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The Donegal/Armagh Row

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I'm hearing on the grapevine that Armagh have contacted Liverpool FC to ask where they got those Luis Suarez t-shirts back in 2011

JoeSoap (Donegal) - Posts: 1432 - 06/04/2022 17:11:36    2410014


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Yep, like if a Guard spotted O'Neill doing what he did on a Saturday night somewhere then he'd likely be lifted and punished accordingly. Laughable really the the GAA has taken until now to propose a punishment when everyone could see as clear as day what happened."
Supposedly Oniell got word of getting the ban before they Appealed the other bans!! The cccc is looking into the row and could be more bans on both sides!! Donegal sub goalie meant to be one which would be deserved as he got involved and a number of dif arguments and a lot of players with numbers covered in trouble!! Could be more twists in this situation yet but def has affected the game and won't be the same

Neilmcdonald (Armagh) - Posts: 5 - 06/04/2022 17:22:35    2410016


Clear from who got suspended / targeted that it was a case of setting the trap and our boys walking straight into it.

ardmhacha (Armagh) - Posts: 172 - 06/04/2022 18:09:05    2410024


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Eh? We're not the ones appealing bans, we've taken our medicine. Maybe a bit more self awareness and introspection needed in the Armagh ranks. They'lll be wearing "Why Always Me" t-shirts like Balotelli next. It's not the first time this year even that Armagh have been involved in a controversial melee so I'd be looking closer to home before casting aspersions at Donegal's sporting integrity.

By the way, when was the last time Armagh beat Donegal? You have improved granted but you're not Kerry yet."
It goes in cycles Lockjaw. Maybe you're too young to remember the noughties.

ardmhacha (Armagh) - Posts: 172 - 06/04/2022 18:11:07    2410025


Replying To Neilmcdonald:  "Supposedly Oniell got word of getting the ban before they Appealed the other bans!! The cccc is looking into the row and could be more bans on both sides!! Donegal sub goalie meant to be one which would be deserved as he got involved and a number of dif arguments and a lot of players with numbers covered in trouble!! Could be more twists in this situation yet but def has affected the game and won't be the same"
I thought this might happen, whatever intentions were intially Armagh are clearly unhappy with how the suspensions have played out. Both counties are guilty, but if Armagh intend to appeal using all the channels, the GAA would need to makesure every angle of video coverage is studied prior to those hearings taking place, to prove a significant investigation took place, and also to ensure they miss nothing that could be showed during the appeals. It wouldn't surprise me if a few more Donegal players/personnel are called up to the disciplinary bodies. The whole thing is unfortunate, as it would have been a great game of football.

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 06/04/2022 18:43:09    2410029


Replying To gunman:  "We are much more "NORTHERN" than you are."
Correct - sure them Armagh boys sound like they're from Louth : )

essmac (Tyrone) - Posts: 1141 - 06/04/2022 19:29:25    2410034


Replying To Neilmcdonald:  "Supposedly Oniell got word of getting the ban before they Appealed the other bans!! The cccc is looking into the row and could be more bans on both sides!! Donegal sub goalie meant to be one which would be deserved as he got involved and a number of dif arguments and a lot of players with numbers covered in trouble!! Could be more twists in this situation yet but def has affected the game and won't be the same"
From watching the video again its hard to make a case for Lynch our sub goalie not be banned. I think Shane O'Donnell and Stephen McMenamin for us and Jason Duffy for Armagh will be sweating a small bit if there is more bans.

naomh_conaill_4 (Donegal) - Posts: 500 - 07/04/2022 09:27:25    2410062


Replying To ardmhacha:  "Clear from who got suspended / targeted that it was a case of setting the trap and our boys walking straight into it."
Michael Murphy getting himself stamped on the trap those Armagh boys was a touch foolhardy.

themaddog (Wicklow) - Posts: 141 - 07/04/2022 09:41:08    2410064


Replying To ardmhacha:  "It goes in cycles Lockjaw. Maybe you're too young to remember the noughties."
Oh don't you worry lad, I have many painful memories of Armagh's domination over us in the 00's.
It promises to be a lot closer on this occasion than in the recent past. It's just a pity that discussion over the game itself has been totally overshadowed by all this nonsense.

McFadden-Ferry will be a big loss for us. He is a good, tight, aggressive defender. All going well this would be my guess at our 15 to start...

how do you see your 15, if the lads remain unavailable through suspension?

1. Patton
2. McMenamin
3. McCole
4. Ward
5. Gallagher
6. McFadden
7. Mogan/McHugh
8. McGee
9. McGonagle
10. Langan
11. Thompson
12. N O'Donnell
13. McBrearty
14. Murphy
15. J Brennan/Gallen/C O'Donnell

Lockjaw (Donegal) - Posts: 9619 - 07/04/2022 09:50:39    2410070


Replying To ardmhacha:  "Clear from who got suspended / targeted that it was a case of setting the trap and our boys walking straight into it."
That's a nonsense argument. The results are nothing to do with the cause.

Al_Maguire (Donegal) - Posts: 257 - 07/04/2022 10:08:15    2410074


Replying To ardmhacha:  "Clear from who got suspended / targeted that it was a case of setting the trap and our boys walking straight into it."
Utter nonsense. Our management have enough work ahead of them in organising a more cohesive attacking strategy never mind plotting a covert plan to annoy Armagh players who can't control their own behaviour. Stick to the facts of what did happen never mind the misguided conspiracy theories.

Donegal_abroad (Donegal) - Posts: 1391 - 07/04/2022 13:53:23    2410144


Replying To ardmhacha:  "Clear from who got suspended / targeted that it was a case of setting the trap and our boys walking straight into it."
Aye , yous are so naive around Armagh.

Saynothing (Tyrone) - Posts: 2250 - 07/04/2022 15:15:34    2410161


Replying To Neilmcdonald:  "Supposedly Oniell got word of getting the ban before they Appealed the other bans!! The cccc is looking into the row and could be more bans on both sides!! Donegal sub goalie meant to be one which would be deserved as he got involved and a number of dif arguments and a lot of players with numbers covered in trouble!! Could be more twists in this situation yet but def has affected the game and won't be the same"
Not true - word was given Friday/Saturday last week. Well documented that Armagh had appealed before then.

eirekeeper (Monaghan) - Posts: 118 - 07/04/2022 15:40:14    2410168


Replying To Lockjaw:  "Oh don't you worry lad, I have many painful memories of Armagh's domination over us in the 00's.
It promises to be a lot closer on this occasion than in the recent past. It's just a pity that discussion over the game itself has been totally overshadowed by all this nonsense.

McFadden-Ferry will be a big loss for us. He is a good, tight, aggressive defender. All going well this would be my guess at our 15 to start...

how do you see your 15, if the lads remain unavailable through suspension?

1. Patton
2. McMenamin
3. McCole
4. Ward
5. Gallagher
6. McFadden
7. Mogan/McHugh
8. McGee
9. McGonagle
10. Langan
11. Thompson
12. N O'Donnell
13. McBrearty
14. Murphy
15. J Brennan/Gallen/C O'Donnell"
It would have been closer, but as it is, Armagh I suspect will use it to look at different players, and maybe formations ahead of the Qualifers. Comfortable game ahead for Donegal.

sam1884 (UK) - Posts: 999 - 07/04/2022 16:24:37    2410174


All a load of ****… the ref on the day should have taken 2/4 players aside and shown them red cards… This nonsense with this ccccccc after every game is a joke… How can there be 7 officials looking after the match and they can see nothing… Time for some of these umpires and linesmen to get a red card for total incompetence… GAA turning into a joke sport run by spoofers…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3526 - 07/04/2022 16:26:02    2410176


Replying To eirekeeper:  "Not true - word was given Friday/Saturday last week. Well documented that Armagh had appealed before then."
Not sure but just going by word!! Appeal up soon isn't looking good for armagh!! Hopefully Campbell might get away with it as he didn't punch or get anyone in the headlock!! Thing he done wrong was first on from the sub bench but believe it was more to stop than fight

Neilmcdonald (Armagh) - Posts: 5 - 07/04/2022 16:30:53    2410177


Replying To Neilmcdonald:  "Not sure but just going by word!! Appeal up soon isn't looking good for armagh!! Hopefully Campbell might get away with it as he didn't punch or get anyone in the headlock!! Thing he done wrong was first on from the sub bench but believe it was more to stop than fight"
Yea he was trying to stop the fight, we can say the same about neill Mc gee he was trying to get the Donegal players to safety..

rorysboys (Donegal) - Posts: 2586 - 07/04/2022 17:20:35    2410185


This is certainly going to be the talking point in the lead up to.this years Ulster Championship. Personally I cannot see any of the suspended Armagh players getting off and I didn't even watch a video of this fracas. The Armagh Tyrone fracas in the league game was a real fiasco and its vibrations will continue long into this year's Ulster Championship and maybe even further afield. The Gaa are now playing a balancing game as the decision making in the initial fracas must be an embarrassment to all concerned that day.

border Gael (Monaghan) - Posts: 906 - 07/04/2022 21:59:10    2410202


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "All a load of ****… the ref on the day should have taken 2/4 players aside and shown them red cards… This nonsense with this ccccccc after every game is a joke… How can there be 7 officials looking after the match and they can see nothing… Time for some of these umpires and linesmen to get a red card for total incompetence… GAA turning into a joke sport run by spoofers…"
There was 20+ plus people involved its not easy for the officials to see every little thing. Any you cant have lads acting like thugs throwing punches and getting away with it.

sourmilk93 (Roscommon) - Posts: 1200 - 08/04/2022 09:46:22    2410214


Replying To sourmilk93:  "There was 20+ plus people involved its not easy for the officials to see every little thing. Any you cant have lads acting like thugs throwing punches and getting away with it."
There wasn't a decent punch thrown in the whole thing…. The GAA overreacting as usual

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 3526 - 08/04/2022 13:23:59    2410247
