their best yesterday but got over a dogged Dromore side who kicked too many wides when games are so close. I'd like to see the two Canavans against unfamiliar opposition.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2097 - 17/10/2022 15:10:18    2444350


Bought the game yesterday and thought it was a really good game for the conditions! Errigal in the 1st looked like they were going to steamroll home however Dromore have a never say die attitude and with a little bit of luck (and better shooting) could be sitting in a final. A few of the Dromore lads took on some shots where normally they would go between the sticks however with the rain that was on Healy last night made it much more difficult.

Peter Teague and Darragh Canavan were the two standouts for me!

On to the final - expect Erigal to shade it but Carrickmore wont go down without a fight

Jaybloggs (UK) - Posts: 37 - 17/10/2022 17:21:56    2444388


Replying To Saynothing:  "What match were you watching when you think Niall Sludden is a disgrace? Changed the game when he came on against Omagh and took a few hefty tackle's yesterday. If you want to see diving, check out Matty Donnelly in all games especially county matches."
In my view, neither player is a disgrace, calm down

points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 262 - 17/10/2022 19:28:37    2444406


Replying To WanPintWin:  "I'll be honest, I've only seen a handful of Tyrone club games over the past few years, but I do find it strange that the winners have really struggled to make a dent at Ulster club level.
Since Errigal won it almost 20 years ago, Tyrone have only had 1 club in an Ulster final.
Derry have had 9, Armagh 8, Down 6, Antrim 4 and Monaghan 2. Only Cavan and Fermanagh with 1 each as well, are on a par with Tyrone in that time.
Obviously a competitive championship is very important, but I'd also like to the top team have a real rattle at something more.
There's a plethora of brilliant footballers in Tyrone. Is it the case that the quality is just so evenly spread across the county and no very strong team has emerged at any point?"
I think you've answered your own question; and I think you've also identified the either / or, when you say:

"a competitive championship is very important, but I'd also like to the top team have a real rattle at something more."

Thing is, you can only really have one or the other.

The competitive nature of our club c'ship is a big factor in why our clubs traditionally underperform in the provincials. It's such a battle to win the county that teams are spent when they win it; and also they simply don't care as much (too happy to have won the county - the attitude that everything else is a mere bonus); and finally any team needs a run at the provincials.

I know from speaking to people in clubs in other Ulster counties who tend to do well in provincials that they were often hammered in their first year in the provincial, and only started to become competitive in their second or third year at it, once the novelty of winning the county had worn off.

That suits counties where you have one team who is significanly ahead of most of its opposition in the country, your Kilcoos, Derrygonnellys, Crossmaglens etc.

Tyrone isn't like that. We have no respect for each other, nobody genuflects to anybody else, and most teams genuinely feel they can win it or, at the very least, knock a fancied team off their perch. Lots of bitter rivalries in Tyrone adds to the crack. Remember, we used to have 2 county boards, one for the East, one for the West, so adept were we at tearing stripes off each other.

I remember Kilcoo guys last year saying how, at the start of their year, they set themselves a target of winning the Ulster and the All Ireland!

Mad stuff altogether, from a Turone perspective. Nobody would say that in Tyrone.

If you tried that crack in a Tyrone club, you'd be shouted down for "losing focus" and for being an idiot - it would be seen as pie-in-the-sky thinking / unlucky, to chat about that before winning the county - when everyone knows there's a very good chance you won't even make it out of the county.

So what happens in Tyrone is a newbie team, very inexperienced in provincial terms, who has not paced themselves, or timed their training for a provincial run, emerges, unprepared, after a heavy bout of wild community celebrations, blinking in the headlights, and gets turned over by a grimly-determined team for another county, often a team who more or less expects to win their county, and who has treated their county campaign as a good warm-up. And that Tyrone team will never be seen again, their own neighbours. Dromore, for instace, would have given Ulster a good rattle this year. But sure they mightn't win again for a decade.

Until Tyrone becomes a county where one or two teams regularly win the county, we're sadly unlikely ever to do much outside the county. And until winning the county becomes very easy for 1 or 2 teams, then they'll never focus properly on anything but the county.

Kilcoo, Cross, Kilmacud, Dr. Crokes, these teams are a bit disappointed if they don't win at least a provincial. A county title is not enough for them.

Whereas, in Tyrone, if you win a county title, you're already a local legend, the year already can't get much better, and anything further is pure bonus territory.

points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet (Tyrone) - Posts: 262 - 17/10/2022 19:48:07    2444408


Replying To Saynothing:  "What match were you watching when you think Niall Sludden is a disgrace? Changed the game when he came on against Omagh and took a few hefty tackle's yesterday. If you want to see diving, check out Matty Donnelly in all games especially county matches."
I'm not saying he didn't play well - he was excellent when he came on against Omagh and played well against Errigal. The problem I have is that he dived on a consistent basis. I know he's not the only one but he dived on a consistent basis when barely touched - conning the ref to give a free. Needs stamped out of our game

The_Fridge (Tyrone) - Posts: 2092 - 18/10/2022 10:35:11    2444453


Replying To points50swiththeargyllsonthewrongfeet:  "I think you've answered your own question; and I think you've also identified the either / or, when you say:

"a competitive championship is very important, but I'd also like to the top team have a real rattle at something more."

Thing is, you can only really have one or the other.

The competitive nature of our club c'ship is a big factor in why our clubs traditionally underperform in the provincials. It's such a battle to win the county that teams are spent when they win it; and also they simply don't care as much (too happy to have won the county - the attitude that everything else is a mere bonus); and finally any team needs a run at the provincials.

I know from speaking to people in clubs in other Ulster counties who tend to do well in provincials that they were often hammered in their first year in the provincial, and only started to become competitive in their second or third year at it, once the novelty of winning the county had worn off.

That suits counties where you have one team who is significanly ahead of most of its opposition in the country, your Kilcoos, Derrygonnellys, Crossmaglens etc.

Tyrone isn't like that. We have no respect for each other, nobody genuflects to anybody else, and most teams genuinely feel they can win it or, at the very least, knock a fancied team off their perch. Lots of bitter rivalries in Tyrone adds to the crack. Remember, we used to have 2 county boards, one for the East, one for the West, so adept were we at tearing stripes off each other.

I remember Kilcoo guys last year saying how, at the start of their year, they set themselves a target of winning the Ulster and the All Ireland!

Mad stuff altogether, from a Turone perspective. Nobody would say that in Tyrone.

If you tried that crack in a Tyrone club, you'd be shouted down for "losing focus" and for being an idiot - it would be seen as pie-in-the-sky thinking / unlucky, to chat about that before winning the county - when everyone knows there's a very good chance you won't even make it out of the county.

So what happens in Tyrone is a newbie team, very inexperienced in provincial terms, who has not paced themselves, or timed their training for a provincial run, emerges, unprepared, after a heavy bout of wild community celebrations, blinking in the headlights, and gets turned over by a grimly-determined team for another county, often a team who more or less expects to win their county, and who has treated their county campaign as a good warm-up. And that Tyrone team will never be seen again, their own neighbours. Dromore, for instace, would have given Ulster a good rattle this year. But sure they mightn't win again for a decade.

Until Tyrone becomes a county where one or two teams regularly win the county, we're sadly unlikely ever to do much outside the county. And until winning the county becomes very easy for 1 or 2 teams, then they'll never focus properly on anything but the county.

Kilcoo, Cross, Kilmacud, Dr. Crokes, these teams are a bit disappointed if they don't win at least a provincial. A county title is not enough for them.

Whereas, in Tyrone, if you win a county title, you're already a local legend, the year already can't get much better, and anything further is pure bonus territory."
Just to point out its not a given that Kilcoo win Down almost every year, 2019 final they beat Warrenpoint by 1 point , a game the point could have won only for a red card , last year they won their last 3 Cship games by 2 points, This year they played 2 extra times and Clonduff had a kick to put them out, in the final Wpoint really should have won in normal time, but again Kilcoo do what they are very good at win tight games, again to some Kilcoo men i know will say getting out of the county is the hardest part

germac (Down) - Posts: 542 - 18/10/2022 18:54:05    2444537


My oh my that junior club didn't cover themselves at all they made fools of themselves, granted what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch but it's what came after, the manager shouldering lads and the the glasses lad come on, better team won.

Sportsfanatic90 (Westmeath) - Posts: 219 - 15/01/2023 16:09:55    2452539


Replying To Sportsfanatic90:  "My oh my that junior club didn't cover themselves at all they made fools of themselves, granted what happens on the pitch stays on the pitch but it's what came after, the manager shouldering lads and the the glasses lad come on, better team won."
Yeah the hack of that manager and his carry on, haha

Bon (Kildare) - Posts: 2006 - 15/01/2023 16:57:58    2452551


Not surprised to read the number 24 was previously banned for 36 weeks. He could have a longer ban coming for yesterdays carry on.

peiledoir20 (Donegal) - Posts: 902 - 16/01/2023 09:28:16    2452647


yes but ref was poor lost control first tyrone red card was harsh no need for it then a high dangerous tackle around the neck from Fossa player only resulted in a yellow card was at least a black card and more a red one than the one the tyrone lad got. Having said that tyrones second red card was a disgrace elbow to the jaw a pure act of thuggery and deserves a 12 month ban.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 16/01/2023 10:57:05    2452660


i think Kerry players get off lightly i remember in 14 AI final hitting Murphy off the ball continously

highdropingball (Donegal) - Posts: 107 - 16/01/2023 11:50:16    2452679
